The New York Clipper (January 1905)

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1076 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaky 7. Calolum Gas and loving Picture Outfit Tho Plaid I* Lara*, comprising tbe regulertlieetre and lecture circuit, alio local fleldi Id Crmrcnei, Public Scbooli, Lodge, and General Public Gatherings. Nothing alTorda better opportunities for jmSr« P h iuj. Our Outfit Comprises J the 0. P. OO.'O model, PURB TOALOIUM 0*8 OUTFIT, the I greateat eandla powar,tha safest I and moat economical gae-mnkl n« I outfit ever Invented. WelaalSOIse. MnopUtM, Hoilig Pictcr, Kidlut, Ella* aiMaa *°d every acceiaory rnan, tiiDii n eed ed for complete entertainment!. Absolutely tbe lateit Dims and views on tbe market. Including all enbjecto for tbe public's cnjormeat. entertainment auppljr catalogue and SPICIAL OPFIH fully explains everything. IMiN FIUECTM C$„ m tnrsM II.. Btrl. *T. Hktia. FREE TO YOU . Self Lighting Pocket Lamp JSlio of pencil, lakes place kero. leene lamps, candlea and match- lea. Rapid aeller. Sealng'a be- ] Having. Bend stamp. PBBMIEH MFG. CO., pt. 28 it pibk rues, gsw tost CONTRACTS TIOXBTS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc. SAMPLES. WEBB PTO. 00., BU Dearborn St, Chicago, W. dXF* ^^ y^ Evinced drear astonishment arrhc marvellous feats of dannb and said- q &S2*V-. ^indeed. C&icedo , you are Ktnfl ofpicVfirc^ WISHES A HAPPY HEW YEAR TO FRIENDS, MANAGERS and AGENTS Tits MffNtai Atttaetlaa JMlfc Kt it Will's TtfttTB til* III ipii!. UfaTlllillllltlllTl.r:. tib win POITUTO 1B1TIE, Haaagsrs, wrfi e ar wire *• *ae«M tats act. "IMtaf DmiiiCHi." TffoOpenDatts Feb. 20;and March 20, vilW fin APRIL 17.1905 Wnt tl Hut frai Nil- mrs of Sieiir Pirks ail Fairs. LAST OPPOBTDHITY, A8 THIS IS CAICEDO'S LAST VISIT TO AMEBICA. WILL S001T BETIBE PBOI BDSIHESS. Address avapor Ronto or First Class Agents. Permanent addreaa. care of JAMES J. ARMSTROKO, 10 TJnlon Bqnare, Haw York City. CARL CLAIR'S BAND BARNUM & BAILEY SHOWS, K5€> — MUSICIANS — 450 SEASON of (90S FIRST CLASS MUSICIANS ON ALL INSTPUMENTS. opening early In March, at Madison Square Garden, N. Y. City. Superior accom- moaauons for traveling. Pullmaa sleeping can. Hotel! Sundays, and all week stands (No tips.) . Applicants will kindly state age, height, weight, experience, references, and sal- ary expected In first letter. Otherwise, not considered. Address CARL GLAIR, Blidiistir B. & B. Suw, No. 25 ill 27 W. 34lh St., Niw Yirk. CROUCH and RICHARDS JAN. 2, EMPIRE, HOBOKBN. OPEN TIME IN FEB. tand MARCH Address JO PAIOB SMITH, WM. MORBIS. AVALON WALTZ. PIANO SOLO ... 30*. ORCHESTRA .... 30*. LEADERS—Let us tell yon how to get It free. Chas. E. Roat Music Co., BATTLE CBKBK, MICH. O* EVERT DESCRIPTION BXOBPT UTHOSBAPHg' THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, OIO. J. PHILLIPS. Manager, 140 PE AR1 ■took Paper tor "When We Were tl,'"" wesl tb and Pot* OIO. J. PHILLI PB, Haaafer, 1*0 PEARL BT. (Pox Balldlngl, It. T. CITY. ~ yartv," "Bella of Blohmono," "Bpat BOOKINQ SHEET FOB l»0*-im HOW BBADT. "Bpetleaa Town. CIRCUS PRIXTIXG A SPECIALTY. W. J. H ANLEY Formerly Manager for "MABTBLL," "HABBJ OAH." ••BITMBK." Wire, my expense, OIBBOW HOtJfcK, Claelaaatl, Ohio. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS AT ALL TIMES. Sketch Teams, 81m Talking snd Dancing Acts; Musical Acts, Equilibrist and Gymnast Acts and Novelty acta of All Kinds. Break your jump between New York and Chicago. No Sunday work. Sis evening performances and three matinees. We pay no fancy salaries. This dty Is on the main line ol nil roads. . BENNETT•* FLEMING, London Vaudeville Theatre, London, Ont, Can. CENTRAL TRUNKS. M 1M: lain.. Ifl.BO- 82la. 19.60; 881n., 110.60; 401n.. 812.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, 17.6a BrnTTunkg, 1SOIZSUB. inside.' 112.00. Utbo TrnnVn. 4.V*i28V.sl2, Inside. 116.00 Bh'DPtd un receipt of 83.00, bal. C. 0. D. except over BOO miles, then remit whole amount B5sTOTw?lSaWatK ^NKV^CTJBY, Eat. 16B4, B. W. tor. Tth and Arch Sts., Phils. Fir Stick CinpaBles, for Repertelre C.mpanlis, fir Amitiars LAROBST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Booka for home amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jarley's Wax Work* glgna^^g^^Bg^ WALDORF and MENDEZ FILMS! FILMS! Aid Bovina Plctaro ■achlaaa, all ■akM, bnght asd for sate. FOH.40BLFBIA FOB EX0HAE8B, I608Hoitfi loth St., FkltedBlphlB, Pa., TJ. B. A. HI8H CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Lam stock, Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Fret. New Mammoth Catalogue just Issued, 20c List of 400 bargains In ana apparatus for 2c stamp A. BOTBBBEBQ, 170 Ontario Bt, Chicago. BON TON, Phila., EIGHTH, BELOW VINE STREET, OPEN OOT. a. HIbb. Class Coutinaono VnoderlUa. All persons must send photos asd billing matter two weeks In advanea. Artists be prepared to do two or more a day. Acta always wanted. Writs to above Theatre. ■ FILMS 8 MACHINES FOB SALE. 10,000ft. FILM, FROM 1 to Bets. PBB BOOK. Bookings with slabs, theatres, eto., for Moving Picture Enierulnmenta. Popular prices. F. B. DEUK-KR * CO., ' B. T. Entertainment Bureau, lie tth Avenue, N. T. City. PUTS Would like to Join First shows dally. ' . .■> bciuo Aorobats. itnstlon. Pastor's 14th St Theatre this week. Two able Mmagora, address as above, or N. Y. CUPrER. SHOES for Stage, street and evening, exclusive styles abb WORKUANdUIPOUARANTEEO. Short Vamp and Stage UlU always on hand. Mall Orders Filled. Fit Guaranteed. WIUL.IAMI BSRN8TEIN, Tel. let Madison Sauare. sot Sixth Ave., near nst street, B. T. Th* Only metrical Supply Hwh Id Pslltdolphli. far OUR SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, THE WAAS SUPFOBTKB, 43 Inch Web, 745c. «•«•■ sent everywhere 0. O. D. when deposit aocomtanle* order. Send for Booklet. gag 8 SOB, Baa BosifcllgMtM Btn PBJUl., between Baos and Tins Bat. FRED and ANNIE PELOT fhls wask, OALDIR TBBAtlB, Bontb CbIcabo, HI. For Medicine Men Only. The richest and most successful medlolne men sell the Oenntne Quaker Medicines. Protected by registered trade mark Mo. u,«i. Why handle imitation when you can get tbe BEAL. The Quaker Doctors are the richest and most success- ful medlolne men of TODAY. Follow their SYS- TEM. It's not the flashy paper or PACK aq E: It's a system, snd the man behind. Write for prices TODAV. QUAKER MEDICINE CO.. PR, JAMBB FBBPON. Lltohfleld, 111. CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. WHY PAT MORE? Onr XXX Trunk has no Equal. Its Superiority and Low Price gives It every advantage over any trunk made, be- ing built on well seasoned Bssswood, with a Continuous ateel Binding, Canvas, Glued on, snd over 300 Blyets used. Heavy Bawhide Handles, Tste Locks, Bin. Tray, made to Swing In the top, making In all the Best Theatrical Trunk. Guaranteed 6 Years. 28, f 10.76; 80, tll.26; 82, an.7B; 84, J12.7B : 80, 18.75; 8B, $14.76 ; 40, $16.76. Our XX Trunk Compares Favorably with any Theatrical Trunk Made. Built on Bssswood Box, Covered with Sail Dnck, Olned on, Bound with H« Dowels and Double Hinges Angle 1 4ln. Tray. A Very Strong- Rive SO, $7,76; 32, $8.25; 34, $8.75; 86, $9.25; 38, ,9.75; 40, $10.25. STEEL CLAD.—Bssswood Box, Covered with Cold Rolled Steel. I Deip Tray, Yale Lock, Large Bolts and Dowels. Tbe Best Cheap Trunk on tbe MARKET. 28, $5 60; 30, $6.00; 82. $6.50 ; 34, $7.00; 36, $7.50; 88, 88.00; 40, $8.60. Ipt of $5.00. Write for Catalogue. ra cox, <_overea wiu esu Heavy Steel, Yale Lock, igle Edglug, 1 gin. Tray, llveted Tnrnt 28, $7.25; Shipped c. 0. D. on recel,. SI. S. OASET, 441 Oth Ave., Bet. 2flth and 27th 81«., H. T Eatabllahed 47 Tears. (FBOM OOLOONB, OEBMANT) NEW YOHK 43» BAST 17t> STUKET JIW YORK 4t»naf«ctarer of OBOAJIB FOB. MERRY-GO-HOTJNDS, SHOWS, Etc. Play lag by HOLLER OB CARDBOARD axOSgC. NEW HOLLERS A SPECIALTY. ANT OP TO DATE TUBE YOU WANT FOB CAV10LI 0 EG AN 8, 1 6, 67 AND 87 KEYS. MR. J. B. CORSON, Bloomsburg, Pa, says: "I have had a thousand or more congratula- tions on my music you made for me, and I have recommended yon to a great many I met on my travels this Summer, and now would like to bare some more good music." WANTED, WANTED. WANTED, On the Roads to Pine Beach—All kluda of Privilege People write quick and get placed for the greatest season In the South. We open Sundays In April, and May 1 for good. Beads will cover eight hundred feet long snd one hundred feet wide, snd will have a One walk down the centre and electric arch at main entrance. Come and get the money. J. H. LIVINGSTON, P. 0. Box 70S, Norfolk, La. THE SBEAT KHSLUH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, :visw, 401 Stx> S-OREIQlf SUBSCRIPTION FBOFEBSIOSAL ADVERTISE BBW TOBK OORRE3P0NDEET AND EBT.. IDA advertisements will be received. Copies on file. • aw. ceL. iiuitc lb, oFFioa t« arTakas Virc»xmtecl, EIGHT TO TEN PIECES: COMBINATION BAND FOR ELECTRIC PARK. Board can be procured at $15 to $» per month. Concessions granted to right devisee and attractions. Seventy-five thous- and people to draw from. Season April IS to Oot. UT Address MONTGOMERY AMUSEMENT OO^F. 0. B ox 164, Montgomery. Ala. Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaders! Do yon want to Learn to Compose and Aaraage Hnalcl If so, send Do. stamp for trial lesson. Nothing to pay until yon have been taught Lessons 1, a and 8. If these lessons do not convince yon that this Is Strtetlp Legit- imate, then They ax* Free. Don't write un- less yon have a thorough knowledge of the rudi- ments of music and afean Baslaesa. O. W. WILCOX (Harmonist) 1839 Broadway, W. Y. PERFORMERS FOR SUHDJ1Y. Sohmor Park ARTISTS OP ALL UHD8 WAITS FOR SUNDAY DATE MOrTTREAI* POPULATION, 7,600. READY BOB THE AQT. CITIZENS**). H. burned May 25, '04. Since close of last season, no show. TJBW HOUSE, CONTRACTED TO BE ITINI8HED IN MAY, FINISHED NOW. What's the answer} Nothing booked. DlTzBYif ATfnnMfiine T0 0FE >" house first or second ■If »*Xl AlXF&CTlOIlS WEEK IN JANUARY. Ready when you sre. 8end immediate and later open time for balance of season to CLIFF OBR, Owner, Manager, Etc., Aqulnaldo Theatre, Box 294, Tasoo City, Miss. FUNK & C0TS~£?Si: MoVIOKER'S THEATRE. Chlcaaro. 1U.. TUsphoiia—Central. 004. Band for Catsioaru* PEERLESS CLUB JUGGLING Address ' DUO. WM. BOHHIS. Tlieatre Lease and Fixtures for Sale. Population city, 60,000. A COLD MINE. Packed every performance; three shows daily, five on Sat- urday; prices. 10 and IS cents. Only one other theatre in opposition. Ground floor, msln street Will bear most regld Investigation. Will Fell at once account of disagreement of partners and other busi- ness. People with money meaning business address QOLDMINB, oaro Hotel Union, Toledo, 0. SHE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS f« ™™ ™Hg,»'' TBUSKB STORED FREE, write or telephone and we wm meet you at the depot. Telephone: NORTH 1T». 112 NORTH CLARK STBEET'OBIOAOO. MORRIS MANLEY, ADDRESS AH. I0H0L06UE ui snsma eomui. CUII AOI Bandmaster R. A. MILLER AT LIBERTY ABOUT APBIL 1, 1603 or line. " WIH accept any-thin*- Ont class. Double Cornet or Violin; Load Orca. Add. care CLIPPER Office, N. t. CTty. Nothing too big