Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION I n f a n ts— Continued Judy's diary from morn- ing until night 649 Life begins . 136.7 Nutrition Baby's first year 649 Child care—feeding the infant 649 Judy's diary from morn- ing until night 649 Infection and infectious diseases. See Contagion and contagious diseases Informer; excerpt 177 Inheritance (Biology). See Heredity Injunctions Family affair; excerpt 174 Injuries. See Accidents Injurious insects. See In- sects, Injurious and beneficial Inland navigation Boat trip 386 Boats of the Great Lalces 386 Canals of England 386 Defense review no. 3 pt. 1 973 Flatboatmen of the fron- tier 386 Great Lakes 386 Inland voyaging 917.1 Inland voyaging 917.1 Innerbottom section: setting up floors and longi- tudinals 623.8 Innerbottom section: sub- assembly of a closed floor; sub-assembly of an open floor 623.8 Insect clowns 595.7 Insectivorous plants Plant traps 581.5 Insects Beneath our feet 595.7 Desert land 591.5 In our pond 591.92 Insect clowns 595.7 Insects in flight 595.7 Killers 595.7 Microscopic mysteries 595.7 Insects, Aquatic Pond insects 591.92 Some water insects 591.92 Water folk 595.7 Insects, Injurious and bene- ficial Family affair 613.81 Planting and care of trees 632.7 Potato enemies 632.7 Insects, Pond 591.92 Insects in flight 595.7 Inside baseball 796.357 Inside of arc welding 671W Inside the Capitol 917.53 Inside the Federal bureau of investigation 364 Inside the White House 917.53 Instruction. See Education; Teaching Instruments, Musical. See Musical instruments Instruments, Stringed. See Stringed instruments Insulation (Heat) Heat and its control 697 Story of rock wool in- sulation 697 Insurance, Life American portrait 658.8 Yours truly, Ed Graham 368 Insurance, Old age. See Old age pensions Insurance, State and com- pulsory Social security for the nation 331.25 Insurance, Unemployment Social security for the nation 331.25 Intelligence, Measurement of 371.26 Intelligence offices. See Employment agencies Intelligence tests. See Men- tal tests Intemperance. See Liquor problem Inter-American highway By highway to the canal 917.28 Our neighbors down the road 918 Rollin' down to Mexico 917.2 Interdependence 3()0 Interdependence of living things 581 Interdependence of pond life 591.92 Interior decoration. See House decoration Interna! combustion en- gines. See Gas and oil engines International cooperation Interdependence 301 International ice patrol 614.8 International law and rela- tions Interdependence 301 Intestines Alimentary tract 612.3 Digestion 612.3 Into the blue 629.13 Into the unknown 591.5 Intolerance. See Religious liberty; Toleration Intoxicants. See Alcohol Introduction to airplane riveting 621.8 Introduction to mechanical drawing 744 Inventions American portrait 658.8 Caravan 603 Frontiers of the future 330.9 Land of invention 608 New roadways 608 Servant of mankind 921 White banners; excerpt (invention sequence) 170 Inventors Land of invention 608 Invertebrates Invertebrates from the Gulf of Maine 591.92 Invertebrates from the Gulf of Maine 591.92 Iowa Corn farmer 633.1 Day of threshing grain 631.5 Iran. See Persia Iraq Glimpses of the Near East 915 Ireland Come back to Ireland 914.15 Gem of the sea 914.15 Glimpses of Erin 914.15 Informer; excerpt 177 Irish fantasy F Irish pastoral 914.15 Iris (Plant) Iris family 582.13 Wild flowers. Eastman 582.13 Iris family 582.13 Irish fantasy F Irish pastoral 914.15 Iron Iron mining and manufac- ture 669.1 Iron ore to pig iron 669.1 Making a V-type engine 621.4 Pig iron to steel 669.1 Iron and steel building. See Building, Iron and steel Iron madonna of Nurem- berg 914.3 Iron mines and mining Iron mining and manufac- ture 669.1 Iron ore to pig iron 669.1 Making and shaping of steel 669.1 Iron mining and manufac- ture 669.1 Iron ore to pig iron 669.1 Iron ores Iron mining and manu- facture 669,1 Iron ore to pig iron 669.1 Irrigation Irrigation 626 Irrigation—a brief out- line 626 Irrigation farming 626 Reclamation in the arid West 626 rrlgatlon 626 rrigation—a brief outline 626 rrlgatlon farming 626 rritabillty Reactions in plants and animals 581 s there room for us 371.42 slam. See Mohammedanism slam in Egypt 297 sland empire 915.2 sland of Malta 914.58 sland of yesterday 919.21 sland people 914.2 slands of the West Indies 917.29 sles of the East 919.2 t might have been you 634.92 talian architecture. See Architecture, Italian Italian Libya 916.1 talian sculpture. See Sculpture, Italian Italy Through oil lands of Eu- rope and Africa—Italy, Hungary, the Danube and Rumania, R 1 665.5 See ulso Naples, Italy; Rome (City); Venice Itchy Scratchy 591.5 It's a date F It's the little things that count 658.8 It's up to us 629.2 Iturbi, Jos6 Jose Iturbi, harpsichord 786.2 Jose Iturbi, pianist 786.2 Ivens, Jorls Spanish earth 914.6 Ives, Burl Tall tales 784 Ivory carving People of the Congo 916.7 Jackson, Andrew Old Hickory 921 Jackson, Stonewall. See Jackson, Thomas Jona- than Jackson, Thomas Jonathan Under Southern stars 973.7 Jal alai Game of jai-alai 796.3 Highlights of jai alai 796.3 Jails. See Prisons Jamaica From the Bahamas to Jamaica 917.29 Jamestown 973.1 Jane Eyre F Jannlngs, Emil Der alte und der junge koenig F Numbers given here refer to full descriptions which are given in Part 2 (p. 79) 34