Educational film guide. Supplements ()

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ALPHABETICAL TITLE LIST THE SAINT LAWRENCE-NIAGARA POWER. Assn 1960 28min sd b&w free-loan sh-c-ad Sponsored by State of New York Power Authonty^^^^ two hydro -electric developments —the Niagara power project and the bt /-awrence power project. Shows how water drainingfrom four of the five Great Lakes will power the 2,190,000 kilowatt Niagara project and then, after flowing through Lake Ontario, will drive the turbine-generators in the 1,880,000 kilowatt St Lawrence project. Includes views of the two projects under construction LC card Fi A 60-3481 THE ST LAWRENCE SEAWAY. EBF 1960 16min sd b«S:w $90. rent $3.50; color $180, rent $5.50 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Describes construction and operation of the Seaway's canals, locks and power dams. Shows how it has affected world trade, transportation, economic conditions SALAD PREPARATION. SyracuseU 1958 13min sd color $125, rent $5 sh-c-ad Demonstrates hand techniques involved in preparing salad greens, French knife techniques, and the preparation of citrus fruits. Shows efllcient salad preparation techniques, determined through a series of controlled experiments LC card Fi A 60-3050 SALT HARVESTERS OF GUATEMALA.^ AV ED 1960 llmin sd b&w $50, color $100 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by Greene Rose Productions Living among the terrible volcanoes of Guatemala, the descendants of the Mayans have come to depend upon their "magic" elixir, the salt of Sacapulos to cure any ill. Shows the salt gathering families of the Rio Negro, the crude refinery, and distribution of the wonderful white cakes all over Central America A SALUTE TO THE AMERICAN THEATRE. Anti-Def 1960 45min sd b&w $75, rent apply jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by CBS-TV Shows dramatic and musical plays in the American theatre whose theme is freedom and anti-discrimination THE SANDIA STORY. BellTel 1960 34min sd color free-loan Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Lookout Mountain Laboratory for Sandia Corp. Traces the activities of a young engineer as he develops and tests a scientific recording system designed to record test data. Shows many of Sandia' s research, development and test facilities such as its model shop where experimental models of nuclear weapons are created SCHOOL LIBRARIES IN ACTION. NCPub Instr rev 1961 18min sd color $120. rent $4.50 c-ad Revision of 1956 film "Let's visit school libraries" Interprets the school library's services to pupils and teachers, grades 1-12, Illustrates planning for library use; guiding pupils' reading; teaching library skills; supplying instructional materials; and guiding reference work SCHWARZWALDREISE. See TRIP THROUGH THE BLACK FOREST SCIENCE IN SPACE. McGraw 1961 27min sd (Planet earth ser) b&w $80. color $150 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by National Academy of Sciences Explains scientific exploration of space and its contents, and the placing of satelUtes in orbit. Shows significant discoveries of modern space science, including the Van Allen radiation belts. Underscores the significance of satellite and space probes to man's understanding of the cosmos THE SCIENCE OF FIRE. BurCommRes 1961 20min sd b&w $31, free-loan; color $58, free -loan Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by MPO Productions for National Board of Fire Underwriters Tells story of fire, the principles of combustion and how fires can be prevented. Covers flash points, ignition temperatures, vapor travel and methods of extinguishment SCIENCE OF LIGHT. Churchill 1960 llmin sd b&w $60, rent $2.50; color $110. rent $4 el-Jh Guide Correlated with Heath Elementary science texts Uses animation, photomicrography and the visualization of experiments dirticult to do in the classroom in a discussion about refraction, the speed of light, how we see, where light goes, how light reflects from different surfaces, is absorbed and changed to heat, and transmitted through opaque, translucent, and transparent materials LC card Fi A 61-20 EFLA evaluation card No. 4361 THE SCOULER CASE. CanNFB 1961 13min sd b&w $75 ad Uses the case of a sixty-three-year-old farmer wlio comes to the hospital for cancer treatment to describe how volunteer workers at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto ease the patient's road to recovery and free the regular siaff for more technically demanding work. Explains that this hospital, treating mainly cancer cases, is proving that peace of mind and freedom from anxiety play a large part in a patient's recovery LC card Fi A 60-841 SCREEN PRINTING In CREATIVE TEXTILE DESIGN (8 films) THE SEARCH. NewMexDev 1960 28min sd b&w or color free-loan sh-c-ad Discusses the opportunities that are offered to industry moving into the State of New Mexico, and explains how a man who had never seen New Mexico learns of the unusual aspects of the State from the standpoint of climate, labor, and resources LC card Fi A 60-1595 THE SEARCH AT SAN JOSE. IntBus 1958 12min sd color $80. free-loan sh-c-ad Produced by On Film Story of how the RAMAC computer was developed. An inside look into the interrelationships of market research, engineering, product development, sales and production £ls RAMAC evolved from an idea into production line computers. Shows the San Jose IBM plant SEASONAL CHANGES IN PLANTS. McGraw 1958 llmin sd b&w $60, color $125 p-el Guide Produced by Centron Corp. Illustrates and explains the various changes that take place in a plant through the cycle of the seasons, using typical examples of annuals, biennials, and perennials SEAWAY BY SEA-HORSE. JohnsonMot 1960 27min sd b&w $56, free-loan; color $125, freeloan el-Jh-sh-c-ad Shows the Coronet Explorer, the first outboard to cross the Atlantic, from Montreal, Canada, to Chicago via the St Lawrence Seaway. Shows colorful Canadian and American scenery along the newly opened St Lawrence Seaway THE SECOND UNITED STATES. AmlnstArch 1960 13min sd color $75, rent $5 sh-c-ad Discusses the importance of the architect in community planning and redevelopment. Uses specific examples drawn from all parts of the nation, documents the need for community redevelopment. Shows importance of architect's collaboration with city planners, engineers, builders, bankers, and realtors 47