Billboard advertising (Jan 1895)

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WE AISO Paint Signs. Own and Control All Billboards and Advertising Privileges. The CURRAN^BiH Posting i, Distributing DO POWERFUL PERflANENT ADVERTISING. YORK CITV. to-uight to spend the holWaym wi'b his family, and expects to take the road again in the interest of this agreement and Opera, St. Paul, and is as fnll of schemes Harry Hopper has been at the Grand- bind plan at as early a dale as possible. as ever. He tries all kinds to enhance Opera House, Cincinnati, long enough, bee to hand yon He is P" n E "P some valuable time and the interest of his house, and agents to firmly establish himself as a most 7. „r sacrificing personal interests for the wel- never complain of their shoving in bis industrious advertiser, and of late has fare of the Association members in this town This seavm of the year it is a added to his duties the Walnut Street undertaking, and is meeting with une<- utile cold in St. Panl, but Charlie never Theater. His work is first-class, and be of Dec_ ml was" "handed us bv Mr P ected * DC<:ess - Tbm ™ mlra ? ol the «™* to mind it a bit and his paper has a good force of distributors at his "■™-"'««»- •»>■• Mr stahlbrodt goes out even if the thermometer is ten back. He is held in high esteem by Edward Stahlbrodt, of Rochester, N. Y, ' Cp ™™™ =™ ™ T ■ » A to-day reach as yet, and taking, and can see no reason --j - , . . journal devoted to the interests which &on<1 P 1 " 1 ' yours represents should not be liberally It'Seems Havlin & Rain forth. been able to interest in this contract and Charles Airman is still at the ever pop- Charles Seymour, of the Bijou Theater ;ne class 01 people in™ 1 "i"™— ~ ■ ; , ... - . , ably and energetical., bill posting firms they do not grasp £ <« -dy>rdaaub apt the situation and see the many advan ««>™» •* "be theater about eight o « mi * ««-~.»rzjrSJS? 1 " — 1 vertifling in the Metropolis and Suburban this new arrangement- . The Si Districts, it is a constant panorama of wfls by a very repotable I eight o'clock . Charlie ( in Jack Powell is doing the advertising anyobher man in that city, and his show- He is tag i» remarkable. To play at Sis bouse to be billed in great shape. r - -t. a 11 r. - j^, J1 ;i c „ ruweu is aomg me saver- .agreatm^yitems tX^T.^^^. «^»f "Darkest RuaL"and Ma, re carefully looked over ^^^^^^^ is a graduate of the Barunm school of mportanl item of news which we The great drawback to the interests of Val. Boshell, of the Bijou Theater "Zimmie" is alright at every stage. hire to offer to the fraternity at large is all the bill posters in all the larger cities Milwaukee, is 'probably one of the t the undertaking on the part of Mr. Ed- of tie Union for all time past ic onr re- y tosa ^ l workers In the country and his Tom Henshaw, this season is at the »ard Stahlbrodt, of Rochester, H. Y , as collection has been on account of lack of Slmaa)r sbowinf , ia marvelous in fact. Lyceum Cleveland, and his personal Chairman of the Executive Committee confidence on the part of large adver- Milwankee te a pic[are „n erT OB u, e popularity is quite a factor in the billing Va! is looked on as the of that pretty theater. Heisnotaeold ! uiwn. blooded jollier like some of the boys, but gives all comers a square deal, and it of posting to be placed- And Ed _ Ris j n g is on the go all the time his word can be depended ou. He is iTth last. A resolution was at that time once the advertisers see the advantages for ^ People's Theater, Cincinnati, and one of the nattiest dressers "in front of unanimously adopted, requiring the ofthecontract and bond plan, the same manages to advertise bis house well the bonse" in America, and he bills his Chairman of the Executive Committee will relieve their minds from any doubts every week. He made a hit billing the house for all it is worth. He isa brother to prepare an agreement or contract, aa to the responsibility of the parties Carthage Fair early in the season. of Manager Charles Hcmfanw and also wherein the parties thereto, consis'.ing who are represented in this combination ; . of John Henshaw, the handsome and of members of the Association, pledged and among other advantages that will Walter Ka.i seems to control the end talented comedian, themselves to' faithfully perform all con- accrue to the bill posting firms that of the city of Chicago in which the A!- - 'tracts' for bill posting and distributing come in under this contract and bond hambra is located Walter is most pop- That admirable journal. Printer? Ink - —a. and to adhere to the plan, will be the fact that no opposition, olar and gets his paper out in fine shape, grows better every week. No bill poster ' ■ o do without Printer, Int. numoer Ol years ana US knowledge of for althongl that city is most thorough. His special psper adve, board showing is splendid. discussinir < of fiooooo and withfaoooo penalty ' that could be mentioned in favor of the — ' this new, and wethinkntuccessful, under- Hi5 , taking. We hope they will give Mr. Stahlbrodt all the assistance he is en- titled to in carrying this contract and i Bill Posting is City, Mo r by the lake. It is presumed by many who have signed the agreement that the |—j The Temple Bill Posting And Distributing Co. Leonard; Syracuse, N. Y.; Geo. Castner ■ lh ,, .11 bit . -. _ _ , , . , . . Troy, M. Y., W. J. McAllister & Son! ^rt^xZZ^XmmTZZ FORT WSYNE, IISDICTINK. Albany, N. Y., Aifaany Bill Posting Co. " w York City. without any hesitation o S N T T" k * m POSt ^5 w»U result to the m bill board display advertisers and bill ^^•£i&£-£T?; "'""^ "Why Advertise, Unless Judiciously?" Trusting you may see your way clear Any favors thank folly received. Prices on Application, Offlee. MASONIC TEMPLE. POST WAYNE, 1MB. ST0UDER & SMITH, 0