1000 and One--the Blue Book of Non-Theatrical Films (1927)

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Fifth Edition RELIGIOUS 103 GROUP 136 (Continued) RELIGIOUS Religious God and the Man (6) Drama woven around life and work of John Wesley. (33, 112) God's Good Man (6) From story by Marie Corelli. (112) God's Handiwork (1) The wondrous gifts of Nature the Creator. (66A) The Good Samaritan (1) Modern story parallelling the Bible story and made in the original settings of the parable. (XVI, 23, 37A, 56, 66A, 71, 112, 113, 156, 158A) Gospel Stories (2) Selected from the New Testament. (18, 56) The Great Redeemer (5) Drama of spiritual redemption of two convicts. (23) Hel! and the Way Out (5) A dramatic motion picture of a great world drama, The League of Nations. (3 7A) His Birthright (1) The story of Jacob and Esau in modern parlance. (49, 66A, 71, 158A) Holy Bible Series (30) Thirty one-reel subjects from "Creation" to "Solomon in All His Glory." (49> The Holy City (1) Modern Jerusalem in pictures with scripture passages used as sub-titles. (42) Hushed Hour (5) A picture sermon on the serious aspects of life. (66A) Immortality (1) The question, "If a man die, shall he live again?" answered in nature's analogies. (23, 56, 66A, 112,, 113) Jesus the Christ (5) Picturization of life of the Saviour. (XXV, 27A, 112) Johnny Ring and the Captain's Sword (4) Accurate delineation of the Biblical narrative. (2 3, 37A, 69, 112, 115) Joseph and His Brethren (4) Accurate delineation of the Biblical narrative. (XXVI, 112) The Key to the World (3) (56, 71, 113, 158A) The Least of These (6) "Whatsoever you have done to the least of these you have done unto me." (112) Lest We Forget (5) Heredity and environment play a great part in moulding the life of Jimmy McNulty. (S7A, 112) Life of Abraham (6) Story of the Father of Israel from his marriage with Sarah to his death. (XXV) The Life of Christ from Great Paintings (2) The title tells it. (112.) Life of Christ (5) Reproduction of Passion Play. (42, 112) The Life of Moses (5) Story of the great law-giver. (112, 12 8 A) The Life of Our Savior (6.) Story of His life pictured in fitting and reverent manner. (128 A) Life Immortal (1) Shunamite Mother and the lesson Prophet Elijah taught her. (23, 37A, 56, 113) Light of Faith (4) Its power to cure the woes of mankind. Legend of the Holy Grail beautifully interpolated. (23, 37A, 56, 66A, 69, 113) ** The Light of the World (7) Re-edited version of "The Birth of a Race." (112, 137) Little Jimmy's Prayer (2) A story of faith in answered prayer. (112) The Little Shepherd (2) The story shows the truth of the fable, "Honesty is the best policy." (66A, 112) ** The Lord is My Shepherd (1) Beautiful pictorial exposition of TwentyThird Psalm. (23, 37A, 56, 66A, 71, 112, 113, 156, 158A) ***The Lord Will Provide (1) Modern illustration of Biblical text. (23, 37A, 49, 56, 66A, 71, 112, 113, 156, 158A) A Maker of Men (6) Dramatic story contrasting life of man who lives for self and one who lives for others. (18, 37, 37A, 42, 113, 115) The Man of Galilee (6) New life of Christ. Biblically correct. (112,) ***The Man Nobody Knows (6) Picture of the places where Jesus lived and worked. Edited and titled by Bruce Barton. (XVI) Man, the Social Builder (1) The architect of the Christian community which is the foundation of the Christian state. (23, 56, 113, 156) Martin Luther — His Life andi Times (8) Outstanding events in the great Protestant Reformation. Made on scene of great reformer's life. (37, 86) Memories (2) Condensed version of "The Stream of Life." (113) A Modern Ruth (2) Bible story in connection with a war story. (37A, 49, 56, 66A, 71, 112, 113, 158A) My Rosary (2) Scenes of Bible stories included in story of Puritan days. (18, 56) Nature, the Majestio (1) Wondrous gifts Nature the Creator has bestowed upon his people. (2 3, 56, 113) Oberammergau (1) Home of the Passion Play and some of the players. (151)