Business screen magazine (1958)

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"Stay on the money" is an old motion picture principle, as you know. It's the producer's ability to keep attention focused on the main subject of the film. And that's what Fred Niles Productions does. It stays with the all-important purpose of the film . . . the reason why you are making a picture. A Fred Niles film tells your story, or imparts your idea, in the best possible manner. You can find this one factor— adhering to the purpose of the picture — in Fred Niles films, whether TV spots, sales training or highly technical industrial films. These are some of well-known companies currently doing business with Fred Niles Productions: Clearing Machine Corp., McCann-Erickson, Armour & Co., Admiral Corp., John W. Shaw, York Corporation, Quaker Oats Company, Leo Burnett, Lions International, Montgomery Ward, Edward H. Weiss, Sundstrand Aviation. FTtEID -A-. IsTILES Frod-Liotions, Ino. Motion pictures for theatre, television and industry 22 W. HUBBARD STREET CHICAGO 10, ILLINOIS SUperior 7-0760 In Hollywood: RKO Paths Studios, Culver City NUMBER 1 VOLUME 19