1000 and One--the Blue Book of Non-Theatrical Films (1927)

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106 COMEDIES, NOVELTIES, ETC. "1000 and One'* COMEDIES Eari Hurd Comedies (1 each) Animated drawings combined with human actors, (VI) Imperial Comedies (2 each) Series. (IX) Juvenile Comedies (2 each) Series. (VI, 42) Buster Keaton Comedies (2 each) Series. (m) Koko Song Car-Tunes (1) Series of one-reel subjects. Koko, the clown, leads the audience in singing old time melodies from the screen. (XIX, 42) Krazy Kats (1 each) Series. (4 2) Harold Lloyd Comedies — Several of his most popular short comedies: "Among Those Present" (3) "I Do" (2), "Never Weaken" (3), "Swat the Crook" (1), "Step Lively" (1), "Captain Eidd's Kids" (2). (XV) Lupino Lane Comedies, 1927-2S (2) Consisting of eight two-reel subjects. (VI) The Married Life of Helen and Warren (2 each) Series. (IX) Mermaid Comedies (2 each) Series. (VT, 42) Mutt and Jeff Cartoons (1) Series of one-reel subjects. Bud Fisher's best laugh producers. . (IV, XX) The Nick o' Time Baby (2) Gloria Swanson in one of her first appearances. (56. 113) One-Third Off (2) Comedy by Irvin Cobb and Grantland Rice, concerning vicissitudes of fat man trying to reduce. (XV) Our Gang Comedies (2) A unique and universally popular series with a juvenile cast. (XIII, XV) Out of the Inkwell Cartoons (1) Series of thirteen. Max Fleischer's animated cartoons. (XIX, XX, 42, 112) Out of Luck (1) Constance Talmadge in an earlv comedy appearance. (56, 113) Snub Pollard Comedies (2) Series. (XX) Hal Roach Comedies (1 and 2 reel subjects). Series. (XV) Joe Rock Comedies (2) Series. (XX) Larry Semon Comedies 1927-2S (2) Eight two-reel subjects. (VI) Shoulder Arms (2) The famous Charlie Chaplin comedy. (XV) Sid Smith Comedies (2 each) Series. (XX) Snooky Comedies (8) Series. (112) The Spat Family Comedies (2) Nine stories of mishaps and errors of these three amusing characters. (XV) A Study in Tempo (1) Shows the methods of creating optical illusions by means of a high speed motion picture camera. • (66 A) The Sunshine Spreader (2) A comedy. (23) Tit for Tat (2) Comedy. (112) Twisted Tales (1) Single reel comedies with an unexpected ending. (XX) Universal Comedies (1 each) Featuring Neely Edwards, Bert Roach, etc. (XXVII) Van Bibber Comedies (2 each) Richard Harding Davis' complete stories. (LX) Why Hesitate (2) A comedy. (42) Will Rogers Comedies (2 each) Philosophy mixed with humor. (XV) Winnie Winkle Comedies (2) Series of two-reel subjects. (XX) MAY WE HELP YOU? THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN is constantly being consulted by those in charge of film programs for instruction and entertainment, to assist in selecting film subjects for use in teaching or to suggest suitable entertainment films for school or community use. Write to us concerning your film problems. The staff of The Educational Screen stands ready to give you the benefit of its long experience in the field.