Business screen magazine (1958)

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AWARD COMPETITIONS FOR BUSINESS FILMS THE TENTH ANNUAL SCHOLASTIC TEACHER FILM AND FILMSTRIP AWARDS Sponsored by Scholasfic Teacher Magazine (Program and award dates fo be announced) Entry Deadline: September I, 1958 JOARD OF Judges: Judges are drawn from a anel of 75 outstanding audio-visual education xperts — teachers, city and state supervisors, nd college teachers. They are nominated by udges on the panel and by Editors of Scholasic Teacher. For impartiality, their names re kept secret. Chairman: Mrs. Vera Falconr. Scholastic Teacher Film and Filmstrip ;ditor, 66 West 87th Street, New York, N.Y. iLiGiBLE Films and Filmstrips: All films nd filmstrips produced for school use ( other han college) between September 1, 1957 and eptember 1, 1958. L WARDS AND CATEGORIES: Certificates are warded as follows: 10 for sponsored films or grades kindergarten through 12th; 7 for 1ms for grades 3 to 7; 7 for films for grades through 12; 7 for filmstrips for grades 3 to ; 7 for filmstrips for grades 7 through 12. 'ilms and Filmstrips must be suitable for ;hool use and fit into school curriculums for rades 3 through 12. Films produced origin (also see pages 20, 190, 192, 194, 197) ally for television have received awards in recent years. Entry Information: Write Mrs. Vera Falconer, Scholastic Teacher Film and Filmstrip Editor, 66 West 87th Street, New York City. EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL DISPLAY OF CINEMATOGRAPHY FOR PUBLICITY. INDUSTRY AND TECHNICS USE Sponsored by the International Milan Samples Fair, Milan, Italy April 12-27, 1958 Categories: Publicity Films; advertising products, services, etc. Industrial and Technique Dnriimentary Films; achievements of industry, manufacturing operations and applications. Entry: Address requests for information to Dr. M. G. Franci, The Secretary General, Milan Fair, International Display of Cinematography for Publicity, etc., Ente Autonomo Fiera Milano — Via Domodossola, Milano, Italy. Juries: The President of the Milan Fair will appoint two different juries to award prizes to films admitted in the Display; one for the Advertising Category and one for the Industrial and Technical Category. The Jury for the Advertising Category will consist of a film director, two publicity technicians, a cinematography critic, one Milan Fair Exhibitor, and a private citizen representing the public. The Jury for the Industrial and Technical Category will consist of a film director, publicity technician, three Milan Fair Exhibitors, a merchandise Commissioner of the Fair, a newspaperman of the technical press, and a private citizen. Awards: Prizes will be awarded according to the film's purpose. A print of each award winning film will be granted by the entrant to the Fair Archives of prized films. SIXTH ANNUAL CARTOONISTS" FILM FESTIVAL Sponsored by the Screen Cartoonists Guild (Entry deadline, date and locale to be announced) Entry Information: Write to Lawrence L. Kilty, business manager. Screen Cartoonists Guild, 2700 No. Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood 28, California. The festival will take place in the fall of 1958 in September or October. It will be held in Los Angeles. (CONTINUED ON PAGE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO) Sometimes We Overlook The Obvious! The nationally recognized quality built into Calvin production work is available to you — as a Calvin services customer. Our standard of quality in 16mm film* is a PLUS value — a producer's understanding of other producers' needs. Just one reason v/hy we are working in partnership with hundreds of other producers today! V^ Complete Productions V^ All Production Services ^ B/W or Color Printing and Processing V^ Projection Equipment BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE