Billboard advertising (Mar 1895)

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Classified Advertisements. T-o line dl-play-d advertisements under 111]* bending, 2ijr. Tut onfl insertion. ^'g| ^ i?J'"\x°Vi™tniaai? ' Larger 1 wrrdp, ICE. per BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. Blending & French, the Bill Posters Advertise la the CoPP^r ( A Freak In Texas! Beliable Bill Western Bill Posting Co., Salt Lake '■■liy, Ul*h. tllll Poa t em and BUI Writers . The Curran Bill Posting and pistrl- i^^IJbVver ^Vtieblo. Colorado Hurliigd HUd ninmiiiilini: i.iwiin. <;.:n'1 OCMi'i-. lw river Hugh Vance. City Bill Poster and John A. Latin, City BUI Poster. Evansvllle, lnd., li The Oshkosh Bill Posting Co., City Hill roaUra and Dlalribntera. Kellabta sad aoHuite Mtrvlos. t>ii|mliilM»i Jjm-I. J. E. WH.UA1IS. Jip-.. IMlfK c wh. Win. hatham BlU Posting ASeney^ Bti The Summit CHy Bill Posters. B..oder*Sil.ttb. F< Wi.ym, lnd. MaimKinK Tli. ■.■.■.■pie. BllLPoBlIng^ il i.lMl.uHtiK to Harry W. Curtm, City Bill Poster, The^ElglnJJIll Posting, Advertising Ualt I Itemed ™iet Iji«' Bjn-m^ Pmp't. Blllootuu AUvuitlsli.ij Is ;iJ. Washington, lnd. has a population OI 1U.UUU Write Ho,tall Brua about pom In* CarllnvlUe, Ills., pop. 4,000. A7j.^l^r.EB^ltTBli'i''p03ter. Keteenoea; Flral National Bhdml. and Sioux City, Iciwa, pop. 40 000, gatj5lua<^l.ltj^oii your 1L ^ || |jj' ( , '" | '{j Pans, Ills. Pop. 7.000. I..,I.: II il.H. 111. !■„.„:,. ,-„ boaru.' MOtt. of dealrabl* lo^tloua I^W rite B "Jf B ^ D 1 d A P°^g g s ^ ADVERTISING AGENTS. All Binds of Advertising Mat'e dtstrlbnted. Bel I a bit. prompt. Bsfsreot Fupn.allon fldnrfU. J. H. Lane ft Co.. Evansvllle, md. Bo« Ulacrl bating. SlTAF iwu Mtreet. Distributers,. Billboard Advertising THE LIBBIE SHOW PRINT PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS, 6 to 12 BEACH STREET,* BOSTON, MASS. POSTERS # SHOW BILLS /•'OH FAIRS! Write for New Catalogue. The Donaldson Litho. Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO. fl P Fairrhilfl C,TY tslLL postlr Ui I I I Mil UllllUj 0i , w u t| ,. _j r. i , Mi ,„, Distributer and Gul Adiertiser. Covington. Hildale. West Covington, Ludlow and c ui-Foundlngs. IS East Fifth Street, COVINGTON. KY. OLEAiM ADVERTISING CO. OLttAH. IV. V. BILL POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTERS WESTERN NEW VORK AND NORTHERN PENNA. WE STRIVE TO PLEASE. W William p. Fay The Latest Advertising film in the World MAIN OFFICE. 28JobR$o[) St.,BrookIi(r) OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. BARNEY LINK, Gen. Man. American Bill Posting eo. OP Brooklyn and Long Island. TELfiPHGNE IS73 BROOKLYN: VraL^Ll* * *J C ° l «" >mn * ALL 6111 BoanUandA^r- ■b-4H«t»A b t, „ SpaCe " ln B ""> M W- WIMI-misburgh, H rurrt—. Avenue wmt.m.Httin * E " St NcW York - * Bedford Av,n U r. Gnerrnoint, L. 1. * City, Jamaica ai BOD Pfomment Billboard Fences, Classified Advertisements AMERICAN FAIR BULLETIN. The Great Inter-- Lrd Advertising [. Tex. Limestone County Fair Bills and Posters. Billboard Advertising, for Fairs. Billboard Advertising Is going to Newspaper Cuts for Fairs. Write lo HKLLfcBEKU .'HOTU-URAVINU tM.. TUe Homiest Beyr Friend A monthly .Paper published for the ben- efit of the Homeless Boys of Cincinnati JSC. per year. Address THE HOMELESS BOYS' FRIEND, 184 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati. tlLEGTROTYPING! Speelal Attention Given to Fine WOOD-CUT and BOOK WORK WINK ELM A 8*1 U RB A N K, Fur liifonnilloii on b as Mutton Cedar Shingles HUNTAUU?, A HeHUGU, FalrbiT«D, Wash. yiMffi^MAGAZINE AOVIITIIIlt 1.1IHE1I .mm.. k> CHAS. H. HE3IHB, t**