Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG Soil s— Continued Save the soil 631.4 Saving the soil by terrac- ing 631.4 Testing seeds in soil 631.5 Solar eclipse of August 31, 1932 520 Solar eclipses. See Kclipses Solar engines Energy from sunlight 621.4 Solar phenomena 520 Solar radiation Energy from sunlight 621.4 Solid geometry. See Geom- etry Some friendly birds 598.2 Some larger mammals 591.9 Some seashore animals 591.92 Some water insects 591.92 Songbirds at mealtime, Baby 598.2 Songs Jack and Jill in Songland 784 Sorcery. See Magic Sound Fundamentals of acoustics 534 Sound waves 534 Sound waves and their sources 534 Apparatus How talkies talk Sound motion pictures. See Moving pictures. Talk- ing Sound waves 534 Sound waves and their sources 534 South America Continent of South Amer- ica 918 Rollin' down to Rio 918 Under the southern cross 918 See also Amazon val- ley; Argentine Republic; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Patagonia; Peru South Dakota Civilian conservation corps at work—Colorado, Wy- oming, and South Da- kota 634.90d Southern states New South 917.5 Old South 917.5 Southern states 917.5 Souvenirs of Singapore 915.95 Soy-bean Four men and the soy 633.3 Spain Through oil lands of Eu- rope and Africa—Ger- many, France, Spain, Morocco, and Algeria 665.5 See also Granada Span supreme 624 Spanish conquerors. Rich- man, I. B. See Colum- bus 973.1 Spanish dancer. See Models in motion 741 Spark-plugs Along the firing line, or The story of a spark plug 629.2 Sparrow hawk 598.2 Spectacular experiments in crystallization 540 Specters. See Ghosts Spectre F Speech, Electrical transmis- sion of 621.38 Speeding up our deep sea cables 621.38 Sphinx Calling on the sphinx 916.2 Temples and tombs of an- cient Egypt 932 Spiders Bees and spiders 595.79 Beneath our feet 595.7 Black-and-orange garden spider 595.4 Killers 595.7 Spiders. Eastman 595.4 Spiders. Erpi 595.4 Spinnmg Art of spinning and weav- ing 677 Sponge industry 593.4 Sponges From the Bahamas to Ja- maica 917.29 Sponge industry 593.4 Spontaneous combustion. See Combustion Sports Summer playing field ac- tivities 796 Sports of sailormen 359 Spring Four seasons 570 Springtime miracle 583 Sprinkles of salt 359 Spyri, Johanna Heidi of the Alps F Squirrels Adventures of Peter 599 Bre'r Rabbit and his pals 599 Furry creatures 599 Tame wild life of Yose- mite 591.9 Stages of child growth 136.7 Stained glass. See Glass painting and staining Stamps, Postage. See Post- age stamps Starfishes Marauders of the sea 593.9 Seaside friends and coun- try cousins 594 Some seashore animals 591.92 Steam "Water 628.1 Steam boilers. See Boilers Steam engines Steam power 621.1 Story of power 621 Steam power 621.1 Steam turbines Modern trend in turbine design 621.1 Turbine with the solid ro- tor 621.1 Steamboats Ocean liners 387 Steamships. See Steamboats Stebbins, Cyril Adelbert. See Citizenship series Steel Carrying American prod- ucts to foreign lands 382 Heat treatment of steel 669.1 Making an all-steel auto- mobile body 629.2 Pig iron to steel 669.1 Story of steel 669.1 Steel construction Builders 690 Empires of steel 725 Fabrication and erection of the Bank of Manhat- tan building 725 Steinmetz, Charles Proteus. Thomas A. Edison 92 Stenography. See Shorthand Stentor Microscopic animal life 593 Protoplasm—the beginning of life 593 Stephen Foster. Fitzpatrick 92 Stephen Foster. Gutlohn 92 Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright Day of the confederacy. See Dixie 973.7 Stethoscope Family album 621.38 Stickleback Crayfish-stickleback 597 Day at the river 597 Stilts (Birds) ^^„ ^ "Wading birds 598.2 Stone, Arthur John (as actor) Silversmith 739 124 stone, Lewis (as actor) Lost world F Stone, Louise L. Primary teacher at work 372 Stone quarries. See Quar- ries and quarrying Storage batteries Story of a storage battery 621.35 Storks Pirates of the sky 598.2 Story of a can of salmon 639 Story of a storage battery 621.35 Story of asbestos. See As- bestos 553.6 Story of copper milling 669.3 Story of copper mining 669.3 Story of copper refining 669.3 Story of copper smelting 669.3 Story of dynamite 662.2 Story of federal reclajnation 626.8 Story of gasoline 665.5 Story of iron 669.1 Story of lead mining and milling 669.4 Story of lead smelting 669.4 Story of leather 675 Story of lubricating oil 665.5 Story of monel metal 669.7 Story of nickel 669.7 Story of petroleum 665.5 Story of power 621 Story of steel 669.1 Story of sulphur. See Sul- phur 553 Story of the airship 629.1 Story of the fabrication of copper 669.3 Story of the gasoline motor 621.4 Story of the magnet 538 Story of the Star spangled banner 929.9 Story of the tire 678 Story of the "Women's bu- reau 331.4 Stoves Hot air heating 697 Stratosphere. See Atmos- phere, Upper Strauss, Johann (as sub- ject) Jonann Strauss 92 Street safety—for advanced grades 614.8 Street safety—for primary grades. See note under Street safety—for ad- vanced grades 614.8 Streets street safety—for ad- vanced grades 614.8 Stretchers First aid—carrying the injured 614.8 String choir 787 Stringed instruments String choir 787 Structural engineering. See Building, Iron and steel Struggle of French and English for North America 973.2 Study of a mountain glacier 551.31 Study of infant behavior 136.7 Study of Niagara 917.47 Study of shore features— bold shore 551.36 Study of shore features— low shore 551.36 Stull, De Forest. See "World geography series Stung! by Amos Quito 595.771 Submarine boats Submarine service 623.825 Submarine cables. See Cables, Submarine Submarine service 623.825