Variety (November 1918)

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VARIETY • '-Bert LeTey spent theigreater part of lest week In Los Angles. Minneapolis journal Winnipeg Tribune Edmonton ^illetin Moekova • and her 'buabaod, danelne paMner, sat Lafce^G%lTribune s;Seir*''"'''"""'^ ^ ^'»;''^' -»■-»° Victoria,B.C., Times Tacoma Daily ILedger ^Frisco' American Butte Miner Seattle Star Kansas Oity Journal Denver iEbcpresB Portland Oregohiari Spokane Spokesman Ho ward Chandler ChtistylB ilCHILD If ODEL With Mttrion Davies DIBBOnON JUIiilUSiSTEGER Address, eate VtSSBTl, New York The Alcazar ' Players 'are rebearslng "Up- "•Ulrs and Dcnni," to atart the'atiwk reason '•when oondltlotts'iwrmtt. 'Ella Herbert 'Weston, >ot the Ackerman ft Harris offices, la taking advantage of the' lull by motoring and recuperating on her ranA. Many of the Taudevllllana laying off have applied (or positions In (he sblpyards here. •An idea of the > amount spent for amme> meats. In tUs district ivas gleaned from a statement made by Justus S. Warden, col- lector of'lDterBal''revenaee, that^the Qarem- ment Is losing approximately $40,000 a iveek through the dosing of the theatres and i the tabaretB. < '"Help, Police," Herman Becker's tabloid 'Mblch has'been playing the Fantages Clmuit. and Is laying oH here pending the ^ening of'the Iheatree, ihas sent'tepreMhtatlvea 'to the 4|tata liabor QommlBstoner, to akk thatrvtum Qok- ets to New York 'be supplied them by -their employer or that otber work be found' for lb«m. There are seven girls and two men In the, act. Despite the cancellation of the c<mtracts with the 80 musicians of the San Franclsoo Symphony -OrcbeBtra, due to the Indefinite postponement o( the opening of the concert season, the Musloal Asaoolatlon has not aban- doned Its plans for* the concerts. With the ex- ception of the cessation of the rehearsala there has been no Vbange'ln the preparations. The memtiers of the orchestra are taking the situation philosophically, =aiid hoping that'-they ^11 aoon be summoned to sign fresh oon- tracts. "Tearsf" the latest flong -written by Art Hlokman and Ben Black, has bten 'accepted by Remlck & Co. for publleation. Three 'ttther caatem puMlshera also bid for the song. J. H. Dodge, leasee of the Isls, Strand and Bpreckles, San Diego, iras here last week, having motored up. He 'was accompanied by Al Watson, manager of the Hippodrome there. A notice posted In the'offices'of ACkermad & 'Harris advised acts to return to Chicago be- 'fore the expiration of .their three months' tickets the end ' of thU month. Since the ^notice was posted, a wire trMn Uort 'Singer "Was reoetved stating an •bSort was being made lit Chicago to have the tickets extended for a period of 80 or-60 days.. Aokertnan & Harris-Circuit have announced that fuIl^8alaries^\vlll be paid in'all the ''cut" salary towns, to all ants playhig their time, that remain here waiting the opening of the -theatres. HarsbUl Ferguson, a-negro elevator boy at the Dalt Hotel, patronized by professionals, ■was arrested last we«k,'charged'with robbing ithe rooms of gUMta. It'was at this hMel that 'Beesye Clifford Is said to have lost a diamond 'ring during her Orpbeum engagement re- fbently. W. Feny, fomerly connected-with the Fox •efllceB at Philadelphia,'Is the new manager of the RIalbo. Raymond Teal arrived here from the south last week. Jack Mathews is In the aut«»nobile'business. .Werld's I<arc«at Cat JPrlee JUfgaga Sealer lARDROBiTRllNKS Ivory Make "LBUy" *^destracto^ «Bar "HartmanB'* -Murphy" "Tayler" Every Size Half Regular Prices! SPEditb llfW Hotel Start OUdZtaak ttJS 'U.M Flbn aiieatie 14.80 '».00 "Taxi" WiRlnbt Ttwik l»JO ;«.00 roU BiM IheatileU Waidnbe... 24.78 M.0O ZX nmOoaUilsttoo XIM <I».M QDanotsad "ladNtneto" MJS 7I.W "Dnadiaaiht" Wanlroke 42.00 An enonnoni selection of high grade Trunks, Bags, Cases. Leather goods and travelers' outfits. EDWARD CROPPER 208 West 42d St Phtaei Bryant !M7B NBW TOBK / Panuant to'the request of-Buperrisor Har- den regarding the acoustics-of the'Bxpoeition AUdltoHnm, Jas. W.' Gerard, former Ambas- sador to Qefmany, who spbke la the atfdi- torium recently, has'set forth his views In a letter >racelved by Hayden. 'Gerard's views 'are in line With tettiunonlals received from John BtcCormaok, Ohlli Curcl, Han^ I^auder ond'Ume. Jonelli, that no tahlt can be found with the acottstics by speakers and singers having igood -enunclMlon. The Charges against James Cook, property man at the Hip, and a ohtropraMIo doctor, brought by Mae Cbesterly, a chorus girl of the Will King Co., who accused the doctor with hitting her with a "piezometer" after she bad been taken by Cook to bis office tor treatment, were dismissed. The court held there was no evidence that an attempt bad been made to In- jure the youDg woman, who claims that her neck Is twisted as a result of her treatment Ethel Latell has been added to M. Wltmark'a office here. Tom Chatterton,^-wlth various stock com- panies on tbe Coast, and at present a member of the Ye Liberty Players In Oakland, Is also the proprietor of the chain of Tom Chatterton system of bakeries, wlth<aeveral stores here. BOS^N. By LBN UBBBT. KEITH'S (Robert 0. Larson, mgr.; agent U. B. O.).—Blanche Ring, suffering from a I am almost convinced. ANNOUNCES T^E REUNION OF •^ AND "THE SHERIFF OF ^HICKVILLE" >■ JW^HO limx JBRESENi!P *1N THE DAYS OF ^1''