Best broadcasts of 1938-39 (1939)

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THE LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS Yvon. — Sleep! If I could only sleep. If I could sleep and then wake up and see it was all just a dream I was having. . . . Brehan. — Don’t talk that way, mon petit. Of course you’ll be able to sleep. You can’t afford to carry on like this, Yvon. Supposing we both went to pieces like this and a ship broke up on the rocks below. No, no, Yvon. We can’t afford to have these . . . these excesses. They lead to negligence. I know. I’ve seen it. Yvon. — {Faint) I know. I’m sorry. I should control myself . . . no matter what. I think I’ll go out on the tower step. Maybe if I got a little air . . . Brehan. — Good. That’s more like it. Hang on to the rail now. The wind . . , it’s hurricane velocity by now. Yvon. — {Going of) Yes. I will. I’ll hang on. Sound. — Door open . . . sudden wind squall . . . door closes against wind . . . wind screams and fades down as door shuts. Brehan. — Poor boy, poor boy. Now I’ll have to get a broom and sweep up this mess. Sound. — Sound of broom sweeping up glass. During next monologue, speech is broken by sound of sweeping, banging of dustpan, picking up lantern, and occasional grunts, as if Brehan were leaning over from time to time and picking up things. Brehan. — What a thing for him to do. And him 3 years with the light. Three for him. But 20 years for me. Twenty years. I’m almost an old man now . . . old Brehan. {Chuckles) Just an old man who talks to himself when he’s alone. Well, old folks can talk to themselves if they want to. It’s better than not talking at all. Sound. — Of -mike shout, barely audible. Brehan. — Eh ? What was that ? Sound. — Wind up slightly. Brehan. — I thought that was somebody calling. I guess old Brehan is beginning to stoop a little in his mind as well as his back. Hearing things that don’t happen . . . 255