American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1963)

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UY, SELL, SWA Largesf, Most Productive Classified Ad Section Of Any Publication Serving Makers Of Motion Pictures STUDIO & PRODUCTION EQUIP. Magnetic Laminating Machine, Juwal, for 8mm & 1 6m film, including suply of laminate base. Like new $595.00 B&H 20-70mm "C" Mount Zoom Lens, demonstrator . 210.00 Bell & Howell 70DR with 1" lens & case, like new . 195.00 TSI-DU5 Sound Projector, $400 value 199.00 75mm Arriflex Kinoptek Lens, excellent 1 10.00 Cine Special 2 w/4 lenses, 2 mags, & case, excellent . 995.00 Nikkor 50mm “C“ Mount F 2 . 65.00 B&H Angenieux 1 0mm Lens, with objective, new . 95.00 210mm Kinoptek “C” Mount Lens, list $400.00 . 199.00 8mm Baurer Projector, value $100.00 49.00 WESTERN CINE SERVICE, INC. 312 South Pearl Street Denver 9, Colorado MITCHELL 35mm NC type camera converted to reflex with 28mm Angenieux lens, 35mm to 140mm Angenieux zoom lens, 90mm Makro Kilar, two 1000 ft. magazines, matte box, 110 variable speed motor, cases. Like new con¬ dition, $9000.00. Eyemo Q with 3 Baltar lenses, two 400 ft. magazines, 12 volt motor, zoom finder, $695.00. 35mm DeVry sound projector, amplifier, speaker, $695.00. Box 1477, AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER. STANCIL Hoffman rack mounted 35mm mag¬ netic recorder reproducer Model S-7. Standard speed, three track record and playback. All transistor electronics including amplifier. Slight¬ ly used one year, $2,050.00. TECHNITAPE, INC., 1701 S. State College Ave., Anaheim. (715) 633-4280. AURICON CINE VOICE LIKE NEW, WITH EXTRA MIKE, CABLE AND PRO JUNIOR TRIPOD. SELL COMPLETE FOR $775.00. Also have single lens EYEMO model K, with fast wide angle lens with case. Perfect condition. Sell for $175.00. FRANK KING, 352 Capen Blvd., Buffalo, 26, N.Y. MOVIOLA model LP (green model) has one optical head on picture side, plus one optical and one 16mm magnetic head. Also has pro¬ vision for additional head. Complete with foot controls, amplifier, footage counter, etc. Every¬ thing in excellent working order. Best offer. RODEL PRODUCTIONS, INC., 1028 33rd St. NW, Washington 7, D.C. AVAILABLE again — brand new, guaranteed Cine Kodak Special 100 foot film chambers in original sealed packing, $175.00 each. Phone or write for special quantity prices. BOB FRIEDMAN ASSOCIATES, INC., P.O. Box 44, Clarksdale, Miss. Telephone 627-7370 Area Code 601 . WALL 25mm Cooke lenses, accessories, $875.00. CINEMACTION PRODUCTIONS, 1835 Hyperion, Los Angeles 27. Phone: 664-8940, 664-4191 (evenings). SYNCHRONOUS CINEFLEX MOTORS, Houston 35mm processor magazines for sale. J. DOERR, 1415 N. Renaud, Grosse Pointe 36, Mich. STUDIO & PRODUCTION EQUIP. BELL & HOWELL 70HL camera rebuilt. One year warranty, $345.00. NORTEX ELECTRONIC CO., P.O. Box 2071, Fort Worth, Texas. BARGAINS processors, lenses (16 & 35), cam¬ eras, etc. Write for list. PROFESSIONAL CINE PRODUCTS, 2222 N. Prairie, Dallas, Texas. EQUIPMENT WANTED INSTANT CASH HIGHEST PRICES PAID for your used 1 6mm and 35mm professional equipment of any kind URGENTLY NEED ARRIS, AURICONS, MITCHELLS, Zoom lenses; lab, editing lighting & recording equipment for our Rental Program CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME NEW — USED RENT, BUY TRADE, REPAIR HOLLYWOOD CAMERA COMPANY 6838 SUNSET BLVD., HOLLYWOOD 28 CALIF. TRY F&B LAST FOR THE HIGHEST QUOTE ON USED MOVIE EQUIPMENT FLORMAN & BABB 68 W. 45th ST., N. Y. 36, N. Y. WHY SACRIFICE your production and struggle with old or used equipment when we can trade for cash or new equipment? Let us know what you have and what you need. THE CAMERA MART, INC. 1 845 Broadway PL 7-6977 New York 23, N.Y. SERVICES AVAILABLE HONG KONG ASSIGNMENTS. English speak¬ ing, T. C. Wang, assistant to producer of “The World of Suzie Wong” has staff and equip¬ ment available for all phases 16/35mm pro¬ duction. Contact one who knows Hong Kong and save dollars. No. 1, Yun Ping Road, Hong Kong. Cable: Salonfilms. CAMERAMAN available for assignments in¬ cluding UNDERWATER. ROY CHEVERTON, 2625 N. Ocean Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. EUROPEAN assignments: THOMAS-d'HOSTE, 31 Avenue Mac-Mahon, Paris 17, France. In U.S.A., 7 6 1 7 y2 Hollywood Boulevard, Holly¬ wood, California. 16mm PHOTOGRAPHY, sound. MATHEWSON, 10501 Ilona. GR 7-9830, Los Angeles. AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER Classified Ad Rates ARE LOWER Than for any other publication serving the makers of motion pictures. SERVICES AVAILABLE FILM assignments, 16mm, Detroit area, scenic, stock shots. Editing and titling. HOWARD TRIEST, 10400 Saratoga, Oak Park 37, Mich. LI 2-7874. BRAZILIAN English speaking production unit available for assignments in Brazil, Uru¬ guay, etc. 1 1 years' experience, color B&W. HELICONFILM, Ave. Ipiranga 1248, Sao Paulo. JAPANESE English speaking director-cinematog¬ rapher for features, TV, etc. HARRY MIMURA, 2-1303 Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan. Credits: “Around the World in 80 Days" (Far East locations), American TV films (See American Cinematographer, March, 1961). 16mm FILM assignments — Chicago, scenic, in¬ dustrial, in-plant. ARLETTE STUDIO FILM PRO¬ DUCTIONS, 1657 Grace St., Chicago 13, Illi¬ nois. Bl 8-8612. Ask for brochure. ANIMATOR, experienced in all types of ani¬ mation and its phases, from storyboarding through camera. Will re-locate. Write for resume and sample reel. DALE CASE, 713 N. Kingsley Dr., Los Angeles 29, California. CANADA Montreal,, all 16mm facilities and experienced staff using Magnasync recording, Arriflex, Auricon cameras. DAVID BIER STUDIOS, 265 Vitre Street, W., Montreal, P.Q. CAMERAMAN-DIRECTOR-EDITOR, travelled, de¬ sires new position. Box 1484, AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER. 1 6MM film assignments wanted in CANADA. Scenic, stock shots, industrial featuretttes, etc. Cameraman with European Film Academy background and 7 years Canadian experience. MacBETH FILM SERVICES, Box 223, Station "H”, Montreal, Quebec. WANTED WANTED: WILD ANIMALS! Producers of NBC-TVs WILD KINGDOM are hunting for 16mm color film footage of any type of wild animal action from any part of the world. Action should emphasize close-up details and have continuity. Send description of your footage to: DON MEIER PRODUCTIONS, INC. 333 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago 1, Illinois EXPERIENCED PRODUCER-DIRECTOR OF WILD¬ LIFE MOTION PICTURES for network television series. Project includes studio sync sound and location shooting. Send complete details, credits, to Box 1485, AMERICAN CINEMATOG¬ RAPHER. LABORATORY & SOUND SOUND RECORDING at a reasonable cost. High Fidelity 1 6 or 35. Quality guaranteed. Complete studio and laboratory services. Color printing and lacquer coating. ESCAR MOTION PICTURE SERVICE, INC., 7315 Carnegie Ave¬ nue. Cleveland 3, Ohio. Phone ENdicott i 2707 RATES: Ads set in lightface type, 20? per word. Minimum ad, $2.00. Text set in $2.00 per line. Send copy with remittance to cover payment to Editorial Office, lightface capital letters (except 1st word and advertiser’s name) 40c Per word. American Cinematographer. P.O. Box 2230, Hollywood 28, Calif. Forms close Modified display format (text set in boldface type, capitals or upper-and-lower case) 1st of month preceding date of issue. AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, JUNE, 1963 369