Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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152 McIntosh battery and optical co., Chicago, ill., u. s. a. 20 Saws of Saw Fly. 21 Tongue of Cricket 22 Gizzard of Cricket. 23 Chirping File and Drum of Cricket. 24 Sheep Tick. 25 Human Bug. 26 Parasite on Pig. 27 Aphis. 28 Aphis — Male. 29 Spider. 30 Mouth of Spider. 31 Spinneret of Spider. 32 Foot of Spider. 33 Calaminstrum on Leg of Spider. 34 Red Earth Mite. 35 Cheese Mites. 36 Parasite on Beetle. 37 Tape Worm of Cat. 38 Palate of Garden Snail. 39 Palate of Haliolis—Polar- ized. 40 Stem of Exogen. Clema- tis. 41 Brazilian Wood. Annual Rings of growth. 42 Plane Tree. Medullary Rays. 43 Plane Tree. Vertical Sec- tion across the Rays. 44 Section of Stem of Endo- gen. Butcher’s Broom. 45 Cuticle of Leaf. Stomata. 46 Sea Weed. Polysiphonia. 47 Volvox Globator. 48 Recent Diatoms. 49 Fossil Diatoms. 50 Foraminifera. March Silt. 51 Chalk. 52 Soundings of H. M. S. Challenger. 53 Stem of Plant in Coal. 54 Oolitic Limestone. Clif- ton. Rip Van Winkle. With Reading. 1 Playing with the Children. 2 At the Village Inn. 3 His Scolding Wife. 4 On the Mountains. 5 Returns after a Nap of Twenty Years. 6 Relating his Story. Leap for Life. With Reading. 1 There stood the boy with dizzy brain, Between the sea and sky. 2 Then suddenly a rifle grasped And aimed it at his son. 3 “That only chance your life can save; Jump, jump, boy ! ” He obeyed. 4 He sank —he rose —he lived — he moved — And for the ship struck out. 5 “ His father drew, in silent joy, those wet arms round his neck.” Seven Ages of Ulan. With Reading. 1 The Infant. 2 The School Boy. 3 The Lover. 4 The Soldier. 5 The Justice. 6 The Lean and Slippered Pantaloon. 7 The Last Scene. Pilgrim's Progress. With Reading. 1 The Pilgrim and his Bur- den. 2 The Shining Light. 3 The Slough of Despond. 4 The Pilgrim at the Gate. 5 Christian and the Three Shining Ones. 6 The Pilgrim and the Lions. 7 Christian Armed. 8 The Fight with Apollyon. 9 Vanity Fair. 10 The Pilgrims found Sleep- ing. 11 The Pilgrims and the Shepherds. 12 Passing through the Waters. Uncle Tom's Cabin. With Reading. 1 George Harris taking leave of his Wife. 2 An Evening in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 3 Escape of Eliza and Child on the Ice. 4 Uncle Tom Sold and Leav- ing his Family. 5 Eva St. Clair makes a Friend of Uncle Tom. 6 Uncle Tom saves Eva from Drowning. 7 George Harris resisting the Slave Hunters. 8 Eva and Topsy. 9 Eva Reading to Uncle Tom. 10 Eva’s Dying Farewell. 11 Degree's Crueltv to Uncle i Tom. 12 Death of Uncle Tom. Voyage of Life. Childhood. 1 “Fair childhood starts, illumed with light, And pleasing visions trance the sight.” Youth. 2 “ Then youth arrives. How fair the view! How radiant upward shines the blue! ” Manhood. 3 “What now, O God! through this stern strife Can keep the voyager, save his life?” Old Age. 4 “ While o’er the dark, re- ceding storm, Bright breaks the light of endless morn.” Life of Jesus Christ. With Reading ; plain or colored. 1 The Nativity, Shepherds worshiping. 2 Adoration of the Magi. 3 Flight into Egypt. 4 Jesus among the Doctors. 5 Marriage at Cana. 6 Sermon on the Mount. 7 Jesus enters into Jerusa- lem. 8 Jesus betrayed by Judas. 9 J e s u s condemned to death. 10 Jesus is nailed to the Cross. 11 Jesus dies upon the Cross. 12 Jesus taken down from the Cross. 13 Jesus is placed in the Tomb. 14 The Resurrection. 15 Ascension of Jesus. Life of Joseph. With Reading ; plain or colored. 1 Joseph tending his Fath- er's Flocks. 2 The Dreams of Joseph. 3 Joseph thrown in a Well. 4 Joseph sold by his Breth- ren. 5 Joseph’s Bloody Coat brought to Jacob. 6 The Cuastity of Joseph. 7 Joseph Interprets Dreams of Butler and Baker. 8 Joseph Interprets Pha- raoh’s Dreams. 9 Joseph raised to honor by Pharaoh. 10 The Cup found in Benja- min’s Sack. 11 Simeon detained by Jo- seph. 12 Joseph makes himself known to his Brethren. 13 Joseph meets his Father in Goshen. 14 Joseph presents his Father to Pharaoh. 15 Jacob Blesses his Twelve Sons. 16 Jacob Blesses the Sons of Joseph. Life of Moses. With Reading; plain hr colored. 1 Striking the Rock. 2 Jethro bringing his Wife and Children. 3 C >ming down from the Mount. 4 Destroying the Golden Calf. 5 The Rebellion of Korah. 6 Lifting up the Serpent. 7 Spoiling of the Midian- ltes. 8 Viewing of the Promised Land from Pisgah. 9 Finding of Moses. 10 Slaying the Egyptian. 11 The Burning Bush. 12 Returning to Egypt. 13 Before Pharaoh. 14 Plague of Locusts. 15 Slaying the First-born. 16 The Departure from Egypt. 17 The Red Sea. 18 Miriam.