The Moving Picture World (1907)

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• 30 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. Soi\g Slide Review. B««t Thiamin Lifo. .. By Ch as. K. Harris. i. Title. 2. /n a well-known club. Shows interior of club'foom, with a group of five gentlemen, in the attitude of listening, one of them recounting a story. 3. One -young fellow of the same group asking a question with upraised arm, to emphasize its importance. 4. Some passed through adventures. A saloon interior, with its usual sordid surroundings; a drunken quarrel over a girl, resulting in the shooting of one. (A picture true to life.) 5. There are many here have sweethearts. Quite a contrast from the last pic- ture. A woodland scene, peaceful and calm, with sluggish brook run- ning through; two figures, a lad help- ing a lass over the stepping stones of the brook. 6. Come now, -won't you tell us, General? This question is being asked of a Civil War veteran, who is persuaded to take the floor, and in the recount- ing of doughty deeds exclaims: 7. The best thing in life is glory, fighting i or home and its . flag; winding up with the admonition, 8. So never let it drag —a picture showing lady with flag trailing on the green- sward, with background of trees. 9. You listen and hear crowds cheering. Regiments of Uncle Sam's soldiers returning from the war, marching through the streets, with the crowd of onlookers cheering them on their " . way. 10. Tis then that your heart's blood's beat- ing, brings us back again to the club room, where the General's story has roused the enthusiasm of his fellows, and they stand, waving their hand- kerchiefs in their excitement. 11. The dear General, he had spoken, and they are shown applauding the senti- ments he had expressed so well. 12. They in fancy all could see him, as he held the flag in his left hand, stand- ing at guard, defending it even at the risk of his life, with a background of the setting sun in a blood-red glow. 13. Then spoke a young financier, brings us once more back to the club room, showing a millionaire extolling gold by saying. 14. The best thing in life is gold, boys, holding aloft before the eyes of his companions evidences of wealth, with the assertion that it aids those in poverty 15. And gives you pleasures, too. Show- ing a night scene at the great ex- hibition at St. Louis, with the build- ings lit up with myriads of electric lights, boasting, 16. You live like a king in his palace. A fine interior view, with every luxury • shown in its surroundings; beautiful lady seated in cosy chair, husband standing, both in earnest conversa- tion, as though no troubles assail. 17. The world's at your feet. Same in- terior* with man looking out on the world below bathed in moonlight and the houses lit up. 18. Then they all sat there in silence. Changes again to the club_ house, where the group sit in reverie, pon- derine over the statements made. 19. A crash upon the table was caused by the eldest of the group, a gray-haired old gentleman, seemingly well-pre- served in spite of his years, making assertion, most emphatic, that 20. 'Tis the love of wife or sweetheart. Shows rustic garden seat, on which are a young couple; man has arm around neck of girl, who is smiling in response to his words, which sound pleasing to her ears; her left arm encircles a dog on her lap; the background of evergreens adds to the effect. 21. The-best thing in life is love, boys. Brings a nursery interior to our view., wherein is depicted mother and child. 22. A mother's love ne'er was equaled. Gives a bedroom scene, with child saying prayers, kneeling in her cot, with mother listening. 23. Your sweetheart, your home or your baby. Takes us to a family at tea. 24. So take all your gold and your glory. Introduces- us to a garden scene, where December and May are mak- ing love, with the god Cupid shoot- ing arrow, showing that both old and young must succumb to his arts. 25. • Chorus. This set is well arranged and staged, the models are appropriate to the scenes, the photographing and coloring all that can be desired, and reflects highly upon the artist, A. L. Simpson. low You'm Not For. rfottan by tHe Girt Tot* Cmo't Fo?got. Words by Ed. Gardinier. Music by J. Fred. Helf. 1. Title slide. Fine moonlight effect, with a couple walking, strolling leisurely through the trees. 2. Same couple sitting on flower bank, sunlight and happiness abounding. 3. Same couple in boat on lake, in midst of overhanging trees and shrubbery. 4. Beautiful interior; gaslight effect on two figures. 5. Lady pensively watching, surrounded by circlet of flowers. 6. Effect scene. Lady on porch of house in her day dreams seeing her lover far away in India, riding on elephant 7. Couple holding heart-shaped wreath of evergreens, in the center of which they are pictured in loving attitude. 8. In the foreground a rosebush in full bloom, backed by a fence, behind which are five maidens, rivaling the roses in front. 9. Lady seated in the open Gothic" win- dow of church, listening to her com- panion, who is outside. 10. Effect slide, showing couple holding hands over a heart, in which they are mirrored in each other's arms. 11. Snow scene; couple walking in midst of trees. . 12. Portico of house; lady leaning against column, looking down a long vista of well-kept flower garden as though waiting and longing for return of her lover, whom she cannot forget 13. Effect slide; interior of parlor in gloaming; male figure seated before fire, lost in reverie, and seeing in the leaping flames the image of the sweetheart whom he cannot forget 14. Snow scene, with lady in foreground looking expectantly forward. iS- 16. Effect slide; lady holding in each hand heart-shaped evergreens; in the left hand she is mirrored, in the right her sweetheart A bunch of flowers; a real beauty showing eighteen typical ladies frora as many nationalities. I"- , 17. Chorus slide. This is one of the most effective sets of slides we have seen for a long while, for originality in conception and get-up. Messrs. Scott & Van Altena have departed from the stereotyped, shape of mat and have introduced some innovations whict add to the beauty of the slides—one is diamond shape, another the five-pointed star, another has the four-leaf shamrock pattern—and is a set that must be seen to be fully appreciated. We predict a hcavj run on this set both for the makers and publishers. Messrs. Helf & Hager. Moving Flcim rei D.W.Rotorta«i The Pioneer in this field of work I2SU0CESSFI ..YEARS.. 407 Paris Row Builds! AMD 13 Park Row NEW YORK Cf D. W. ROBERTSON Phoae, 3681 Cortland Wi WE SELL FILMS WE SELL MACHINES WE GIVE EXHIBITION! CALL, WRITE OR PHONE DeWitt C. Wheeler, Incf 1215 BROADWAY :: :: NEW YORl| Daly's Theatre Building Slides for Illustrated Son* The BEST £0320—Illustrated by tbe BEST Slides—at the BEST Prices I manufacture to order only and dp not in slides of other makes. I DO NOT RENT SLIDE!