Movie Makers (Jan-May 1928)

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JAN-4'2lT ©C1B762286L W&1 1 \& V rt (R> ..->», C*#1G # /* V T ^> r •Kr^l To) s^y* I V* PUBLISHED BY THE AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, INC. "Heralding The Motion Picture Oj Tomorrow" Volume III JANUARY, 1928' / Number 1 ... Qontents . . . Cover Design Carroll Kelly Contributors 6 The New Films For Home Projectors 8 Cinetorials, New Year's Resolution and a Challenge (or 1928 11 Beyond Lies Romance, A Photograph Ralph Young 12 The Value of Values Walter D. Kerst 13 Credo Carl L. Oswald 13 The End of the Rainbow, Possibilities of Color Photography for the Amateur. Carl L. Osivald 15 Silver Craftsmen on the Silver Screen Don Bennett 16 Synthetic Cinema, Drawings by Alan Dunn Weare Holbrook 18 On the Wings of the Storm, An Art Title Background Warren Boyer 20 Making Your Own Art Titles Ross F. George 21 Featuring Fleas, Ants and Flies Grace D. Elder 23 The Romance of the Tolhurst Microscopic Films Critical Focusing, Technical Reviews to Aid the Amateur 24 Photoplayfare, Reviews for the Cintelligenzia 25 Film-Flam Edited by Creighton Peet 26 Filtered Beauty of Hawaiian Skies Photographs by Franklin La Varre 27 Animated Movie Making for Amateurs Marguerite Tazelaar 28 Special Illustrations by Pat Sullivan Studios of Educational Film Exchanges, Inc. Amateur Clubs Edited by Arthur L. Gale 32 Who's Who Among Dealers 34 How to Travel Cinematically W. Sterling Sutfin 37 Closeup Work for Advanced Amateurs Herbert Abraham 39 Block Booking for Home Films Joseph DombrofJ 42 News of the Industry, For Amateurs and Dealers 43 Asked and Answered 61 Our Birthday Bouquet 62 Index to Advertisers 65 AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, INC. DIRECTORS President HIRAM PERCY MAXIM Hartford, Conn. EARLE C. ANTHONY President of the National Association of Broadcasters ROY D. CHAPIN Chairman of the Board of Directors, Hudson Motor Company Vice-President STEPHEN F. VOORHEES Architect, of New York City W. E. COTTER 30 E. 42nd St., New York City C. R. DOOLEY Manager of Personnel and Training, Standard Oil Co. of N. J. Managing Director ROY W. WINTON, 105 W. 40th Street, New York City Treasurer A. A. HEBERT 1711 Park Street, Hartford, Conn. LEE F. HANMER Director of Recreation, Russell Sage Foundation FLOYD L. VANDERPOEL Scientist, of Litchfield, Conn. AMATEUR MOVIE MAKERS is published monthly in New York, N. Y., by the Amateur Cinema League, Inc. Subscription Rate $3.00 a year, postpaid (Canada $3.25, Foreign $3.50); to members of the Amateur Cinema League, Inc. $2.00 a year, postpaid; single copies, 25c. On sale at photographic dealers everywhere. Entered as second-class matter August 3, 1927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. \J Copyright, 1927, by the Amateur Cinema League, Inc. otitic registered at United States Patent Office. Advertising rates on application. Forms close on 5th of preceding month. Editorial and Publication Office: 105 West 40th Street, New York, N. Y. Telephone, Pennsylvania 3756 WALTER D. KERST, Technical Editor ARTHUR L. GALE, Club Consultant K. L. NOONE, Advertising Manager Editor JOHN BEARDSLEE CARRIGAN >THT>>HT;f>TTTTtTTTTTtTTtrT '"inniiHTMirTt ■rrt; O.B.S. NOTE: MOVIE MAKERS MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE SCENARIO CONTEST CLOSES JANUARY FIFTH— WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN FEBRUARY ISSUE.