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Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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138 MCINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. 43 Rock Tombs. 44 Road to the Tombs of the Kings—Thebes. 45 Mummies. 46 Irrigation of Land. 47 Arab Villagers. 48 Nubians—Group. 49 First Cataract. 50 Dahabeah—Home. China and the Chinese With printed descriptive Lecture. 1 Map of China. 2 Great Wall of China. 3 Western Gate, Pekin. 4 Temple of Heaven, Pekin. 5 Theatre at Tien Tsin. 6 Playing at Shuttlecock with the feet. 7 Raree Show. 8 Chinkiang—GeneralView. 9 Chinkiang—The Bund. 10 Silver Island. 11 City of Nankin. 12 Confucian Temple, Nan- kin. 13 Porcelain Tower, Nankin. 14 Avenue of Stone Warriors. 15 Ming Tombs. 16 A Chinese Soldier. 17 Mandarin and Family. 18 Mandarin in Official Robes. 19 Mandarin’s Wife and Child. 20 Dinner at Mandarin’s House. 21 Cat Sellers. 22 Rice Sellers. 23 A Frog Catcher. 24 a Tautai. 25 Punishment of the Basti- nado. 26 Little Orphan Island. 27 Gun Boat Station. 28 Pagoda, Kieu-Kiang. 29 I-Chang-Foo. 30 Hankow—The Bund. 31 Pagoda at Hankow. 32 Consulting the sticks of Fate. 33 Sorting Silk Cocoons. 34 Dyeing and Winding Silk. 35 Landing Place, Tea Dis- trict. 36 Roadside Temple. 37 Roadside Inn. 38 Hamlet in Tea District. 39 A Tile Works. 40 Yang low Doong. 41 Curling the Leaf. 42 Picking the Tea. 43 Winnowing the Tea. 44 Sifting the Tea. 45 Packing the Tea. 46 Papering Brick Tea. 47 Packing Brick Tea. 48 Entrance to City of Amoy. 49 A Chinese Merchant. 50 A Comprodore. 51 A Bookseller. 52 An Itinerant Barber. 53 Porter with 'Flowers. 54 A Watchman. 55 A Street in Canton. 56 A Cantonese Married Woman. 57 A Marriage Procession. 58 Opium Smoking. 59 Hong Kong. 60 Concluding Slide. Egypt. With printed descriptive Lecture. 1 Introductory. 2 Alexandria—We land. 3 Alexandria—P o m p e y ’ s Pillar. 4 Alexandria— Cleopatra’s Needle. 5 Cairo—Road to the Cita- del. 6 Cairo—Lattice Windows. 7 Cairo—View from the Cit- adel. 8 Cairo — Tomb of the Mamelooks. 9 Cairo—Tomb of the Ca- liphs. 10 Cairo—Mosque of Moham- med Ali. 11 Cairo—Fountain in the Mosque. 12 Cairo—Heliopolis. 13 Cairo—Suez Canal. 14 Cairo—Prince of Wales’ Palace. 15 Cairo—Pyramids, crossing the Nile. 16 Cairo — View of Pyramids and Sphinx. 17 Cairo—Section of Pyra- mid. 18 Cairo—Ascent of the Pyr- amid. 19 Map of Egypt. 20 Nile — The Dahabeah, ex- terior. 21 Nile—The Dahabeah, in- terior. 22 Nile—A Cargo Boat. 23 Nile—Pyramids of Sakara. 24 Beni Hassan. 25 Beni Hassan—Sculptures. 26 Siout. 27 Nile—Water raising. 28 Abydos. 29 Abydos—Sculptures. 30 Dendera — General View. 31 Dendera—Porch of the Temple. 32 Thebes—Plan of the Ruins. 33 Thebes—Plan of a Tem- ple. 34 Thebes—Memnonium East Gate. 35 Thebes—Colossi. 36 Thebes—Medinet Abou, from Northwest. 37 Thebes—Medinet Abou, Hall of Columns. 38 Thebes—Medinet Abou, Christian Church. 39 Thebes—Luxor. 40 Thebes—Approach to Karnac. 41 Thebes—Karnac, Central Avenue. 42 Thebes—Karnac, Hall of Columns. 43 Thebes—South Wall of Court of Sheshonk. 44 Thebes — Cartouche of Rehoboam. 45 Esneh. 46 Edfou. 47 Koum Ombou. 48 Assouan—Isle of Ele- phantine. 49 Philse—Pharaoh’s Bed. 50 Philae—Great Propylon and Outer Court. 51 Philae—Colonnade of Temple of Isis. 12 Philse—View of foot of Cataract. 53 Philse—View of, from Big- geh. 54 Philse—Biggeh and Nu- bians. 55 Philse—View of, looking North. 56 Nubia—Palm and Nu- bians. 57 Nubia—Arab at Prayer. 58 Nubia—Rock Temple at Ivalabsee. 59 Nubia—Ipsamboul, Small Temple. 60 Nubia—Ipsamboul, Great Temple. Route to India. With printed descriptive Lecture. 1 Map of Europe, showing routes. 2 Serapis. 3 Gibraltar. 4 Malta. 5 Castellamare, Brindisi. 6 Acropolis, Athens. 7 Port Said. 8 El Kantara. 9 Sphinx and Great Pyra- mid. 10 Aden. 11 Homala Boys diving. 12 Map of India, showing route. 13 Bombay—the Mazagon Road. 14 Bombay—Fort and Es- planade. 15 Snake Charmers. 16 Caves of Elephanta. 17 The Prince Dining in the Caves of Elephanta. 18 Poonah. 19 Parbutta, Poonah. 20 Tower of Silence. 21 Baroda—the Prince’s En- trance. 22 Baroda— State Elephants drawn up at the Arena. 23 Baroda— Elephant Fight. 24 Baroda—Hunting with Cheetahs. 25 Colombo. 26 Kandy—Old Palace of Sacred Tooth. 27 Devil’s Dance at the Pri- vate Perehara. 28 Elephant Hunting. Cey- lon. 29 Madras. 30 Tank and Temple, Con- jeveram. 31 Temple at Bailoor. 32 Great Temple at Bobenes- war. 33 Juggernaut. 34 Calcutta—Governmein House. 35 Portrait of Nawab, or M&' hommedan Prince. 36 Reception of Native Princes. 37 Nautch Girl. 38 Benares—Ghat. 39 Benares—Group of Priests, taken on Steps of Temple*