Action (May 1941 - Mar 1958)

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July 1943 7 our glass cage in full view, ten or fifteen ^Bnutes before it is time to punch out; we oecome very conscience stricken. Please spare us the embarrassment of one day having to dock some of you those ten or fifteen minutes. We thrive on goodwill as much as any other department does. If nothing else, think of the safety factor involved when the entrance to our corridor is jammed. Nite Scenes: have you ever ridden about the lot at one a.m.? Most of you have never been on the campus at that hour. Since gas rationing has come into effect the company decided that the nite timekeeper should not drive his car to the Santa Monica gate to collect the cards that have been left there after midnite. The police department, in their deluxe (?) station wagon, now provides this service. They combine this trip with a thorough inspection of every inch of the lot. Set watchmen sit alone on dimly lit sound stages and open-air sets; "loose men" prowl about punctuating the nite with occasional darts of light from their flashlights; keymen patrol their "tours" and at strategic spots right on the minute insert their peculiar-looking keys into locks which then whir mysteriously and send impulses to some faraway place assuring them that all is well. Gatemen sit in their dimly-lit cubicles checking the cars that pass in and out, reporting to the police-office at intervals. We're a complete city In miniature. And not so small at that. I know for a certainty that there are many small cities and hamlets In this great country of ours that can't even boast of the organization that we have. An impressive sight is to suddenly drive on to an open-air set, its brilliant lights shrouded by a tremendous tent-like affair, while crews of various technicians are feverishly attempting to complete a job so that a picture may continue shooting on schedule; or even to beat the scheduled time alloted for It. Our thanks to the police department for providing the transportation and the opportunity to witness a phase of activity on the lot which so few of us have the chance to observe. TIck-tock go our three clocks In unison. "And forever, the minutes, the hours and days — " Time — marches on! "SPARKS FROM THE ARCS” By LEE DUNBAR VIC SIMES had a splendid write up in the Daily News. The Article was written by IKE WALTON, JR., dated May 3, 1943. "Vic" Is a good fisherman or else talks a good fish story. Had a letter from KENNY LANG the other day. It so happened that 0. P. O. THOEN was spending the day at the base with Kenny. While there they had their picture made together, and you should see it in this issue. On fhe right is RICHTIE RICHARDSON. Grip Dept., who listens attentively while LEE DUNBAR, Electrical Dept., tells him all about Lulu Bell, his rabbit. HENRY BORZAGE Is In there pitching though his arm is still in splints. Henry had a fall while working at home — result — broken arm. We are thankful that FRANKIE DE CLARK was not Injured seriously when he was hit a glancing blow on the head. Perhaps very few know that CLIFF WOOD at one time rode jumping horses. In fact he set a record jump In Canada that probably still stands. LEO and MRS. KILGORE recently made a trip to San Francisco to visit their son just back from the battle front. Leo Informs us his son was shot several times — is convalescing. Accounts for at least five Japs if not more. Good going! LES EVERSON Is sporting a Parker Pen and Pencil Set. Both were presents from the entire crew of the BERKELEY show. B. B. Shot From Construction By BEHY BOW We thought it was about time the unsung heroes of T.C.F. were brought to the front and they represent no less than the Construction Dept, as a whole. As this is the first issue of Action the Construction has contributed to — what do you say we start off with a little gossip about those who surround us. First of all — we have HELEN "Tiny-Tot" SNYDER — whose sunny little face is a new addition to our family — not to mention her lovely singing voice which has delighted us all. TID-BITS — We are so glad to welcome PHIL ADAMS back from a month's sick leave. Don't go away again, Phil, we need your smile and your practical jokes!! KAY HOLLINGWORTH is also looking very refreshed after a two weeks rest. DORIS TIMMERBERG is the "Talk of the Lot" these days — having entertained no less than a major and captain recently. Oh, yes, Doris, do tell us sometime what's so attractive about Palm Springs these days! We hear SAMMY DUCA and FRANK GILROY — Grip Dept, are planning a vacation at Lake Arrowhead. Have a swell time, boys, but BEWARE THE LITTLE FOXIES! We girls in the office would like to know if JOHNNY LAVIN, MONTY BONOME and WALTER JOLLEY are any relation to "Whistler's Mother-in-law!" GEORGE ZUCKER with his priceless gems of witticisms Is also a very efficient instructor— ask me, I know! A lovely luncheon was given June 6 In honor of DOLPHA SMITH — our Ass't. Twelve girls appeared as hostesses at the event which was held at Gordon's In Beverly Hills. Those attending were — HELEN SNYDER. KAY HOLLINGWORTH, DORIS TIMMERBERG, MARILYN LAVIN, WANDA KAHNE, JERRY MURPHY, DOROTHY THRASHER, ROSALIE ARMETTA, INEZ KENDALL, PAT HANSE and yours truly. We hope we have given you some Idea of what is going on In the Construction Dept, but If we have missed anyone or anything don't worry, we'll be back next month. SEE YOU THEN!! Bunch of the boys 'llein and braggin' — JOE WEISS, JOE SAUVE, CHAS. WHITE, JOHN STRITE, TOM MORRISSEY. JR.. BILL PRICE. AL HASS. INTER-STUDIO TENNIS TOURNAMENT Sunday, August I, has been scheduled as the first day of play for the Inter-Studio Tennis Tournament. There will be four events: Men's and Women's Singles, Men's Doubles, and Mixed Doubles. Every studio should be represented in these matches. There will be first class competition. But even If you play just an average game, you'll still have loads of fun. And who knows, you may walk off with a prize! An average entry fee will be required. So, come on you T.C.F. boosters, call Jacqueline Frenier, Extension 1282.