The Moving Picture World (May 1907)

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182 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. On motion of Mr. Leonhart the ordinance passed first reading. * * * Considerable New Haven, Conn., capital is interested in the P. A. L Company, incorporated in Hartford, May 13, for $50,000, to do a moving picture and illustrated song business. When interviewed last evening, Mr. Windisch, one of the incorporators, stated that the plans of the company were not complete, but that the project was one of considerable magnitude and that moving pic- ture amusement houses would be established in several cities in the East. One will be located in New Haven. The two other incorporators are: Louis M. Sagal and William T. McCormick, both of New Haven. Shares are to have a par value of $100, and business will start with $6,000 paid in. Mr. Windisch is manager of the New Haven theater, owned and operated by S. Z. Poll. * » * Plans for the exterior adornment of the new Star Theater on East Market street, Wilkes-Barre, look good. The contractor has already commenced work on it and expects to have it ready for occupancy in about a month. The new theater, which will be under the management of Foster and Corbin, a New York syndicate, will be lo- cated in the Pettebone building on East Market street. It will be a moving picture theater, and judging from the plans will add materially to the attractiveness of the neighborhood. The front will be finished in tiling and ornamental plastering of beautiful design. * * * * M. H. Morley & Son, of Sodus Point, N. Y., have de- cided to install a private electric plant at their pavilion this Spring to light the building and run a picture outfit. * * * * Messrs. W. K. Coulthurst and W. H. Mayhew, of Bos-, ton, secured a lease of Freeman's Hall, Portsmouth, N. H., for the Summer. They will open a moving picture show. In connection with the pictures there will be sung the latest illustrated songs. It will be known as the "Dimette," and the admission will be ten cents to all parts of the hall ■* » : * Magistrate Furlong, on May 16, in the Gates Avenue Police Court, rendered a decision which may have an important bearing on future arrests of the proprietors of the cheap moving-picture shows which are thickly scattered about in certain sections of Brooklyn, N. Y. Julius Spoerry, 41 years old, of No. 1105 De Kalb avenue, was arrested recently charged with conducting a moving picture show at No. 1537 Broadway without a license. Spoerry's lawyer, when the case came up, con- tended that under the code a theatrical performance needed a stage and human beings, and as the show in question had neither of these necessities, it was not a theatrical performance and consequently no license was needed. Magistrate Furlong accepted the motion to dis- .miss oh the grounds put forth and Spoerry was charged. * * * The managers of the moving picture theaters in towi do not show apprehension that another is being built a busy locality and that others are headed this way. A a matter of fact, the pioneer in the business here, speak ing for the others as well as himself, says that the she help each other and that every new one to open increas the list of those who find frequent visits to the pictui ' shows a satisfactory and economical way of providing amusement. The shows have many regular patrons an a considerable number of those visit all theaters imps tially. Whether interest in moving pictures will event ually disappear, as did roller skating years ago, leavini their theaters scattered every little way along the street is a matter of conjecture. The managers of the theatet say the interest, will remain for a long time to come, an the money they are putting into their houses indicate that they are willing to back the belief.— Elmira, N, Y, Gazette. * ♦ •*. The fact that the Grand Theater of Calumet, Midi under the management of Lawton and Rice, is about expand, is one of the surest indications of the continue popularity of the 10-cent refined vaudeville show. Th new theater under the management of these gentlemt will open in a short time in Ishpeming and will on doubtedly attain a success in the hematite city which \\\ rival that of the institution in Calumet. The clean, wholesome show at a popular price is aj predated by the Calumet public. Almost every eveni the theater is crowded and the variety of pictures wta is presented makes the entertainment always new. G umet friends of the Grand Theater hope that the dents of the iron range town will appreciate the oppa tunity to secure some good amusements. The theate will be managed by Mr. Lawton. The Bijou Theater of Calumet contemplates an 1 pansion in the direction in the near future and a modi moving picture show will be fitted up in the Corgi building just opposite the present Bijou. This, too, w be successful, as has been the Majestic in Laurium, tl Palace, Savoy and other shows of this variety in tl copper country. .'. ^ '■> * -*• * The scenery along certain portions of Mexican » roads is to be advertised by means of moving picture according to present plans. A Chicago company is a ranging with the railroads to secure pictures from tl rear platform of moving trains in various parts of t* republic where the scenery through which the roads pu offers an opportunity to secure pictures that for beats and uniqueness cannot be surpassed, and it is expecfe that within a short time some of the Well known localnK will be visited by representatives of the company.