Film Fun, April 1922 (1922)

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Photograph by Arm:. From a Candv Store to Fame LILLIAN GISH was born in Massflon, Ohio. Her j father was the proprietor of a chain of candy stores, one of the pioneers of the chain store idea. The family is of French descent, the original name being do Guiche. The death of her father and almost immediate business reverses for the mother brought Lillian to the stage when five years old. She appeared first in "Her First False Step," one of Blaney's roaring melodramas, because she had blonde hair, a mother and a sister; for the east called for a mother with two little children. Followed six years of "trouping" in melodramas witn Page iO Kisk O'Hare. Another family traveling in melodramas was the Pickfords, and the two became very close friends, a friendship ^bat still continues. Before they got into their teens, the Gish sisters joined the Biograph Studios to work in motion pictures. Lillian first gained distinction in "The Birth of a Nation," appeared in "Intolerance," appeared as a star in "Hearts of the World," won her first big international recognition in "Broken Blossoms," strengthened it with her work in " "Way Down East," and now has repeated agair with "Orphans of the Storm."