Film Fun, April 1922 (1922)

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There's No Mystery About It— THERE'S a reason why the nation-wide army of readers of LESLIE'S WEEKLY is growing every day. There's no mys- terious secret about it. Nothing of the sort. There's a plain, every-day, common-sense reason for it and it is this: LESLIE'S is attractive. It's interesting. It's likeable. Old and new readers enjoy getting it each week. It's always refreshing, informative, instructive, diverting. It's a welcome arrival in the home, in the office; a pleasant companion when traveling. Every week it contains the kind of articles and editorials you like to read and the kind of pictures you like to see. All this is not merely the claim of LESLIE'S itself. It repre- sents the collective opinion of a vast number of LESLIE'S readers. In fact, many of the words and phrases employed above are culled from recent letters from readers telling why they read it regularly and like it. Here are extracts from just a few of them: FROM TEXAS: "Each number of Leslie's shows an Imp rovem ent over the p r eceding one. All of your articles are interesting and wo have found many of them really helpful. Our favorite feature i- the Automobile Department." FROM INDIANA: "1 read your Investment Department every week and find it always filled with valuable, authoritative Information. Rut I enjoy your whole publication, especially the illustrations of events in various parts of the world, and the concise, well-written editorials." FROM TENNESSEE: "Our whole family looks forward eagerly to the arrival of Leslie's each week Its articles are timely and terse: we like its many illustrations and much of its contents we think of such real educational benefit that \vc like to read it to our children." FROM PENNSYLVANIA: "Leslie's gives me articles on timely topics in the compact form I like to reud. Il is hard to pick out any particular feature I like best. I usually read the editorials first because they express views in snappy, vigorous style, without excels words. The pictures, too, are varied and excellent, especially of events in various places. I like Leslie's better in its present shape because il is more convenient and easier to handle." F'ROM CALIFORNIA: "We have been taking Leslie's for more than twenty years and we enjoy il more now than we ever did. The auto and Investment features are of special interest to us. but almost all of the articles and pictures are highly enjoyable. If Leslie's keeps on improving as it has for some tinie you can COUnl on our family as subscribers for the next twenty years." So you see, there is no mystery about it. LESLIE'S WEEKLY readers like it, they enjoy reading it. That is why its army of readers is steadily growing. Paijr