The New York Clipper (December 1919)

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122 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER December 24,1919 Tonighters, Dodgers, Tacit and Window Cards. Half Sfcssis, One Skaata, Three Sheets. Cloth Banners, Card Heralds, t.sliarnsaiis, Envelopes. Etc Type Work Only. No Stock Paper. Everything Made to Order. Union Labtl Printing. Writ* for Price*. GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING COMPANY MATTOON ILLINOIS MMDC acta. Playlets w itucu —to order at gssalss prices sad eaay terms. Baeog- niscd Artists win find it to their 'advantage to art la touch with me. Special offer to asibrtioaa beginners. Address: 'BILLY De ROSE, LB S. MAIN, Goshen, Indiana. Ways VAUDEVILLE ACTS. N. Y. PLAY BUREAU, 2S6S Decatur Art- New York City. Stamp tor catal og. A MERRY XMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR ■ ■' " ' if - --■ -'. '.'.-. i \ £ ■ •--■■ v\,r*-£*. ■ y'-.r- z _* »v _. ^ .. - AT B. F. KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE. THIS WEEK EQUITY ARTICLE (Continued from Page 49) A MERRY XMAS AM) A HAPPY NEW YEAR HUBERT KINNEY and CORINNE " IkElTH'S PALACE^THB*WEEK: (DBtTa) ,^'"" - DHL-ROSALIE 3TEWABT ALLEN SPENCER TENNEY VAIin FVILLE WRITER If ■■MAT ERIA L" will help yon. I can be of "MATERIAL." help to you. Write. wire, 'phone, or can. 1*83 BROADWAY, N. Y. C. Insure Your Ma terial Against Theft REGISTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL THIS COUPON will be numbered and attached aad a certificate win be returned, to yea a* an acknowledgement, aad for future refereaca. The contribution should be signed plainly by the person or firm sending- the same, and aboold be endorsed by the stare manager of the show or of the boose where the act it being used or other witnesaea- F u r ther acknowledgement win be made by the names aad numbers bona; imMirhnl • contribution to **,-v ■ The RegiiHy Barean - — tNEW YOsTJt CUPPER, iaM , Date . . '. NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU •Bed COpw of my. »••••>••>•••>••■>«>••>«>•>••>« ADDRESS. know fall well that success comes only after intense application and hard worfc . Oar technique is just as necessary a* theirs, but what do wa care? Oar profession is filled with so-called ae- tors,- whose- little knowledge has been nicked, aid perhaps to* nwatjsaek. of performance, and there their knowledge stands still until the seit play comes along and gives them.a little more. Sack a train- ins; is ridiculous* it cannot even make a man a rgo*"^aar>aman. Are w* organized, do we strive for ea- lightemnent, do we progress? We do not] A few bold spirits among ue realised that the bread and batter, of their poorer breth- ren was being stolen by certain unscrupu- lous speculators, and set to work, and by organizing the Actors' Equity Association, killed that hydra which would never' have been able to lift its.heads if we had not been.'ao''confoundedly lasy and self-indul- gent. The names of these men should he written up where future fenerations of ac- tors can read them. This Equity Association is a living proof of what organization can da Bat we need another organization, one for enlightenment and progress, which, apart from all other considerations, ordin- ary common 'civilization demands of us. We give oar lives for the' civilization of the world, -and we' give oar money and oar work to feed the starving, bat we do not give even a crust or a cup of water to oar Mother Art, without whose aid we could not, as actors, live. We not only let her go thirsty and hungry, thereby diminishing her vitality, bat we do hot even provide her with a home where she could live a healthy, invigorating life. Nations could not exujt without a government, ao why, is the name of ffiniinin »"»«», ft we not have our-gorernment, too? Let na have oar cap- ital, an Institute for Dramatic Art, and let the .best men and women govern there, where the enlightenment and progress that we need so much will be looked after ; where our great -literature will be stored, easy of accesartjot any actor who desires, enlighten- ment on the past' or present. Hen possess- ing valuable dramatic works, and wishing to bequeath them in their wills to that <"Tt M y*"" where .they would be of. the moat use, have been forced to leave them to the universities and libraries because the actors have, never had the sense to. have ah institution of their own. When rich ac- tors die they seldom bequeath any of their wealth to the profession by whose aid -they, and the fault is not entirely theirs, for bow could it be properly used when there is no organisation to deal with it? ' Wfjat inducement do we now offer to the better class of young, men and..-women to fill efer ranks when wa conduct oar affairs in sjtch a loose,. care! ess, and. enervated way? By having a properly conducted insti- tute we would regenerate oar art. It should be r* c as ig* o* our mort dist in g uis hed men and Women. It should hate power to award diplomas aad certificates"of merit Sue* incentives would be eagerly seised by our youngsters, and the enVto n c y of our pro- fession would ascend-by leaps and bounds. The stage is a great educational "institu- tion, and this is-not only my belief, but the belief also of such -men as Brander Matthews, William Lyon Phelps, Barrett Wendell, George Pierce Baker, Bichard Barton, Henry P. Wright, and many other men. of distinction, whose opinions I have sought and obtained, and they all agree' that the plays of Shakespeare properly and efficie ntl y presented to the school children throughout the country would tend, as the syllabmi tor the high schools puts it, "to deep e n _and .enrich the . imaginative .and emotional'life of the pupiL" We must give the youngsters their Shakespeare, to say nothing of the best of the classics, and we must give it to them in a thoroughly well organised and efficient manner. The boys and girls of today are the men and women of tomorrow. Train oar boys and girls to love intellectual entertainment, and the men and women of tomorrow will demand it. ROSE REPLACING WEST Lew Rose left New York Friday far Chicago to join the "Cracker Jacks.*' Be will do second comedy to Harry Bernard. - v' LAURIE CLAIMS GAG Jos Laurie,-Jr., has asked tie N. V. A,' to instruct DwBwraat aad Doll to take tka following rag out of their act: "My was the Jmtzol the family. He has IiTUT ntrTsSaylf tare " Lsnrris et*fms this gag was "lifted* from his routine. ' ' €LlPPlvR BUSINESS INDEX Advertisements not exceeding one line is :ngth will be published, pi opc r ly^ cltiaiaed in this index, tt the rate ot 110 far one year length'will be" published, inii r ii ilj" i l iss lt s d" in this index, tt the rate ol 110 for one year (52_ issues). A copy of The New York dipper win be sent free to each advertiser while tba advertisement ia running. DANcarto Harvey Thomas, 316-18-20-59 £ Van Bursa St., Chicago, In. ■ J LAWYERS. Joseph A. O'Brien, 1402 Broadway. New ' York aty. Edward Doyle, Attorney, 421 Merchants Bank Bids-, Indianapolis, lod. James S. Klein man. Equitable Bids. 130 . B'way, New York City.- .-- - - F. L. Boyd. V No. La Salle St.. Chicago. MUSICAL CLASSES A. Bratmneiaa, 1012 Napier Ave., Richmond Hffl, N. Y. . Schell'a Scenic Studio SSl-SO-SSk South Higi> St, CoJ ambus, O. SCENERY PCMt HIRE AND SALE Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden St., Phila- delphia. Pa. < SWIG BOOKS. . Wm. W. Delaney, 117 Park Bow, N. Y. TENTS. J. C Goaa Co., 10 AtWater 3C, Detroit. Mich. •':•-■• °V •" THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston .Regalia Co., 387 Washington St.. Bos- ton, Mass. ~ .." ... THEATRICAL HARDWARE. A. W. Geratner Co.. CM 8th> Ave. (41st St.). New-York.- ------ . ■ ■■•- THEATRICAL, PROPERTIES. John Brunt on Studios w.. oat stv w. Yr VENTRILOQUIST FKUBES. Ben Hobaon, 1S49 Benson Ave., Westchester. N. Y. VIOLINS AND SUPPLIES. August Gemunder at Soni, 141 W. 43d St. BAL'S DREADNAU6HT A GOOD TRUNK At A VERT LOW PRICE •• BAL'S XX QUE- STAimARD FULLY GUARANTEED Ba4r V Star OUR TRUNK DE LUXE TRUNKS WILLIAM BAL COMPANY - 145 West 45th St. - 4 Weat°22nd SL NEW YORK CITY TAYLOR TRUNKS 1 ?. -it.uiik.Works PAPER HATS Catsls* fawa GUS KXTPPERT. at Caspar So, N. Y.