The New York Clipper (January 1920)

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January 21, 1920 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 13 yum « ffc "JJa, 5 feotmded'Mt- 1SSJ by . ^ t . ^IJPPElt* OOHPORATHW 'Orlfeid W. VVuutkan.j.iEreKaent ati* 'msarrick C, MuHer .■....,, r lGMA-Broadjray. New York Tefcpjione. Bryant 6J07-6118 ,-WALTER ■ SAUCHAN, ^EDrrOR '4-'^fWU C. SerineVart,- ^anafirn f ~ HAS RIGHT TO USE CHONG Editor New York Clipper: 1 Dear Sir>;. Reading tn-your last issue of the) Clipptc r thUt,-GJ}<jlfg *aa» ipa4<i avaan-. plaint- ^rthistN. .% JtegttkiLiiigVthfii ,|fct- EC H-^-Billy- Abrama waV^cfcrUtjlaji ing around New York with Billy Sharp'* , Echoes,': i ..We. undecataacL ha- c&ra of :tm> Clipper, -/3V-*. ■:-. :*iCv;>; ■ -(.*■ t^T^^^^^^ ■;,.•, r. .^5^ . XV ZL-JLL ; ; A V'^v J3? ,' STANDING HEJd piYou '<*&&■*&: reooW^pf - ^ • AdMM yj»,ebVlrace'a>\P r i*fi- " fights. imJHL matches, es; IhbrM : ntfttfeifc: tbe.> oht- ."J»< LoeWb ■'.jtSSz * - B&fcVeti June tel»ifci«S*h,'-N.? fried: fere, I hare the,CDri3Regq.of using myToWJ* 4ft"^ v^ iSS? 8111 -T » ?^- Jt? ' ,. Caune*»i5 W m&i^cK : w^w4ahed^ri«™»-. i |fl^a-^Moa partus ^oriirrby then -■•■?•;:' .. ""' —p » :**5 RSnettfnlly yonrB, . &* , >^f<WPWJKWlgMl.Hlitei Hfv€hu film i «*„ , fRoyife^ieat^riS? Y. a,«an*ft, l&h. *$£'*& .■ ti ^"' i —' ^ ,Y *- I » '«■ i i .U"i"» --.56»*-SHeHtt-Xenyact. Ha hasebeW nert.: HarrJ* Peten' Bad apajtediUfe-; ;Po«f m»' W* EVER-'SEE- \Elms- with- a-iBustarche,'" ;Ce"8By-dow». to .a, J6a-.pou»d» ?-.;. "a Ballet-wwithont a. pipe-i IK v.ji^C - .-V...-.._:.« tlfe r*ctj aften. it, was ra*f»vw> ^riead -of ours ~ critics .horses-, i ••^tjatttyrthct: tbe : •jBafitf.fcStr -A is right. ft. I-v . Com \YORK- ittiixiirid CqbLi r jfdTritt Ciifpm cam »a omno mmjuu ajrn , at our amenta, .Gorringa Anjerican Newa _ ncy. 17 Gi'een Street, Charinc Crow Bead, ^Lrtdon. W. C.'.Eosiaid; BrenUoo'iTNewa Dr- 1 —nue deUOsera. Paris. France: Go W, " iP**r -37 Avenue dc IOmii, Paris, France; Gor- :•.•-**.* Gotch. 123 Pit< Street. Sydney,W. S. " ,\ Australia. •S-.irN w aj*" "' h sea* jT£e l%lfle^*tif'i!ctV H. «.» g.H=L'Brotber- PhiladeTpffihi-oirSJp^-ll, Harry—The Hattons -wereifi matic critics' on CnlcagoTn'ewr*- of 3. The J,** nd the 7, 6 ajAaS i l sequence ii™»ch;i hand, and first inated. [. e Broadway„-pi Stockings", whs-.) a Sothern~AppBare4.i T pimdin^ion by that name spaact»Ker^, if am,the: play and feat;"' rriadge and Sarriaon Fi =%= *£3ki E.- E.—Apply to Alviene, No. i «»XB6t Fifty-seventh Street, N«w> ; YbraC In rii at ii {npa we" weni rfiform* tba reformeri^ rmed' the reet of u'»f-". . JlTSX AHOTHSS ORB 'Lg \ InaBmHeh'ai Lew Keie,.Uie m. ,tte Dauphfire.-deitreV.3.8W.0rli_ 'ffaused a political, roW'Over.<hUnaelf, woiud. t'be right to say thafc^ew. Orleana i* ij raving some Rose tinted -politics? •.» • <*L • • ■ £ :-v T',.:* ".!*-.! ... V' f JMiYBEl WHO KNOWS? ' .• ?S \ '-"■ It is reported- that Jforcus; Loiw is to^ ' %ir3'&OS&l$£TINVITWG2i ;.Af-'; TROUBLE *i ,'' Those theatrleat' interests, film ;yjnd ■'otherwise, but'.; chiefly, vaudeville, 'who axel offering stock iid their- enterprises to .the •. general public' thro'ngh" the ; mediam of Wall Street, may be .laying'themselves . open to tronble by sb^ doing..that could -' not have been encountered under the for- • iher; way of. keeping all - stock within the hands: of a few. This will come about ,*• through the*purchase of stock in the cor- porations by persons who are not friend- ly-to'the controlling interests. Only last •week, a'-man long known to have .been opposed to. certain: interests, stated dur- . jng L a conversation that he-had purchased , a number of shares of stock,in a certain " corporation -and' was -going to keep" it until ■ tho^day. came, when-he. had trouble with' ■■■ ^WP | ,| iiT i " r''^'..'!--"* *"'. '"*■'. '■'■ ' " Booking ; closely . at ~the' situation,. an -'unfriendly;purchaser of -stock in,a theat- rical corporation -that lists its securities On the- exchanges, could cause the com- pany considerable, annoyance, especially in view of the secretive manner in which the theatricar business—perhapa "Game" ' would be the better word—is conducted;' For; years,'it has always been a cardinal principle in the business not to let any- - body know, the ■ real" income of a show, theatre or circuit for.a day, week, month ■ or year. The extent ta which manage- . ments' will go to;; keep this .in'f or ma tion s cret, even whert it js .favorable, is amaz- Yet, now that- theatrical interests are more and' more going to Wall'Street and .listing -there. shares in '.their i enterprises to be traded in like so much oil-of metal, they.-must,- of • riecessity-,-biy ■ ibemselvea ;'. open to--tho rights "that stockholders in <' '' other corporations have, one of .which is that a holder of even tmei-share \of stock is entitled to a statement of the earoingH, expenditures - and" other financial data concerning his company at least once a yearr : ...' ,~:;.Z~... ,:'. Of course, such a phase of the matter is »'<rthing- to get" wildly" excited 'about' as 1 Mong. as control remains' in the hands' of those who- have done most the enterprise, v But; even stockholder, can- cause a great deal of trouble for: he has^mndisputed rights im- : der.the law and, if--he chooses to exercise them to 'the full extent} can create con- siderable annoyance.- ->, ••■'. <v - ; •'_ - :-.- . ■■-- , J. K, -It?—Flo Owens is in New..York; is'' -'"by Thomas; "B. Harms- and ' his- brother , aE.^XhemusiopuWishiiighott8&bf ^. b»y^roadway front Eottyeieoond street. - . T.rB-.Sima.and <>&2!fi&-timUp*.?«L ?*-*!5 **S£22*S£2'& fStJ notwbrking at present, we understand. Dana—Write to the T. B. Harms- Co., No.l 62-We'st'Forty-fif th street, New York. B. B.-r^NcV we have no record of 'Harry Moss "ever "Shaving appeared witic' '.'Vio'- Quinn. . *; L-l j *-i.. "-'. Alex. Both;-have been dead for years. The . prvidpal -stockholders in I the' .com-< parry at .present are. Max and -Louis £ttey- he" can have a place.-to drive his auta (<t without being nrotoeted by traffic cops. « ; fus. D. H.^Billie Shaw and.William Sea- bury Save not appeared together, for some time. "Qeabury is now. doing-a- now act K. 1—Emma Dunn -Was feattijei' V nV' : l called the "Frivolitar of 19»W Billfe ■'-i Shaw's 5ttevue is the jiame Of the act in which Miss Shaw has; been appearing for .sometime. -'.':■ '"k-.~ '.* ^UP AND DOWN MAIN STREET ^ Harry Saks He^kheimer gets a HOW pair ' "of. socks. %S- ~ ",; f Fa«l Scott ba» stopped talking about W« u .paper:- •. -^ «■ - . » Clifton Crawford was, seen with cahe fast week.' 1 -i: >.--* r«-_~. "Peer 6ynt," when produced by Jtichard Mansfield^ ;'. -' U '.:".''. ;1 ,.-Vi>v. ,;v fe) ., • T.V P-^JS^Tfe'nHS Vfeegal made her "first' appearanee .'in'.dtew XYork -in "The: Blue' iFlirMtM' n C. iii'lT"* ' * , .-.!.■ ..- •-'•*•<•■'■■■ '" ..- ' E. S.-j^Ahita': Stewart is', married to Rudolph Cameron. He was formerly 'her leading man-. ... ■•.. : . • >.___ E. B.—Ed Gallagher and Joe Roily are now appearing in G. M. Anderson's "Frivolities of 1020.*! N. H.—John L. Sullivan, the prize- fighter, appeared on the stage in'"HoneBt Hearts and Hands." Bob Fitisimmons ap- peared in-"The Tillage Blacksmith/' Jim;. Corbett is .now appearing in motion pic-: tures. Hb-^iiyed in "Gentleman-Jim." G. S;—."Some Bride" .was a vaudeville musical comedy. John McGowan, assisted r by Lceta (Xrder and Adelaide Mason, ap- Li^^rov^ 2R h£?ta 'n^SS inr^rl B. F. D.-Fred aMty^#JMHM»p-«ll produced by Arthur 12" t^^lL^l^^nL^S^Z* act known as Howard and Bernard, play- ' Heinr The lyrics wei£ by Blair'Trayjior 1£L5£B1A&^ i n » h. va. ra r], n TZZ i - -«,d John.McGowan,' wiflbBiialft-JiT: John ? Uy ?WW eU *8» m - Malay.. ¥ HERE'S THE TOt^J ^!- ■ . . -' j Dame Rumor has it "fhat-Lewas" J. Sell- < nick is-desirous of s&enririg; "A Sleepless . Night." We would-suggest that he eat a Welsh rarebit and then visit the "Pass- ' ing .Show," "Midnight ■ Whirl,f: "Frivol- - .-ities," and several others of the like. ■- ■, J&ootii, top jm ?*$£?&:.'.'. Fearing that the use of - Christiaa a, Science would enaBIe readers of hooka i dealing- with alcoholic -bererages to gat .' a jag on, the Springfield Public UbruT has destroyed all books 'on. the subject. It's a sure bet Jim Thornton will n ever ing in Massachusetts. N. B. V.—Henry C. DeMilTe' died at" Pompton, Nr YT. He-was'the playwright you have-reference'to. ■• •'-.- Frank—Henry W. Savage produced "Ex- •'• cuse Me." Ann Murdock and' Willis P. Sweatman appeared in it. _.■;•■ ** .' S.D. T*—Write the American Academy Of Dramatic Arts. They will undoubtedly . be the best ones to inform you.. J. C— Clyde Fitch wrote. "Captain- .of_the Horse Marines." -It was Ethel adre'& first starring vehicle. was form by the • i.Corppration-i .': World FHm> (tang and WOtoh .Lackaye . i it; The film was pre- ffrst time at the" 44th Street lVAVGSfS-FOK YOTJR AC* .- f - •--. _ He—I have a few jokes about plate*. i -She—Are they clean!..- :*":• -.«•• ,;.■'■. .He—Yea, do you want me to fawT - .-:•? ■:■:. He (Lighting a match for a i This is a striking trick, but.T.maka J df it '.. .,..., c". A J J.', .-T; T.; v She—Yes, but it all goes up in .smoke. -? ou "have the date of his'death '•T Ed win. Forrest was born- hi;- Ikia, March 9, 1800.' His ftrst ap- peaxanoe-'pn the stage was at the Walnut Street^'TIreatre, in the - role '■'■«t 'Tdnnf;. Norval in "Douglas." This was on No-: vember,25, 1826. .Most of his later ap- Pfartnces were in Shakespearian roles. Er-tout--It-w«r a-trotting- race betweea^^J.r^V-: fa7^* .*L.-5to.y,;VGojdi Do6Ie$'. w3Srked''tog?£KKf Music," produced ay Tfit f, and WiHiam "Words-and •cock and Goetz. Lantern and Buz,-, tot. a purse of f.10,000. The match was told on May 8, 1856, at yhat S**»- then known as the Union to up-bufld ^wurse-^l^i-I;: . j ^.; ._ -• ; .- ... ••/ ' *' minority' '■ «>hZ-' u -X«4bLa!- : i" ri * r: *""■"''■ '.'' ' ;. J . '.. jJ. D.'^JJt'B. White is now doing a single in - vaudeville. He is .. also .a Taudeviire authorr Ho-fcrmerly appeared with Myrtle Young-iii":iBri.'ait which :he wrote called "sumjrd^^^i ■■■• ^29»ifo—"Moloch" was-preaented by Hol- broott.-Blmrr's company, at the- New Am- - steraam Theatre on Sep|tr20,lM5, It was ' presented by: Klaw and Krlanger, in aa-- aociation'.with George C.^Tyier^ Besides ' Hbrbrnot Bliim, in -tie cast war* Edmund ' Breese,- Iillian Albertson;'.atttt'.JT" APHRODITE >v- .- - In Egypt old there dn elf.a maid . ~ lib manners' she was- lacking, . «-'But than her morals, why,;they The whore play really smacking. .- - -On' Thyzra'i banks thisoaajden bold . Was wont to vamp tbw-stranger-; -i. Until she- got a* artist gny , V5* ' , "Who radJy .wouldn't r i"trf. ^y*. .'»•. Whifieii, Creighton Hale, Louise Rntter, "•. . Garethj Hnghes, Bnth Ben son an d Paul -! 'GoTddni-i''; .yg >•? v. •' .•rJvk'^":* - There's one bad thing shoot it all That certainly is saddening, Altho* this damsel was-bird .- * :. , With beauty that was suMtlslsUfc ■Altho'tbe-pabliegaxedwiat>oy > ?.' Upon-her features nal*.v.-_.■-. *• If s, plain, to see ih* i " *"hit-Jritlv Afcift