Variety (October 1918)

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,,'■■'■■ ■ •- ■ ■ . . . '■?■ ■ ■■:.■■. ■■• .-t : ■ VARIETY 27 ¥ y > afe ?^a . i ESQ i fJSKS ff : I £5 U *&i ivv?fr !<>'■ •£*:* ftaa Villi. »0v». as*: ^<toV> WW-' V.^" i?»»\; U>Mf && WO •- ' V,.-.*'-..^EfTO* ffi>3Si J.K.W1' *»■.■ Our Casualty Lists- — ■ • ••. . jf Let's not get used to them-" Lees STOP them—quickly! HOW? By rolling up an overwhelm* ing subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan. After four long, frightful years the tide of battle is turning! The time has come at last when MONEY MIGHT will go far toward, hastening the Victory that will stop these - dreadful casualty lists and bring our boys home again. . . . Buy Liberty Bonds— to the very limit of your means! Never mind how many you have bought already—buy more, ano more, and more! Don't think about the money— that will all come back to you with interest. Think about the brave young Amer- icans who are fighting and suffering and dying Over There for you. i Don't make excuses— make sacrifice* J BUY U.S.GOVERNMENT BONDS FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Contributed through Division of Advertising United Status Gov't Cotnm. uo Public Information Thti space contributed for the Winking of the War by VARIETY T, VDRAX.-sir.futfjsi; Wrtic : .hi*cii f\ fwMT IM-t* •;-I, Ms m '$W m **■* !r "!v;i,»£ r *y>. mi Wm •••'•.. >: ■- • ■ .:■' VT: ' Wi* '*>t.\ Jmjm f'VW././ •■&, I v ^jkia«^rij ! oj t >n.>)tj.iK..-iit-. WTr . m,;. '. V^Jv ^V- •'• « cVi . .'■•JHtWrWllirii it. Ktitsen, <i«>iii»«. iw. ..p_.-K* ■• _j-(J . ■ /uJA<1 1 ■»<;';■ :V. _j|iBjw '>' ,';■ •f^r'(riXHi-M"*"Jii.ii,v. , :>i>>Wren.;ri.'iMi .' - •-v.tfwiuiM- •:•»» -i ;■». •'.-Ttill.AMlll-l.'. \:\'\\ . sjmMMU' * ' ■•'■ ■■ AMP JVtll.iw ',».-. ...», S >t,v.; ♦M f afe;# 8 * 'H»tii lofntiiry. ut XttP ;.B \. ll«.l -IjV.tT J .'-j^Hr-. f • en.-. :'^ V'OMiLj v >k l:!tx:, °fDi. *> :mm m fM ■;y