Educational film guide. Supplements ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE, 1959 HERITAGE \\l— Continued C!iIiINTON GOLDEN— II. Mr Golden states his views on the paramount problem confronting labor and industry, i.e.. how to live and work together to mutual benefit. He examines the part of organized labor In furthering good international relations through international organizations CLINTON GOLDEN— in. Mr Golden examines some of the philosophy and practices of organized labor and evaluates their , effectiveness in furthering the objectives of labor. He makes suggestions for building a stronger growth policy and for devising a more workable system for labor negotiations CLINTON GOLDEN— IV. Mr Golden discusses ithe responsibilities of unions in our democracy, the development of labor leaders, educating the public to labor philosophy and practice, and the opportunities of improving labor relations. Certain labor practices are critically examined by Mr Golden and his guests HERITAGE iV (4 films). NET 1956 ea 29min sd b&w rent ea $4.75 c-ad Produced by WQED Titles are: DAME EDITH SITWELL— L Dame Edith Sitwell discusses with her guests some of the outstanding qualities of poetry throughout the ages. She gives some of her own impressions of great poetry DAME EDITH SITWELL— H. Dame Sitwell reads selections from her own poetry DAME EDITH SITWELL— III. Dame Sitwell discusses life, poetry, the world, and people with two guests from the English Department of Carnegie Institute of Technology DAME EDITH SITWELL— IV. Dame Sitwell reads selections from her own poetry HERITAGE V (5 films). NET 1956 sd b&w rent ea $4.75 c-ad Produced by WQED Titles are: HENRY STEELE COMMAGER— I. 30min. Dr Commager discusses the political thinking of today. Explains the desirability of the inductive or pragmatic approach to problems of politics and society. Discusses the concepts of majority and minority rule, loyalty, and security in terms of theoretical dangers, fundamental truths, and moral absolutes HENRY STEELE COMMAGER— II. 29min. Dr Commager and his guests discuss aspects and problems of American higher education. Presents one viewpoint concerning the need for change in public thinking toward higher education, how students acquire attitudes, college and university methods, intellectual versus social training, educational leadership, and the problem of standards HENRY STEELE COMMAGER— III. 29min. Dr Commager and his guests discuss freedom and security in today's society. Defines freedom as a natural right, a practical necessity, and a way of living. Considers the problem of freedom, security, and loyalty on a national as well as a local level HENRY STEELE COMMAGER— IV. 30min. Dr Commager discusses the subject of nationalism. Examines the growth of nationalism in the United States. Tells how American nationalism differs from that found in other parts of the world. Points out and explains the current rise of nationalism and the problems involved HENRY STEELE COMMAGER— V. SOmin. Dr Commager discusses the place of America in history. Explains early European curiosity concerning the value of the discovery of America. Points out how America's contribution to technology, social democracy, federal politics, education, separation of church and state, and nationalism have influenced institutions elsewhere HERITAGE VI (4 films). NET 1956 ea SOmin sd b&w rent ea $4.75 c-ad Produced by WQED Titles are: ERNST VON DOHNANYI— L Mr Dohnanyi discusses with his guests his early days as a composer. He plays two of his own selections: "Intermezzo, opus no. 2" and "F minor rhapsody" ERNST VON DOHNANYI— II. Mr Dohnanyi discusses his days as a composer in Vienna and Berlin. He plays parts of "Winterigen," "Humoresque," and "Suite, opus no. 24" ERNST VON DOHNANYI— III. Mr Dohnanyi discusses the compositions he wrote in Budapest. He plays "Variations on Hungarian folk songs," "Ruralia Hungarica," and "Pastorale" ERNST VON DOHNONYI— IV. Mr Dohnanyi tells about his life in America. He and Mr Edward Kalenyi play "Suite in valse, opus 41," a composition for two pianos HERITAGE VII (5 films). NET 1956 ea SOmin sd b&w rent ea $4.75 c-ad Produced by WQED Titles are: 1. MEANING OP ARCHAEOLOGY. Dr Wil liam Foxwell Albright. Professor of Semitic languages, discusses the essential features of archaeology. Presents the means of translating these features to determine the patterns of human history. Describes mounds, layers, pottery, and scripts 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE OLD TESTA MENT. Discusses the historical background and different types of literature found in the Old Testament. Traces the trends of monotheism through Egypt up to the time of Moses S. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Discusses the meaning of religious law and its importance in the Near East. Presents an analysis of the prophets, their beliefs, and impact on the society of their day 4. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS. Discusses the importance of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Tells what scholars are learning from the Scrolls that applies to already accepted ideas that appear in the New Testament 5. IMPORTANCE OF LOGICAL THINKING IN THE NUCLEAR AGE. Discusses the emergence of Christianity out of a Jewish history. Points out the influence of the Hellenic or Western World to Christianity HERITAGE VIM (4 films). NET 1956 ea SOmin sd b&w rent ea $4.75 c-ad Produced by WQED Titles are: T.V. SMITH— I. Presents a discussion by Dr T.V. Smith, Maxwell Professor Emeritus of Poetry, Politics, and Philosophy, on the subject of truth, goodness, and beauty. Serves as an introduction to the three following programs T.V. SMITH — II. Discusses science as the discipline of truth. Places special emphasis upon the historical concepts of science. Analyzes the implications of science and science education T.V. SMITH— ni. Discusses art as the discipline of beauty. Emphasizes the elements of art and artists, the inward search of an artist, the disciplines an artist must be able to inflict upon himself and his art, and imagination T.V. SMITH— IV. Discusses politics as the discipline of goodness. Emphasizes the principles, interests, and disciplines of politicians and politics. Dr T.V. Smith relates his experiences to the subject of "goodness" 34