Canadian Film Weekly Year Book of the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (1963)

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tures 1925 and the regulations under it (Regula¬ tions respecting the censorship of films, lastly revised by Order in Council No. 342 of 31 March 1949). Saskatchewan: The Theatres and Cinematographs Act 1940 and the Regulations under the Theatres and Cinematographs Act, lastly amended by Order in Council No. 48 of 1948. Finally, in the North West Territories which do not constitute a province, there is the Ordinance respecting Motion Pictures, lastly amended on 17 March 1948, dealing mainly with theatre licensing and safety conditions. As there are only four licensed cinemas in the North West Territories which obtain films through provincial distribution, and as such films have been censored by the provincial authorities, it has not b^en considered necessary to carry out further censorship. In Newfoundland, there is an "Act regarding the Censoring of Moving Pictures," but no regu¬ lations have been laid down thereunder. At one time a Board of Censorship existed but it was dissolved some years ago. All provincial acts contain regulations concern¬ ing the licensing of cinemas with a view to public safety and compliance with censorshio rule*. Gen¬ erally the licensing includes permanent cinemas as well as mobile cinemas and drive-in theatres both for 35mm and 16mm. In the Province of Quebec, film performances in the open air and consequently drive-in theatres, are prohibited. Most of the provinces require by law th-*t pro¬ jectionists must pass an examination and obtain a certificate. Film exchanges (distributing companies and their local agents) must also be licensed, generally to ensure the safe storage of films. In different prov¬ inces, such as the provinces of Alberta, Nova Scotia and Ontario, the law contains a clause according to which the authority in charge may prescribe the terms and conditions under which films may be sold, leased or exchanged. In addition the Lieutenant-Governor in Council of the province of Ontario may require that a proportion of the films available for distribution to exhibitors and the films exhibited in each theatre be of British manufacture and origin, and he may fix such proportions on a monthly or yearly basis. The Nova Scotia Theatres, Cinematographs and Amusement Act lays down that no cinema may be deprived of the number of films necessary for its operation and also that no cinema may contract for more films than are reasonably required. A special rule of the British Columbia Moving Pictures Act provides for the establishment of a British Columbia Patriotic and Educational Pic¬ ture Service under the Department of the AttorneyGeneral The task of this service is to produce and acquire films and slides of a patriotic, edu¬ cational or entertaining nature (especially con¬ cerning the Province or the Dominion) and to furnish them without charge for public exhibition in the cinemas. The Director of the Service may issue directions to the cinemas as to the times and manner of the exhibition of the films and slides. Finally different provincial acts deal with enter¬ tainment taxes and all of them contain censorship rules. The general pattern is that cen¬ sorship is exercised in each province by a Censor¬ ship Board and appeals against the decisions of these Boards can be made to the provincial Appeals Boards. Furthermore, films are usually censored under two categories: Adult and Suit¬ able for Family Entertainment (or General), but Ontario and BC have added a third classifica¬ tion: Restricted, under which only persons over 18 years may be admitted. The age under which children may not visit cinemas unless films es¬ pecially approved for them are shown, varies from 14 to 16 years. However, in the Province of Quebec children under 16 were not admitted at all from 1927 until 1961, when legislation was introduced to change this. (For censorship fees and exchange licences see Censorship section.) 142