The New York Clipper (December 1919)

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, December SfegK^ ^--^ the NEWai^^v^^pys^R 31 At the old, Boston, Mass. Week Dee. 29. STONE&PILLARD wirn THEIR OWN SNOW TsJr about your speedy shofflers, tou'to £ot to [mbs all the decoratlona to George and Etta and tbej sure were banded the appUute *toff Id big bancbes when they hit Benton. They came through with a reynl-Lr «bow and these dancing; demons - made themselves solid with all Howard fans. ''Odds and Ends of Mn&ical Com- edy" copped the bacon for real originality. Among the lire wires were Jack Pillara, Rose Dofflo, Mabel Howard. Mickey Me- Cabe, Jeanette Mohr. Miller Evans. Harry Olds and a bouquet ot twenty American Beauties. Happy New Year to all. . TEMPTERS BURLESQUE Week Jan. 5. Another good one to enow in Beantown will be Charley Baker's "Tempters," a cluster of beauts who parcel the Joy goods In big packages. They brees* in with "A- Study In Aviation" which is Just a biplane of delight. Tour old friends, Bert Bertrand, Sid Rogers, Joe Corley, Ger- trude Balaton, Marple Hilton, Joe Corley* Marion Liwrtnct, Jim Mclaenwy. Johnny Bell and speed chorus grace the boards. BEAUTY REVUE Week Jan. 12. Here's s beauty batch that ridel rings around, them all oa look*. Popularity too. Is their long rait--If yon bare any doubt east yoor "jhts thla way—Ada Lam, Jimmy Cooper, lletene Stanley, Eddie Bail, Boee Hemley, Morris Tolen, Marty Collins, Cbaa. Fleming, Billy Cumby and chic chorea. LID LIFTERS Week Ian. 19. Lear Talbot, a regular fellow from "Regu- larrllle." arrives on thla data with Harry Lant and his famous "Lid Utters" and nobody In the pat baa anything oa Barry as a comedian. A' thonaanrt smiles crease roar dial when thla enow steps to the bis Violet Penney, some smootb skirt. win gef you.- All JAZZ REVUE Weak Tea. 88. Kverybody in Boston win fat "Jassy" with these babies around- All tap-of tbs- baakat goods, so take a slant at these faToritee—Loo Powers, Margie CatUn, Madlne Gray, Llilie Morette. Annette Mor. ette. Pearl Hsmlltoo, Pat Daly, Bay Kelly. Cnaa. Giles, Bob Wolf and Jassy Janen—twenty In number. Always some- thing doing I till II at the old Howard CIVE SHOWS.IN SIBERIA .. ViuADivoerocsc, Siberia, Dec. 27.—Thirty shown weekly aWk-IWr! being pat on for the men of the A LB. F., under the aus- pices of four entertainment units which arrived here recently. Among the enter- tainers are the Coach Brothers, Bap and Jake, a musical act, Roberts arid Ewing, a sister-act, who entertained in France also, the Riveriera Trio, William H. Hopple, of Brooklyn, U. S. A.; Raymond N. Peterson, Waupaca, Wis.; B. R. Everts, Roxbnry, Mass., and Lorraine, a French instrumentalist. ADD TO "RED MILL" CAST London, Eng., Dec 27.—Tonight will see the presentation for the first time in England of "The Red Mill," in which the famous Montgomery and Stone were starred. In the cast of the production will be "Little Ticb" a four-foot performer, and Ray Kay, six foot something, from America, who will play the parts of Kid- der and Conner. The show opens at tie Empire. AMERICANS IN "WHIRLIGIG" London, Eng., Dec. 27.—Among those who will be seen in the principal roles of "■Whirligig," Sir Alfred Batfs latest musi- cal'offering, are four American actors and actresses. They are Charles Withers, Emma Trentini, Don Barclay and Emma Lyon. Jack Mason, an American dancing master, arranged all the dances. The cast of "Whirligig" numbers eleven principals. SCHOOLS BAN "SHYLOCK" Newark, N. J., Dec 26.—"The Mer- chant of Venice" is to be removed from the curriculum of the Newark schools. LETTER LIST Alias. Flo AraBtrooc. Ethel May Ade, Virginia Arnold. Lotus •J?*!. Bryet. Mary BrowneuS, Mrs. J. D. Bennett, Bfllie Benn et t. Grsce Blair. Allot Burton, bjubS Beauty, Msrjorle Brader. SjMa □ereland. Band Csadslek. Una Csnette, Beans E Cylde. Ora Carlton. LodDa Clayton, Locale Chuen, aunt Carroll, sr.rt.y^n, Cfsvfard. Heine Cotter, Mrs. F. J. Deunore. Addis Demsrert, Hants (nkg) Ds Fauser. Babs Darn, Betty Danker, Z. aEsftDB. wfaaraialah Bk Bamtt, Marls LADIES Efjclr. Mo.I. J. early. Idsbel H. Forrest, Sinters Famtlns, MUe. Fields. Lillian Griffln, Eleanore 0111. Helm Oorlac. Irma Barter. aUss L. Hlelmac. Vase Barns, Mary Seller, Mildred Jaekaa. Anna Joyce, Louise Keeoe. MatM. Kennedy. Flo Klnf. Sauls EeSy, Nora Lord. Ele anors Lomins. Fray Leiahtan. Both Lorsyos, Psalette Lesrltt, Km. H. E. Loser. Eleanors la Mar. Leonla Lloyd. Bonnie LMnsrton. Mrs. R. J. La Verne. Josetta Merrill, auas B. Moooey. Qypty Marshy. Marls afetcsa. BSda Meren. Bells MrOrath. Frances Moore, Florence Morloo. Jowls Moore. Mania k Both McComas, Carroll Odlngrn. Marie Onnundl. Basis Oako. Helen Oakts. Kste Oseo. Flo (nkg) Palmer. Mark) Flntard. Mto Watson. Vi rginia , Pr**ton, Bobert eUmsay. Tmy Bolla, Kate Bryce, Mary Bran. Mabel Safins. Mas BandeD. Nan Sadler, Verne Spaoldlns, Marls Later. Violet Bonthern. Kbne Shirk. May lyrry. Jeaoet Tborntoo, Fhyllis Veils. Janet voegeie, Atma Wetter, Ctslrs WMla. Victoria GENTLEMEN AOei, Btuy Ashler, Arum Arnold. Bert Berwud. Bert Bertrand. Frank Batty • Barks Braman, Bfuis Bflhncs. Jan, J. Bant, Carl Hyatt, ■•btrt M. nam, Jan. 0. Howard a Clark sT M (IIJi sJSreaseTw. E. D. Earl Caay, Fred Olastan. Edd B. Clark. Brat* JscB. lack Oattj y. JOnsl •* Lescd. Jsan Lioyd. B. la laws, na Link. B. F. Lai 9yd. Berasrt Laroy. labia A B. rark. Fred L. Cook. On. Clark. Bnssen PfaarflsSy BwaS s SB S Daly. Jos. V. Ds Csaw, Ghaa. For. Bet- klBy Foisoas. Frank Ted . w. a. jsraart, S. Oeajus, Wa. M. McLellm. tarl Mrts. Thro. A Gnrrey, Hrsry UdeD. Cbaa. K. Tsa Dam. wrn E. B. Watts. MAUDE'S DAUGHTER RE-MARRIES TjohdOk, Dec 24.—Mrs. Pamela Con- grave, .daughter of Cyril Maude and widow of Major Congreve, was married . this week to Major William Fraser, son of Lord Saltoun. COHN SELLS PORTLAND STRAND Portland, Oregon, Dec 27.—S. Morton Cobn, who recently disposed of the several theatres which he owned In this city, sold his pet house, The Strand, this week for $125,000, to Jarenson and Gutterson. They will continue to run the bouse with a ' policy of first-run motion pictures. AGENTS SUIT DECLARED OFF Loirooxt, Eng., Dec 28.—Harry Barns, the variety agent, has sued Tubby Bdlin, ' comedian. Burns claims that EdlLn own him money for engagements. obtained, and Edlln claimed, in a counter nit. that ' Burns had broken their contract. The ■nit was argued pro and con several times and then Justice Roche decided that neither party in the affairs had a ease, in- asmuch as both had broken their original contract. Therefore, he declared the case off, stating that neither party had cause for compaint, nor had either been dam- aged by the other. A. A H. TO BUILD ANOTHER San Fbanci8Cu, Dec. 27.—Ackerman and Harris will build a house in Fresno at a cost of $250,000. PAYSON GRAHAM LEASES VILLA Paris, Dec. 28.—Miss Payson Graham has leased a villa here on the Boulevard St. Germain. She is to arrive here shortly with Madame Kate Rolla. Both sailed re- cently from America. VAUDEVILLE BILLS (Continued from Page S) Baxley 4 Porter—In the Dark—Gonne * Albert Roma's Troope. . Columbia (Flrat naif)— Poppets—Winter Gar- den Four—Bond. WUaon & Co.—Morgan dt Anger —Chalfonte Slater*. (Last Half)—Belmont*a Warblers—Myrtle Mason a Co.—Lillian Mortimer & Co.—Detxel a Carroll—Qaletti'a Monks. Rialto (First Half)—Panl * Walt. La Var— Wlncbell & Green—Belmont's Wsrblers—Cooper & Rlcardo—Japanese Revue. (Last Half)—Pop- pets—Peezy Brooks—Rolling Alnog—Winter Gar- den Four^— StItui Mora a Co. WLBNIPEG, MAN., CAS. Strand (Flrat Ball)—Christy A Ryan—Edward Fsxrell dt Co.—Ed. Bnghes at Co.—Sakata Trio. (Last Half)—Calr Trio—Frank & Bae Warner- Billy Miller & Co.—Corradlol's Animate. WATERLOO. Xajaatia (First Half)—Eakey & Co.—Reynard & Clayton—Rngena Brothers—Budd a Buddie Girls. (Last Half)—Skatels—Billy Swede Hall- Browning & Davis—Baraban a Groba. B. F. KEITH WESTERN BATTLE CBKKK, Bijon (First Half)—Arnold 4 Taylor—Among Those Present—Billy Rogers—Degnon A Clifton— J. C. Mack Co.—Santry a Norton. (Last Half)— Two Kawanaa—Holmes & WeDa—Dan Abearn— Walton * Brant—Ellis Nowlln 's Troupe. BAT CITY. Bijou (First Half)—The Stanleys—Cook A Perry—Raines a Avey—Bryant a Stewart—Bails Nowlln's Troupe. (Last Half)—Tojetn a Ben- nett—Maryland Singers—Burns a Wilson—Degnon A Clifton. BSAHTFORO. OCT.. OAK. Temple (First Half)— Lydston a Emerson— Hamlin A Mack—Powell Troupe. (Laat Bait)— The Lampinis—Mullen a Corelll—Klngsey Bene- dict Co.—G. a ML C level and— Three Portia Slaters. CSAW70RD8VTLLZ, DTD. Strand (Last Hair)—Ella La Van—BoMnaoa As l'ennj—Keating A Walton—Qirla Will Be Olrla. FT. WAYNE, rNTJ. Falaos (Flrat Half)—Thomas Trio—Beck a Stone—dsorla Trio—Cantor's Minstrels—Resting A Walton—Orrro Dareoport Troupe. (Last Bait) —La Grtdow—Wm. Ebbs—Cooper A Blcbardo— Ray a Emma Dean—Madame Herrman. FLINT. Palace (Pint Half)—Juggling D'Armo—Walton a Brant—Just for Instance—Kilkenny Duo. (Last Half)—Wllbar a Girlie— Dale « Boyle—Saxton a Farrell—Lota A Lou of It—Patrtcola—Among Those Present. JACKBOH. Orpheom (First Half)—Two Kawanaa—Lee & Lawrence)—Dale A Boyle—Maryland Slogers—Dan Abearn—Palfrey. HaU a Brown. (Last Half)— Le Kne a Dnpree—Cook a Perry—Arnold a Tay- lor—Ezra Mathews a Co.—Billy Rosen. KALAMAZOO. Ksgent (Flrat Half)—Ermlole A Bister—Holmes A Wells—Ezra Mathewa a Co.—Lyda Barry— Byron Bros, a Band. (Last Halfl—JnggUng D'Armo—Lee a Lawrence—Sorrento Quintette— Jimmy Lyons—Everest's Monks. - LANSING. Bijon (First Half)—Wllbar a Girlie—Saxon at FarreU—Lota a Lota ot It—Fred Lewis— Botta Trio. (Lsat Half)—Ermlnle a Slaters—Peggy Vincent—Just for Instance—J. O. Maek Co.— Carmen's Minstrels. LAFAYETTE, LVD. Family (Last Half)—Dewttt Young a Slater- Janet Cnllds—Asorie Trio—Boy La Pearl—Tbomaa Trio. XOXOMO. TMD. Sips (Lest Half)—Bobert a Robert—Byal * Early—Sam a Ada Beverly—Orrln Davenport Troope. snnsxEGON, MICK. Regent (Flrat Half)—Alice Teddy—Lyle 4k Vir- ginia—In Wrong—Jimmy Lyons—Somewhere in France. (Laavt Halt)—Bur A Btona—Cantor's Minstrels. B. F. Kahn's Union Square Theatre STOCK BURLESQUE—CAN ALWAYS USE GOOD CHORUS GIRLS Only Good Lookers and good -workers should apply. 52 weeks a year. New York engagement No Sunday work. Salary, $20.00 Per Week attractive engagement in *h<f* iM a rin a n ls. " Apply tat person only. HOLIDAY GREETINGS TO ALL! JACK MICKEY McCABE NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS SPEEDING ALONG DOING IRISH WITH STONE AND PILLARD A R A H HYATT PRIMA DONNA FEATURED MONTE CARLO OIRLS