Movie Makers (Jan-May 1928)

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PHOTOPLAY ]\|AGAZINE was the first national magazine to recognize the importance of the movie amateur. Its interesting monthly department for the amateur cinematographer has been the talk of movie enthusiasts everywhere. This department is one of the regular features of PHOTOPLAY. Its Shadow Stage Department— with its accurate and fearless reviews of all professional films — is of service to everyone going to motion pictures. In no other way can you guarantee yourself an entertaining evening in the theater. Every month PHOTOPLAY offers all the news and gossip of the film world. It presents fresh slants upon the new, as well as the established, personalities of the screen world. If you are a real amateur, you must follow the activities of the professional movie maker. PHOTOPLAY is the one magazine for you. PHOTOPLA Y announces an extension of its $2,000 Amateur Movie Contest. This contest was scheduled to close on December 31, 1927. At the request of hundreds of interested amateurs, the closing date has been moved to February 15, 1928. Full contest rules may be found in every issue of PHOTOPLAY. T birt y-six