The Moving Picture World (January 1908)

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5Q THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD FILMS OF ALL MAKERS. (The Latest Production Always Heads the List) BIOGRAFH. Falsely Accused 990 ft. "Energizer" • 789 it. Professional Jealousy....... .609 ft. Mr. Gay and Mrs 762 ft. Dr. Skinum. 592 ft. The Elopement 693 ft. Wife Wanted 848 ft Under the Old Apple Tree. .378 ft Yale Laundry. ..80S fL Love Microbe...... ..070 ft Terrible Tad , •z5?/ t Aa.Aicadiaa Elopement 715 ft. Lena cad the Beaus 413 ft Neighbors 135 ft. TW Tired Tailor's Dream. .625- ft. The Hrjmotist's - Revenge.. 1&3Q ft. Jdeaf Mutes'-Ball .....790 ft. batting Wight of Tttir The Model's Ma 333 ft. Delia in Dreamland 752 ft CARLO ROSSI. The Gay Vagabonds 334 ft A Soldier Must Obey Orders.. When Cherries Are-Ripe —— EDISON. Rescued from an Eagle's Nest 515 ft. The Suburbanite's Ingenious Alarm ; 595 ft. A Little Girl Who Did Not Believe .in Santa Claus....860 ft. Laughing Gas 575 ft. College Chums 700 ft. The Trainer 1 * Daughter 800 ft .Three American Beauties. ...85 ft. Parsifal .................. 1975 ft. Paul Reveres Ride .915 ft. Jack the Kisser.. 755 ft A Rice for -Millions ..975 ft • ••••>•••■•••••• /5V, Xb Struck *?§!*• Lives of. a Cat 955 ft Jameatown EjrpojitipQ 500 ft. Cat in the Alps 830 ft » . ' ES SANA Y. A Novice on Stilts 400 ft. A Home at Last 250 ft. The Eleventh.Hour 850 ft. Unveiling McKinley Memor- tal ..' .1000 ft. Hey, Therel Look Outl....400 ft. 99 in the Shade ZTTT" The Vagabond 770 ft A ^FxcS'.Mtndis»••■•••••••• ■-■»■» ■ Xhe Street vmdt ■ •>•••••• •• ^st^^ ^s The Daneiac Nig 387 ft Lite Of a -Bootblack 726 ft. -Mr. Lnqvisizive 500 ft ataw^rtSore i647 ft. Aa Awful Skate .683 ft GAUMONT. GOODFELLOW. • A Restful Ride — The Gamekeeper's Dog 467 ft Anxious Day for Mother....340 ft. Valiant Son 367 ft. Ingenuity Conquers.........304 ft. Tenor with Leather Lungs...340 ft. Medal Winner 404 ft Girl's Dream 350 ft The Affianced 667 ft. Pied Piper of Hamelin 790 ft. Buying a Cow 517 p ft. Marvelous Powder ..414 ft. False Start 417 ft Cook's Fiance 554 ft. Tight .Fix. 444 ft. Waters of Life .817 ft Colonial Soldier 650 ft. Stolen Shoes 417 ft Grandfather and Kittens....227 ft Irresistible Piano „... 420 ft. Episode of Paris Commune..294 ft. Has-Stolen My Picycle?.257 ft . > Wind". '.'.'.'. .1 .-. '. .If* ft A Wi* Made to Order......354 ft The White-Shoes; or, Look-- .--• iaar for His Banknote 317 ft A Roiling Bed 340 ft T-e Lost Bass Drum: or, - Where la That Louise?...534 ft Granuather and the Kitten..244 ft. The Bomb .314 ft Turning the Tables .347 ft The Stolen Shoes 434 ft The -Adventures of a Bath Chair 560 ft The Absent-Mlnded Professor. 504 ft Onions Make People Weep..544 ft The Irresistible Piano..... .437 ft. The Athletic Dude 500 ft into ....805 ft .•«•*«..«. OZD it. Faith's Rewards. Mixed Pickles. Smuggling Chinese 'Getting Even.. That Dog Gone Dog 672 ft. Goldstein a Luck..;. A Disastrous Flirtation 825 ft Thnrsday Is My Jonah Day.675 ft. It Served Them Right 860 ft. KALEM COMPANY (INC). Back to the Farm 570 ft. Dogs of Fashion............375 ft. Suack Doctor 325 ft. ays of '61 585 ft. Mountaineers ..............610 ft. Ben Hur lflOO ft School Days. .470 ft. Lest'Mine. .455 it. Dramatic Rehearsal .105 ft Woman, Cruel Woman 315 ft The Rival Motorists 555 ft His Affinity Troubles of a Tramp ^— The GoM Brick 705 ft« It Was Mother-in-Law 160 ft Nathan Hair 750 ft Red Man's Way ..680 ft Oijnrtf Stave Smuggling...650 ft Amateur Detective. 232 ft Nature Fakers. 490 ft Wooing of Miles Standiah..720 ft. .Jteggy's Camping tarty 705 ft. -Who'll Do the Washing?.... S95 ft One-Night -Stand.....'. iZ60-ft. The Sea Wojf..... rf55ft The-Book Ajjcnt.••••....• .-.730rft. The Parson's.Picnic ..670^ft 'The Tenderfoot*■••••■••••".850 it Off for tie Day... .670 ft. The Pony.-Espress Rider....880 : ft The Gentleman Farmer.....720 ft LUBIN. The Ringmaster's Wife How Brown Saw the Baseball Game .350 ft. Neighbors Who Borrow 493 ft The Foundling. ...823. ft- Harbor Pirates ...695.ft The Lost Collar Button....: 360 ft. The New Arrival 31C ft Moses Sells a Collar Bettsa.155 ft The-Blacksmith's Daughter. .845 ft The New-Apprentice........530 ft. Grandpa's Vacation 690 ft. Wanted: A Husband 565 ft. -MELIES. ' The Knight of Black Art....371.ft Bakers in Trouble 365 ft. Shakespeare writing "Julius Csesar" 344 ft. Sight-seeing Through "'Whis- key .... 353 ft. Satan in Prison 300 it. Delirium in a Studio 302 ft. An Angelic Servant.. 483 ft. In the Bogie Man's Cave....350 ft. A Forester Made King .458 ft. Good Glue Stocks .-311-ft Seek and Thou Shalt Find- Trouble 88 ft. Sightseeing Through Whis- key 353ft. Shakespeare Writing Julius Cjrsar ......344 ft Satan in- Prison .'...300 ft A Story of Eggs 192 ft Hamlet Prince of Denmark.570 ft Drink .312 ft Bewildering Cabinet ,370 ft. A New Death Penalty 400 ft .How Bridget's Lover Es- caped ,500 ft The Skipping Cheese iZSO ft Robert Maeaire & Bertrand.1060 ft JULES BROS. The Blackmailer 535 ft Pettieoat Regiment 785 ft Babe* in the Woods........378 ft Once Upon a Time There Was ..867 ft For. a Woman's Sake -.497 -ft His First Topper 255 ft Invalid's Adventure. ——— Cheekiest Man on Earth. Babes in the Woods. Female 'Regiment Arrival of the Lusitasia..- Great Lion Heat..........700.ft Female Wrestlers.... .-SOS ft Happy Bob as Boxer 262 ft PATHE FRERES. Man Who Walks On the Water 196 ft. Red Tapism .'311 ft. That Squally Beach .M64 ft. Adventures of an Overcoat..311 ft. Shipowner's Daughter.......984 ft. Funny Faces Competition....311 ft. Going to Switzerland 738 ft. Lady Doctor's Husband 541 ft. Diabolical Itching 508 ft. Afraid of Microbes 377 ft. Bewitched Son-in-Law ...295 ft 'Military Tournament at Sa- mur 426 ft. Heavyweight's Race 492 ft. Fatherhood and Drunkenness.503 ft. Witch's Secret .246 ft Go, Little Cabin Boy (tint),-.803* ft. Kiri-Kis (coL) 213 ft. First Cigar 393 ft. Prince's Idea .459 ft. Dog and His Various Merits.377 ft. The Shrimper (tint) 393 ft The Tulips (col.) ..344 it. Thirteen at Table 328 ft. The First Row 328 ft The Strong Man 442 ft. The Black Witch (tint) 328 ft The Bargeman's Child 672 ft. Elegant Paris.. —: The Witch Kiss (col.) 377 ft The Talisman or Sheep's Foot ' - (coL) ....984 it. Thieves Caught in Their Own ' Trap 295 ft. Doings of.a Poodle ....344. ft. Wonderful Mirrors (col.) 442 ft' Manners and Customs in Aus- tralia 508 ft. An Uncle by Marriage 541 ft On the Grass 188 ft. Daily Life of a French Sailor.688 ft. Madam's Fancies... 426 ft. Unknown Talent 377 ft. Blue Beard (tint) .738 ft Music-Forward (col.) .246. ft. A Champion After All .410 ft. Sailors' Practical Jokes. .... .377-it. Elephants in India 492 ft. Up-to-Date Burglars. 508 • ft. A Super's Debut. A .........344 ft. A Mother's Secret 606 ft THEO. PATHE. T. P.—PARIS. Brain Storm.. 517 ft Who Owns the Pear? 234 ft Unlucky S ub stit ut i on 517 ft. The- Blactensith's Strike 1067 -ft. Too -Many Children 734 ft. Gov er n ess Wasted 517 it Cream-Eating -Contest Ill ft Non • Commissioned Officers' Honor 0 00 ft Interesting RswAwaf 184 ft Clever Detective. ....700 ft. SELIG. The Miser's Fate .-400 ft The Irish Blacksmith The Newly-Wed's First Meal.... 290 ft The Financial Scare 435 ft The Tramp Hypnotist 380 ft Wooing and Wedding' of t a Coon ,....—— Whata Pipe Did ...465 ft A Southern Romance .590 it Mishaps of a Baby Corrisce.460 ft. The Girl and the Judge.....835.ft Motoring Under Difficulties. .450 ft. A Life for a Life Cab 23 75S ft All's Well that Ends WcU..;600 ft Grand- Canyon of Arizona...600 ft RolisrJSkate Craze SCO ft The Onion Fiend 425-ft. The Matinee Idol :480 ft The Bookworm 445 ft Western Justice 700 ft. The Mather. 440 ft One of the Finest.... .535" ft The Bandit King 1030 ft. SOCIETY ITALIAN CTNZS. The Rivals 574 ft Adventures of a Gountryman.306 ft. Christmas 371 ft Japanese Vaudeville.... 315 ft. A Brief Story \ 75 ft A Magistrate s Crime. 420 ft. Venetian Baker..- ..765 ft. Watchmaker's Secret...;....772.ft In the Dreamland ....387 ft Where Is My Head? 1S3 ft Monk's Vengeance ...284 ft - Stolen Chicken. • • • • • Modern" Samson.... Hunting the—Devil.. Electric Pile........ Gitana •.••^••••••. Kidnapping a Bride Fountains of Rome. 272 ft. 291 I 17] £ mi S33fe Slavery of ^afSssfe^ '.'.'.'.'.lu * The Fireman Modern Youth Ragpicker's Da MS -.10810. 'aughter 694 £ ■*?>»••-• 245 ft, File de Chiffonier 554 £ URBAN-ECLIPSE. Mr. Sleepy Head 37 u Highly Scented Bouquet 114 ft. Diabolo -Nightmare 394* The Cashier 727 ft, When the Devil Drives 4S4 ft Willing-to Oblige uo ft Against the Law.. 620 ft Youthful Hackenschmidts 194 ft, ■ Love Levels All Ranks.; 460 o. Bulgarian Army.... 440 h. Deaf and Dumb....... 667ft Cabman Mystified.-..', 287ft. The Tattler. 394ft, Misadventures of a Street t Singer , 307 ft. Unlucky Trousers. 280 ft, ReedhamBoys' Aquatic .Sports, i....." 434 ft. BadVBoys Joke «37ft Daughter's Lover in Difficul- ties .. 447 ft Stolen Child's Career 614 ft French Recruit £67 ft Comrade .'Rations 320 ft - Simple-Minded ' Peasant 647 ft "ing Edward on H. M. S. . Dr^dnought 534 ft. Launch of the - British- Battle- ship -Bellerophon 427ft Anonymous -Letter 434ft Accidents Will Happen 474 ft Through Hong-Kong. 627 ft VITAGSAFH. The Last Cartridge.. 600ft. Lost Strayed or Stolen 375 ft The Shaughraun 700 ft. The Jealous Wife 300 ft. An Indian Love Story 6C0 ft Work Made Easy 500 ft The Miser's Hoard 350 ft A Night in Dreamland 500 ft. A Clown's Love Story 325 ft A Tale of the Sea 750 ft. The Need of Gold 475 ft Laughing Gas 400ft The Burglar and the Baby..375 ft Under False Colors 575 ft The Despatch Bearer 725 e. A Fish Story 450ft A Crazy Quilt ;4C0t The Twin Brother'a Joke...600£ A Little Hero SOOft The Kitchen Maid's Dream..«0t The Soldier's Dream. 300 fc The VcKcd Besety 6Mft The Inquisitive Bay 509 J The Masquerade Party 5M 6 - The Piker'a Dreasa 600a WILLIAMS. BROWN & EASIX The Viking's Bride *»ft The Artful Lovers gji Testing a Lifeboat 200a The Sticky Bicycle 4951 -Rebellious Schoolgirls M»J Servia!? a Summons 1W? A: Soldier's Jealousy «J ft Brisk «Jf Too Devoted Wife 375* Sham Sword Swallower...;35» ft A Day of His Own Jgg Modern Don Juan 37S J. Cricket-Terms Illustrated...2"^ Miscbievoas Girla. -SI A.Seaside Girl... Don't:Go-to Law A Sailor's Lass Ml AModera Don Jean 3751 VJZA Animals.... «fjg Just in Time. pi Disk Turcin 52? The PoeVTBabies -^ ACTOGRAPH CO. Presentsrion of Firemen's Bravery Mrrlals by Mayor MeCleHan 25 °* Mystic Shriners at Dream- Hunting "in "Can3dia3*Woods.6» ^