The New York Clipper (September 1917)

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September 26, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 33 Burlesque News (Coal from Paae SO "LIBERTY GIRLS" IS GOOD SHOW (Continued from page 31.) Green and Paynton do an excellent acrobatic specialty during the action of the second act, in which they offer plenty of tumbling and falls. The act is speedy and got a big round of applause. The show is in two acts, with three scenes in the first and one in the second. The scenery is bright and attractive and the costumes pretty and well selected. They blend nicely. The chorus is pretty, the girls being mostly of one size. They do not work however, in unison in several of the num- bers. Campbell and Drew have spent con- siderable money on this show and have given a production, with plenty of scenery, costumes and a good cast, which, oo doubt, will repay daring the season. IRWIN SIGNS VAUDE ACT Fred Irwin has signed the Four Portias Sisters, an acrobatic, hand balancing and singing act, to join his "Majesties" next week at the Majestic, Jersey City. BABE BURNETTE CLOSES Babe Burnette, soubrette of Harry Hastings' Big Show, will close at the Ca- sino, Brooklyn, Saturday night. BEDIM AIDS SMOKE FUND Toledo, O., Sept. 21.—Jean Bedini and the members of his "Puss Puss" company helped greatly in the campaign conducted by a local paper for the Boys in France Tobacco Fund, here today. They enter- tained on the streets and took up collec- tions which amounted to over $1,200. SAM MICHAELS IS IN TOWN Sam Micheals is in the city fixing up bookings for the one night stand show he will put on the road about Oct. IS. He will start rehearsals in Pittsburgh early in October. DORIS DE LORIS GETS OFFER Doris De Loris. who is doing a classy Egyptian dance with the "Girls from Joy- land," has been made an offer for vaude- ville for next season.' LUCILLE AMES OPERATED ON Lucille Ames, soubrette of Jack Reid'a "Record Breakers," underwent an opera- tion in a local hospital last week. She win rejoin her show at the Howard, Boa- ton, in two weeks, it is expected. HERMAN GIBSON CLOSES Herman Gibson closed with the "Bowery Burlesquers" at the Empire, Brooklyn, last Saturday night. GUILD AND ROSS HAVE ACT Martin Guild and Harry Ross, last sea- son in burlesque, have entered burlesque with a new act which they tried out up- state during the past week. BARNEY KELLEY OFF TO WAR Barney Kelley has left with the other boys for camp at Yaphank, L. L KOSTER TO QUIT "FOLLIES" Chas. Roster, agent of the "Follies of Pleasure," has handed in his two weeks' notice. WODETSKY'S TROUPES PROSPER The two colored shows launched by. J. C. Wodetsky this season have proved suc- cessful. "Darktown Follies" has created nnusual interest in the Sonth while the "Fashion Plate Minstrels" are showing speed through Ohio. October 1 the two shows will be merged into one at Chat- tanooga, Tenn., and Manager Woodestky will personally handle the reins of the big organization. TO RE-COSTUME "JANE" Elliott, Comstock and Gest have de- cided to recostume the entire first act of "Leave It to Jane" before Oct. 1 and the entire second act before the first of November. Watch for the Big Vaudeville Sen- sation, "TEMPTATION," by Sam Morris WM. F. (Billy) HARMS EMPIRE THEATRE, Hooolien, N. J. (Member of T. B. C) JEAN BEDINI'! ENTERPRISES: .99 tt "Puss-Pass Forty Thieves »> ALAMAC THEATRICAL HOTEL Formerly tke New bfat JOS. T. WE1SMAN. Preprlotor . Northwest Corner 14th & Chestnut Sts., St Louis, Mo. Theatrical Hostelry, Cafe sad Cabaret Union Help (Member N. V. A. ana atarieeqae Club) Best Bet on the Circuit MEYERS ud SELTZER. Pn xwie tu re ZEISSE'S HOTEL PHILADELPHIA - Where all Show People meet. Best Home Crooking in Town. Music Every Evening. Pay Us a Visit. THERE'S A REASON VVhenlPlaylno Phliadclph.a Stop at THE MARGARET ^£iSS^S^fISS ET KENSINGTON'S POPULAR THE ATRI CAL HOUSE MOTHER MATHERSON UB E. Cumberland St, Philadelphia Around the Corner from People* Theatre When Playin« the People* Theatre, Philadelphia, DI TPfl pytg 1S12-14 E Cumberiand Street DU VlVLlEi I fcJ Half Block from Theatre Hot and Cold Water m Every Room European and American STOP AT O»o»»0»»»»»»C^O»O»»»O»»0«»o»0»00»»0^O0^»0»0»»»»0»«^»»»< STARS OF BURLESQUE MIDGIE MILLER AND THE chuck Callahan BrothersMMm Featured with Spiegel Rome MAYBELLE GIBSON LEADS . WITH AL. REEVES* BEAUTY SHOW R0SC0E AILS Principal Comedian Irwin's Majesties ft FLAIG - BEALL STRAIGHT SOUBRETTE Feature Dance "Who b She?" Baffle Cay Moraine Gloria* That Little Fire Fly FLOSSIE EVERETTE Burlesque Revue AFTER FIRST PERFORMANCE SIGNED WITH JOHN G. JERMON FOR A TERM OF FP/E YEARS CLIFF BRAGDON PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN $1,000,000 DOLLS. ' THEY SAY I'M THE SPEEDIEST IN BURLESQUE. ! MILDRED HOWELL WINSOME SOUBRETTE JACK REID'S RECORD BREAKERS VIDA SOPOTO PRIMA DONNA WITH WATSON'S ORIENTALS McINTYRE AND SHEEHAN THE TALKING ACT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT With MoUie William.' Own Show LUCILLE AMES Ingenue—Soubrette. With Personality and Ability JACK REID'S RECORD BREAKERS—SEASON OF 1917-18 NORMA BAR RY That Lively Little Ingenue Million Dollar Doll* CORKSCREW SC0TTIE FRIEDELL With $1,000,000 Dolla GRACE PALMER Fint Seaton in Burlesque. Prima Donna—Million Dollar Doll*