Educational film catalog (1936)

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749-778 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 749 Artistic furniture For cabinet making, see class 684 American wing. 45min 16-si-$90 35-si-nf- $180 prior 1927 Metropolitan museum 749 "The fagade and the rooms of the Amer- ican Wing, with close-up pictures of the outstanding object in eacii interior. The views are arranged chronologically and are augmented by interpretive titles that outline briefly the significance of the various periods. The exteriors of several houses contemporary with the rooms in the American Wing are introduced to supple- ment the Museum interiors." Producer jh-sh-c 750 Painting 75 7 Portrait painting Pednting a portrait by Wayman Adams. 40min 16-si-$90 35-si-nf-$180 1933 Metropolitan museum 757 Made in the studio of Wayman Adams The painter begins with the setting of the palette, then builds up the portrait step by step Jh-sh-c 760 Engraving 761 Wood engraving Last of the w^ood engravers. 30min 16-si- $50 35-si-f-nf-$150 1930 Harvard 761 To preserve and make available to pos- terity the extraordinary technique of Mr. Timothy Cole, last of the great wood en- gravers, the Boston musettm of fine arts commissioned the production of this pic- ture The El Greco masterpiece, "Fray Feliz Hortensio." With a reproduction of the painting to guide him, Mr. Cole chooses a . carefully sharpened graver and begins to cut the lines in the block of boxwood. This was the last engraving carved by Mr Cole just before he died 767 Etching Drypoint. 30min 16-si-$50 35-si-nf-$150 1929 Harvard 767 Supervised by Henry P. Rossiter, Cura- tor of prints at the Museum of fine arts, Boston "The whole process from the original sketch to the final print. The artist who illustrates the technique of drypoint is Mr. Frederick G. Hall, of the Guild of Boston Artists, best known for his etchings of Old World houses and people. To make quite plain the means by which the various characteristic tones of drypoint are pro- duced, he makes a small plate illustrating the specialized uses of the individual tools. Then, on a larger plate, with drypoint needle, diamond point, graver, and roulette Mr. Hall builds up the portrait, which he has transferred to the plate from the ori- ginal sketch, by minute ploughing of the copper. The artist then inks the plate thoroughly and puts it through his pic- turesque hand press." Producer jh-sh-c Etcher and his art. 6min l6-si-$7.78 35-ii- f-nf-apply Bray 767 "Demonstration of etching, from the sketching of the first 'cartoon' to the 'pull- ing' of the artist's proof from the finished copper plate. Posed by Walter Raymond Duff, etcher of the famous Harvard Cam- pus pictures." Producer Etcher's art. 30min 16-si-$50 35-si-nf-$150 1929 Harvard 767 Supervised by Henry P. Rossiter, Cura- tor of prints at the Museum of fine arts, Boston "At the request of the Museum of Fine Arts, the widely-known artist Frank W. Benson lent his cooperation for this pro- duction. Mr. Benson has achieved an in- ternational reputation for his etchings of wild fowl. A brief historical and explana- tory resume at the opening of the film displays etchings by various masters, past and present, reproduced from original prints in the Museum. The artist begins by transferring a pencil sketch by pressure to the coated and smoked surface of a copper plate. Then, guided by the faintly visible lines, Mr. Benson's delicate needle cuts through the coating, thus exposing the copper along the lines of the drawing. When the hundreds of lines which com- pose an etching are all exposed, the artist floods his plate with acid to etch them into the copper. He then cleans his plate, inks it, and pulls a proof." Producer So few people realize the great difference between the acid process (etching) and the tool process (drypoint) that it is sug- gested that this film be shown together with "Drypoint," listed above 770 Photography 778 Moving pictures Finding his voice. 14min 16-sd-apply 35- sd-f-nf-loan 1929 Western electric 778 "A cartoon type talkie showing how mo- tion pictures of the sound on film type are made and reproduced. The animated draw- ings, together with the verbal explanation, give a comprehensive treatment to this subject." Texas jh-sh-c How movies move. 8min 16-si-$9.84 35-si- f-nf-apply Bray 778 "Animated technical drawings combined with actual photography explain the opera- tions of the motion picture projection ma- chine." Indiana Jh-sh-c How talkies talk. 13min 16-sd-apply 35- sd-f-apply Gaumont British 778 "The principles of sound recording and reproduction are demonstrated." Producer Guide Museum of modern art film series. 16-si- sd-apply 35-si-sd-f-nf-apply Museum of modern art 778 The museum has collected some of the outstanding films from 1895 to date. They have made a series of programs running for one-two hours. In the 35mm width most of the films are on safety stock but a few are available on flammable stock only; also some are available in silent ver- sions only and some in sound only. Users should therefore make very careful in- quiries. The various units in Series no. 1 si - silent; sd • sound; f • inflammable; nf-safety; el- elementary; jh - junior high; sh - senior high; c • college 72