Movie Makers (Jan-May 1928)

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Introducing the AGTINORATOR for making INTERIOR MOVIES of PROFESSIONAL QUALITY PRICE Including Adjustable Metal Tripod of Collapsible Type $16.50 Combines EXTREME PORTABILITY, COMPACTNESS, SIMPLICITY, HIGH EFFICIENCY, and is a valuable adjunct to the equip' ment of the Amateur Movie Maker. This 8Ampere Arc Lamp, continuous-feeding, produces a steady, brilliant white light rich in actinic quality. Burns continuously for as long as 40 minutes, if desired. With F 3.5 lens, one lamp is adequate, for close-ups. Operates from any 110 V. house lighting outlet and one circuit will accommodate as many as 3 lamps. PROJECT YOUR MOVIES in any color of the RAINBOW with the Automatic COLORATOR Unlimited color effects at your fingertips. Supplied for Kodascope Models A or B, or for Filmo and De Vry 16mm. projectors. At' taches to your machine in ONE SECOND without marring finish. See your dealer for a demonstration, or write us jor descriptive literature. MFD. & GUARANTEED BY American Cine Products Co. Argyle & Sawyer Aves., Chicago, 111. SAVE MONEY 16 mm. Cameras and Projectors and Films Bought, Sold, Exchanged or Rented 16 mm. Films Developed and Printed 16 mm. Titles Made 5 5 mm. Negatives Reduced to 16 mm. RAY— 296 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. You Can't make perfect movies without the help of The Cine Miniature monthly monographs. Subscribe for them today — $2.50 per year or 25c per copy at all better dealers, or Leonard Cor dell 1636 N.Washtenaw Ave. Chicago, Illinois had a gala meeting December 17, screening several photoplays produced by other clubs. Montreal En Route THE first Canadian amateur motion picture club is under way in Montreal, under the guiding hand of Colonel L. J. Des Rosiers, with the assistance of J. Purkess and others. A capacious hall in the Mechanics Institute has been provided for the first meeting. The club intends to own its own studio eventually. How to Cinetravel GARDNER WELLS, world cine traveler and member of the Amateur Cinema League addressed a special meeting of the Philadelphia Amateur Motion Picture Club, December 1. Mr. Wells spoke illuminatingly on planning one's travel shots and outlined difficulties of cine travel and how to overcome them. From Earth's Four Corners CARL M. KOTLIK, active Amateur Cinema League member in Vienna, Austria, reports the formation of two European associations, the Bund der Film-Amateure Deutschlands (German Alliance of Film Amateurs) and the Club der KinoAmateure Oesterreichs (Austrian CineAmateurs' Club), their headquarters being in Berlin and Vienna, respectively. In Stockholm, Sweden, Waldemar Thyssel is making preparations for the first Swedish amateur photoplay. Sioux City, Iowa, promises a club soon. Students of the Cleveland High School, in Georgetown, Seattle, Washington, have produced "Over The Goal Line", written by Melvin G. Winstock. The production is sponsored by the Georgetown Parent Teacher Association. HOW TO TRAVEL CINEMATICALLY (Continued from page 37) penny postcards. As a matter of fact, most postcard pictures are taken from some angle inaccessible to the average amateur cinematographer. You will get far more interesting pictures if you forget vistas and long shots and, instead, photograph unknown nooks of world-famous buildings, incorporating a bit of native life. Also with a cine camera it is quite possible to take unusual pictures showing close-ups of the carvings of a doorway or even the whole set of arabesques on a dome through ARROW PORTABLE Motion Picture Screens (Patent Pending; Screen Ready for Use Screen Rolled in Case for Carrying Composed of millions of tiny round glass beads, firmly embedded on a strong fabric in a pure white composition. Has a wonderful reflective surface and will not glare like the silver metal' lie surface. Can be easily cleaned with soap and water. Complete with dustproof mahogany finished case into which it is drawn by a metal spring. PRICES Ho. 1 — Size 331/>x31/4x4 — picture surface 22x30 in. Weight 6 lbs $15.00 Ho. 2 — Size 45'/;>x4,/2x5 — picture surface 30x40 in. Weight 15 lbs $25.00 Ho. 3 — Size 57x43/4x5 — picture surface 39x52 in. Weight 18 lbs $35.00 At Your Dealer MANUFACTURED BY Arrow Screen Company 6725-55 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, California SCHEIBE'S Photo -Filter Specialties Endorsed by AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS roduce novel screen effects. Ask your dealer, or write to GEORGE H. SCHEIBE PHOTO -FILTER SPECIALIST 1027 \V.78th St.. LOS ANGELES, CAL. FILMLAB PRINTS have come to be known as The Best Obtainable Ask your dealer for them and obtain better results without extra cost. 130 WEST 46th STREET New York City. Tel. Bryant 4981 fifty-nine