The New York Clipper (October 1917)

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34 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER October 10, 1917 >0»C ^ »0 •»»»»•»« »«0»»»»«0»0»»»»»OC»C»»fr»»»^">»^o^ *>-><^x^»o»»*»»»*»oo^»»o»»»»*«e*» a o»»'O»»»0o»»»»»»»«^ A REVELATION IN BURLESQUE MATT KOLB Principal Featured Cemedian and Pi«ducer "DARLINGS OF PARIS** AMERICAN WHEEL ALTIE MASOISI PRIMA DONNA HUGHY BERNARD'S AMERICANS PERCIE JUDAH American Beauty of Burlesque Prima Donna "Some Babies" Still Leading a* Usual BILLIE DAVIES PRIMA DONNA INNOCENT MAIDS Glmd to be featured with the greatest shaw on the American Burleaqoe Circuit, SIM WILLIAMS- Giri» from Jcrriaud, featured as ■ IPs . M _<a~9l I illy Gilbert BEULAH KENNEDY Producer and M3 f\ jK. MV Ja-J £%. l3 PRIMA GOfBOaXesfJB DONNA SIM WILLIAMS' "GIRLS FROM JOYLAND" ADELEE ANDERSON PRIMA DONNA FRED IRWIN'S BIG SHOW KITTIE GLASCO Ingenue of "Hello America" DoDie CLIFFORD and GALLAGHER Daisy Specialty With Watson's Orientals MABEL HOWARD SOUBRETTE INNOCENT MAIDS NEW TO BURLESQUE PRIMA DONNA, GIRLS FROM THE FOLLIES DAINTY BONNIE LLOYD SOUBRETTE—GIRLS FROM THE FOLLIES Direction, ROEHM ok RICHARDS BEAU BRUMMEL WITH SPORTING WIDOWS COMEDIAN SPORTING WIDOWS SAMMY Hebrew Slide and Laugh Whit Aviators MAE EARLE Ragtime Waistline; Jim Girl With Chas. Taylor's "Darling* of Peru" HELEN ANDREWS SOUBRETTE FRED IRWIN'S BIG SHOW STRAIGHT MAN DB LUXE THAT TALL FELLOW Max Spiegel's Social Foffies JENNI Soubrette with Army and Navy Girls JIM I doit atop amy ihow-l t etOP any BB keep tt folaf Irish Comedian with Army and Navy Stria Co. PEARL SOUBRETTE SIM WILLIAMS' GIRLS FROM JOYLAND DAN DEIHL DOC. QUIGLEYS COUSIN THE RICHARD CARLE OF BURLESQUE Sim Williams' Girls from Joyland VIVIEN SOMERVILLE INGENUE HUGHY BERNARD'S AMERICANS IDA NICO LAI SIM WILLIAMS' GIRLS FROM JOYLAND CHARACTERS BON IRENE CHESLEIGH DORIS CLAIRE SOUBRETTE, WATSON'S ORIENTALS MAE DIX SOUBRETTE WITH BILLY WATSON'S BURLESQUE WONDER SHOW TEDDY RUSSELL The Only Woman Producer in Burlesque Management Sfarouse and Franklin PRIMROSE SEMON The American Girl Featured with "Hello America" Maud Ina With Hurtig & Seamen's "Hello America" Prima Donna ■Darlings of Paris" Chas. VAN OSTEN and CLARK Auralla COMEDIAN SOUBRETTE m MISCHIEF MAKERS VERA RANSDALE Jack Singer's Versatile "Fmd" from the Coast With Broadway Frolics HARRY HARVEY 'Our Hebrew Friend" This Season with Innocent Maid* HERMAN GIBSON Big S ur p ris e Next Season AMBARK (bumpsey) ALI Making Them Laugh with MoMle Williams' Own Show -