Film Fun, April 1922 (1922)

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DC A RAILWAY Dltraffic inspecto MEN WANTED! POSITION GOARANTEED Karn up to $2.50.00 a month, HEMMMI paid, in this fiisriimtinji new profession. Splendid opportunities through contact with railway officials. Travel or i rmaiii near home. Start at SI 10.00 a Month with expenses paid. Prepare in three months' spare-time study at home. Any average man can easilv qualify. POSITION GUARANTEED, paying at least $110.00 a month and expenses, or money refunded You take no risk. Don't delay—investigate now Send for free booklet Xo. D-702 today. Standard Business Training. Institute, Buffalo. N. Y. Photo Storiettes (Continued) ThisBookFree Boys! Sousa and nine other world-famous musicians tell you secrets of success: learn what opportunities there are for you In Scout band or drum corps. Free Trial Any Conn Instrument l_'sed hy greatest Sands and solo artists. Easiest of all to play. Send postcard for free book and details of free trial plan. Nazimova in a "Doll's House" From the play by Ilenrik Ibsen Directed by Charles Bryant (A Nazimora production released through United Artists Corporation) The Cast Torvald Helmer Alan Hale Nora, his wife Nazimova Doctor Rank Nigel de Brulier Anna, a muse Elinor Oliver Site Krogstad Wedgwood Nowell Ellen, a maid Cara Lee Mrs. Linden Florence Fisjer Ivor Philippe de Lacy (the children) Emmy Barbara Maier Your skin can be quickly cleared of Pim- ples, Blackheads, Acne Eruptions on the face or body. Enlarged Pores. OilyorShiny Skin. $1,000 Cold Cash says I can clear your akin off the above blemishes. REE. WHITE TODAY for my FREE Booklet—"A CLEAR-TONE SKIN"—telling; how I cured F ■ myself after being afflicted for fifteen years. Y E- »■ CIVENS, 231 Chemical 8ldg..KansaaCity, Mo, P&ng Writers! P V6WER THE CALL Of THE DAMCE 5<WC CRA7E Learn of the public's demand for songs suitable for dancing and the fine oppor- tunities offered new writers as a result of greatly changed conditions which are de- scribed fully and obtainable only In our booklet, "Song-writer's Manual and Guide," SENT FREE on request. Submit your ideas for songs to us at once for free criticism and advice. We revise poems, compose music, secure copyright and fa- cilitate free publication or sale of songs. Knickerbocker Studios 207 Gaiety Blg.N.Y. PHOTO PLAYS Idi-aa want.-d FROM ANY- ONE by 48 Co.'s; I2.V43H0 paid for suitable thoughts. Kxpr-ri.-nce unnerrssarv: complete Outline FREE to any address. PRODUCERS LEAGUE, S08, St. Louia, Mo. WRITE * * ASTROLOGY * "The story of your life is written in Ihr-stnrs." Bend birthdate and dime for trial reading. Eddy, Troo^t St., Suite 11, Kansas City. Missouri. Nazimova, Philippe de lacy and Bartxira Maier The Slory 'PHE theme of "A Doll's House," t by Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian lyric and dramatic poet, is woman's duty to herself as a factor in the scheme of life. Torvald Helmer becomes appointed an official in a bank, after a period of poverty and an illness in which his life was saved by the action of his devoted wife Nora, who secretly bor- rowed money from a lawyer named Krogstad. Now the light-hearted wife is happy with Torvald and her chil- dren, and is paying off the money- lender in instalments saved out of her household allowance. Torvald, a man of strict, narrow ideas, begins his business at the bank by ordering the dismissal of Krogstad, who is an under employee,and who has a reputation for chicanery. The posi- tion is intended for a Mrs. Linden, former schoolmate of Nora, who is in want. Now comes a distinct shock when Krogstad forces an interview with Nora and informs her of his discovery that she had forged her dying father's name to the bond for her loan. He threatens criminal charges and ex- posure if she does not induce her hus- band to retain him at the bank. Nora makes desperate efforts to change Torvald's decision regarding Krogstad, but only succeeds in hasten- ing the man's dismissal. Torvald makes a bitter harangue against dis- honesty and blames the demoraliza- tion of children to the influence of bad mothers. Nora shudders at the crim- inal tendency she may have aroused in her children while they have inno- cently romped with her. Depressed by the impending dis- grace to herself, her husband, and her children. Nora feels herself doomed unless she can placate Krogstad. She thinks money will still do it, and nerves herself to borrow it from the family friend, Doctor Rank. She is stunned by a new complication. Rank confesses that he has long been her silent worshiper and that he is in love with her. She rebukes him, and in honor to her husband she dare not now solicit aid from Rank. There is nowhere else to turn. Under a mask of forced merriment Nora makes a resolve to die in order to relieve her husband and children of embarrassment due to her error. She measures her remaining hours by minutes, and by many devices gains about a day's delay of her husband's discovery of the situation. Krogstad has mailed to Torvald a letter con- taining his threats and charges, and it is in the letter box in the house, from which Nora cannot get it. At last, after a wild masquerade party of which Nora has been the life and leader, Torvald's thoughts revert to business and he unlocks the box, opens the letter and learns of the forgery and the blackmailing plans of Krogstad. True to his sel- fishness and narrow mind, Torvald de- nounces his wife as lost, regardless of the motive of her pitiful error. He decrees her an outcast and contamina- tion to his children. At this moment, influenced by Mrs. Linden, who was an old sweetheart, Krogstad sends back the forged bond, canceling all peril to Torvald and Nora. Just as irresponsibly as he condemned her, Torvald pardons her. In a mood of grand sympathy he par- dons her—although in her darkest moment he had not repaid her de- votion with even a flicker of self- sacrifice. Nora stuns him by firmly rejecting all reconciliation. She realizes as under a clear light that she had taken her husband too seriously—that she has been a toy of a selfish man in a very doll's house, to be discarded at any moment as a broken plaything. Against his miserable protests she goes out from him into the night to seek a new destiny on terms more fair and equal. rage 06