Variety (March 1919)

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VARIETY The Loul»Un« purehue from Prwee wsa made IS03. CvnUined 827,987 MW* mllM. CMt. |16j440,O«O. WkllK Wall*, VaiKlngton—WHBRE THB GABBERTS Ametlcm's Ingmloos AthlttM bail from—Is altnated in the area of the Lewis and Clark ezepdltlon of 1801. They lore «T«ry nook and corner in the Old Home Town. SURE-FIRE LAUGHS In BOSTON—Streeli. .. ~ In PHILADELPHIA-Poiloentn. In CHICAflO—Trafllo nilM. In NEW YORK—Thi wntlMr ami B«n Sahaitir. In VAUDEVILLE-Laurie aad BroBwn'a aat In SPORTS—tlO,00 Mat* for wrNtllni nattliN. In WRONO—F. Fulton aid J. Jthatoa'a eeaha* ilont, , In the WEST—Slaittlck and Maddir. U» NORTH—JaM aid kota. Down SOUTH—What* eoaiblnatiOB. FENTON and FIELDS MnrseB. ROSE & CURTIS SELMA SELLS It I>rCBE8 OF HBLODT— ONLY A HALF HONDBED BUT—Oh, my! Direction, SAMVBL BAERWITZ Watch this baby grow Bobby 'm*^ Henshaw The Merry Mimic Been working for a year and a half next to closing with only four weeks' lay oft for the W.Y.M.A. B. F. Keith Yande- yiUe Exchange. OBPHHOH TO VOLLOW ADA CARTER gn> VINCENT "Vaol^nti" laia: H*'i l)eaa away fw maay a dar— But htTi ooialns lusae Hon, I'D taanv to air: For BOW that the Has H4a tw«B mads amaiter, Ton*U Mon aae yoor fa- VTOCENT CARTER Tka Cilia freni Bailud and fie Mild fma Aatrfea JACK ORBEN AND NELLIE DIXIE "The Jack of Hearts and the Queen of Spades" Return tniwtanient on the Leaw Cirealt PAUL and MAE NOLAN This Week (March 17), Or- pheum, Portland, Qre. Next Week (March 24), Or- pheum, San Francisco. FRED DUPREZ Stni Kolnc atrenc in "Beldier B^ at tlie Apoll* Tlt^ atre, iMainn. Hvw In its ninth month. BepresentatlTet Amorieani 8AMBAEBWITZ 149S Broadway New York Baropeani JULIAN WTUS 6. Uila 8t . London, W.C I LEONARD SMITH AND AB8CB0LA TOSEL IN PePf Ginger and Jazz Direction, ABTHVB HOBWRE On Uarch 18, at 0ns A. M., »t mr bonu in Kew York, 206 Weat lOCtb street, my lorlnK irtfe ire- Benttd me with a wonderful nlne-iwund boy, to be known u STAK BTANIiEir, JR. Ho la s oblp or the old block: kt two he wia pliytng threc-cushloni, it tbrra he was smoking ona of Oenon'a Coronas, it four he wis flirting wltii the nurse, end Anally at dami ^e went to aleeiH- a good apott. I win rent BVAN STANLET. Jn., at one dollar per abow for acta, to take bona with bin). Baliil a bead taller tlion Joe Laurie, he la going to Join Slnger'B Midgeti nut week. STAN STANLEY The father of Stan Stanley, Jr. '' MORRIS & FEIL, Guardians VICTORIA FOUR Tepnotchers of Bone and Fonlaad STORM—BKENNER SMALLEY—HENDRICES BOOKED SOUD WT VLO BRENDEL - BERT In "Waiting for Her" S. BAST MaBDin BLANCHE ALFRED TRIO la a New DMelni, Slnftng ind Initruoiental Asl Featuring BLANCHE ALFRED, Jc In hw erlglaal OANCINaSAXOPHONESPECIALTY Direction, HARRT SHEA Liat week, in Unooln, Neb., our load show aiiUt for the seaaon. aoma going to Kanaaa City, while others want to Omaha and different points In the Middle Weat . And after the many plAaiot weeks apeat together touring the Orpbenm Circuit, it waa hard to have to say good-bye, especially with Eddie Ltehtenstsla and Mrs. Eddie Lfchtentteln (Elsa Buegger Ca), tw9 of th? lorelleet people that erer drew eardi. 'And In pasdiig, let us say that Eddie and Elai ato entitled to the full rank of Prlnoe and Prlacets In the Boyal Order of Oood Fellowship, If it is your good fortune to play on the bill wltn this lovely couplo in the near future, we feel certain tbat you, too, will sing their pralsa and rejoloe In haying mot them. Eddie and Elia ate the Und of folka thai bdp to make life worth Urins. JIM and MARIAN HARKINS Next Week (Uarch S8)—Orphaum, KansM CHjr DUectlon. NORMAN JEFFERIE8 APPLE SAUCE Chris.—I wonder what became of Ben SchafTerT Bob.—Tlollnaky has him under oontraot for fire yean, with option of three more. Chris,-Docs Ben work with VloUnskyt Bob.—Tes. he throws a coin on the staie for TloUnaky's "piano bit" SEE ■• KNAPP and CORNALLA RESIDENCB: SEVEN SEVENTY-EIGHT EIGHTH AVB. Fire Booms and Batb In tha Heart of tlis TAtsMoal Ofsttfot Meals if desired. Wiltsr nomia (white), Chaf. Alotta apple sauoe to a wise gar. Leew'a Clrenit CHAB. POTSDAM, Asent A Senior Llent. En Route to Brest received the following WIRELESS MESSACX "Come Home at Once- Baby swallowed its mnstache." Being a Single Man* it Worried "Him and 17 (2 B caatinned) CAROLA TRIO "SUra »f Biff BUT Ban* Reme^ Mesa Time Direetlan, MARK LEVY BOOKER RECEIVED FOLLOWING: DEAR SIR:—We are deslrons of Playing yonr Time. We are Blonds, Weigh 110 lbB„ do sing- ing, dancing and violin; hsTe nice Wardrobe, carry Special Scenery and our Mother. What have yon to Offer7 SEXTON and FARRELL "Love and Layoffs" Loew Cirenit Direction, MARK LEVY OSWALD Home Again Auburn- dale, L. le ItOltf WITN: <iRl,, DOLLY GREY and BERT BYRON HeadUniag Paatages OresU KYRA Sensation On The Padfic Coast DONNA TRIXIE MONTRAN AND BRESSLER Two Girls with a Single Thought: To ENTERTAIN YOU ARCH ARTHUR HENDRICKS and EVANS PLEASING PROTESTANTS Apologies to Georae and MiclceT Directlen Preieataat, LEE MUCKENFIIflS DU BOIS and MILLER "SQUIRREL FOOir Direction, HAYMAN & CANTOR V'A mat tt fltrt4"i» Hittle fertp % llBBfst CmUJi iwflfr ^ Jn Vanikfvtll/ Str(rttinr<OlN>al St Btuug Pauline Saxon SAYS: I'm weaiy of sfftdenegr And those who leoommsBd It. My tine la worth a lot to net No matter how I SMOd It Oi SYNCO MARIMBA MARTIL Mi«nR or STMOOPATION