Movie Makers (Jan-May 1928)

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MOTION PICTURES of every description Shots and stock scenes of most anything LARGE CATALOG LISTING of short subjects for the home in standard or 16 mm. Special Exchange Arrangement Metropolitan Motion Picture Company 108-110 West 34th Street New York City GRIZZLY BEAR The most thrilling sport America has to offer the Camera Operator or Big Game Hunter is found in the Interior of British Columbia, hunting the famous "Silvertip" Grizaly, the most ferocious and one of the most cunning animals of the family; shots at Grizzly with either camera or rifle guaranteed; rates reasonable; write TODAY for particulars. J. H. MUNRO, or Secretary Board of Trade Revels to ke, B. C. Just What You Wanted A new film cement prepared for use on your safety films. Makes a rapid and permanent splice, and is far superior to a cement made for any film. Only 25c a bottle at your dealer or if he can't supply you, send 25c in coin or stamps and we will mail you a bottle. Dealers write for discounts, use letterheads. Also toning, tinting and title service. Special rates on titles to persons doing film editing and titling for others. We also make negative from reversible film, contact prints and duplicates. Write us about dissolving and fade in and out titles, we make them. CINEMA PRODUCTS 405 Elm Street Buffalo, N. Y. 16 M.M. Picture Films 100 FEET TO ROLL Reduced from standard negatives ASCENDING PIKES PEAK FEATHER RIVER CANYON YOSEMITE VALLEY SUNDOWN DANCER AND MANY OTHERS Price (outright) $6.00 per roll Three rolls for $15 Postpaid anywhere in 0. S. Produced by ERNEST M. REYNOLDS 165 E. 191st Street Cleveland, Ohio Free 30Day Trial— Why pay $125? . 1 u ... I " il BUY DIRECT FROM FACTORY—SAVE $40 Use Leoti's Portable Arc Lamp (New Type) Cuts Your Light Bills in Half. Try it 30 days, if not greatly pleased, trial costs nothing. Lightest Weight, Most Powerful lamp made; quick as a flash; 5 times faster than any incandescent lamp using same amount of current. Works from any ordinary lamp socket. For amateur and professional moving pictures, home portraits, commercial and studio use. Price with case, $80. Write LEOTI'S ELECTRIC CO. Dayton, Ohio. "Please accept my cordial good wishes for the Mew Year. Your splendid spirit of cooperation will inspire its own tribute from the industry in perfected home movies, and by the perpetuation of ties through that modern family album, the amateur movie film." THE DeVry Corporation extended its good wishes through Mr. A. P. Hollis, Advertising Manager, who wrote : "Amateur Movie Makers seems to have arrived full-orbed, like Minerva from the head of Jupiter. There were no painful appeals and years of slow grinding. "The DeVry Corporation was among the first of the larger advertisers to see its possibilities and use its service and from the beginning the returns have been satisfactory. "As for the amateur, he accepted it at once as an unquestioned gift of the gods, and has been using it amazingly ever since." THE A. C. Hayden Company, through Mr. Hayden, President, wrote: "My conception of advertising used to be that if it created an initial interest in a product it had done its duty and that the actual sale would have to be completed by personal contact, but Amateur Movie Makers has educated me in that regard. It has built up my business. It is the only advertising medium I have ever used that creates the demand and sells the product. In fact, the A. C. Hayden Company has not yet had to employ a single salesman, and we therefore credit our large cinematic business entirely to our messages to the amateurs through Amateur Movie Makers. "Your magazine has brought us business from all over the world, and in this connection, a recent order from the Far East leads me to the belief that the product in question is destined for the Palace of the Mikados. "Really, my interests are so tied up with those of this young publication that in sending a greeting to it, I am simply wishing myself good luck. Notwithstanding that, my congratulations in the fullest measure possible." OUR first birthday occasioned this prophecy for the future from H. Neuwirth of the Testrite Instrument Company: "We feel secure in our belief that the New Year, more than ever before, will bring happiness to all amateur movie makers because of the greater knowledge and additional mechanical aids which help the amateur operator. "We wish for you all, happiness and health in 1928." NIGHT MOVIES So many events happen at night that we would love to film — next day we have the light but the party is over. METEOR FLARES will provide the light — 30 seconds and up. The leading professional flare now available to the amateur. John G. Marshall 1752 ATLANTIC AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. V A X Complete Laboratory Service TVS NEGATIVES DEVELOPED FIRST PRINTS AND REPRINTS IN ANY QUANTITY ON STANDARD OR 16mm ^ STOCK j FREDERICK F. WATSON 74 SHERMAN STREET LONG ISLAND CITY, N. Y. The KINO-PANO TRIPOD and TOP This new tripod has met with the highest approval of every dealer and camera owner who has seen it. By far the most rigid of any four pound tripod on the market. An instrument of precision. Constructed of highest grade material throughout. Reversible tips. Tripod, $35.00, complete with Top. Top only, $17.50. F.O.B. Los Angeles, Calif. K. W. Thalhammer 123 SO. FREMONT AVE. Los Angeles, Calif. Sixty-three