Billboard advertising (July 1895)

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ro Publishers' Corner. e publisher?' chat has been crowded f every edition, that has appeared February, although copy has been ly prepared There is no r will not meet with the pages, fate of that which it. The July issue cons p'gea, and although most of the extra space wilt be given over to the (aire, we hope some small space will be left ns,the more so as we feel certain that every OUR CHRIST/IAS NUMBER. The Christmas number of Billboabd Advbrtisihc will be superb publication. It will be the regular December Edition, but will be augmented by tbe addition ot of many stories and poems by first-class authors. It will consist of thirty two id the cover will be handsomely n colors. In addition to Edition which will consist of over fifteen thousand copies, some ten or twelve thousand copies will be distri- the hill posters, newspaper -. Ed. A. Stahlbrodt ofiices in the Cable Building, corner Broadway and Houston Street,, are palatial in every respect- Every convenience and every luxury of modern times has been brought into requisition to Vender them luxnri- 1 J Donnelly & Sons. Jk«mi Advertliliis Co., 8 Bromfield . The Hew' YorJc and Brooklyn adv. sign o OeKulh. and Hudson .m. K is keenly interested in its t in) Its growth 1 velons. Beginning with a circulation of 2 6gi copies, it has forged ahead month by month, until the June issne, at this writing, is announced to be 15,000, and win probably exceed that number by a 'hindsome margin before the edition is run off. All of which argues that this publication was badly needed in tbe Geld tbat it has entered, that it is unique, and that the methods followed in shaping its course, and its general conduct, have An advertisement may be handsome in appearance, and yet utterly worthless as a bringer of business. Be practical first a!a\\.—Art in Advertising. Some people read one paper and some another. Some-people take one maga- zine and some another. But all of the There is no means which will reach entire community so effectually, ai billboards and newspapers sink int solute insignificance in comparison. From America we have received the ''Donaldson Cipher Guide " issued by the Donaldson Lithographic Co., of Cincin- nati. It is a wonderful compilation alike in the variety and. multiplicity ol its code words, and also in the information it O. J. Kude & Co., 13 and 15 west Broadway c\ ^uLichLilinK, Nd. j Park Place Standard Display A<lv &..Mh„ lr „„.l l-raak J. lleyer, uftCttamters »trcet v.„i -vlv. Kljpi Co.. IS and is Park Fl EiMlsiorAdv.sijjnCo.. WorldsaMliflili Display Ad™nlain B Ci>.. iBj 6th avenue ■ ■ . : ■ ■■...„.:■-.■■., ■ ■ ■ M??' c fcKS™„... „»„ ran T. Jones. 40 \*cst Broadway. . \,1. r, E Co.. ,!. Vcacy stmt eolyers System Advertising Service, ; with our we will inaugurate two new departments of interest to retail merchants. One will be "Window Advertising," and will be "Brrj.i Retailers " Both will be thoroughly competent ai editor and will prove of great interest and value to ing, they simply are not in it—not even for the fractional tart of a minute We are not speaking of the general edver. tiler, because he never comes into a new magazine. We are speaking of our own subscribers. 15.000 of them, all in sym- pathy with onr aims and objects, all realizing that Bulb-oard Advbktisikg is published in their interest, and all capable of understanding, upon due re- flection, that we afford them the best, in fact the only medium which they can employ economically to keep in touch with their trade, to exploit their re- The Circna Special of the Dramatic News, is a great number and a great ad- vertisement for Mr. Richardsons' spicy the American "Bill Board?" or definite at least to A The third annual Protective League of American Showmen will be held at Cincinnati, O., commenc- ing Tuesday, January 7. Ill if yon want the news of the circus will have to read the Dramatic Mm. Never in the history of the busi- ness has such an admirable page of newa and gossip been served up. The cirens department is conducted by Mr. Freder- ick HcCloy, business manager of the Ed. A. Stahlbrodt's 11 posting. In newspapers you get amall space for big money. In outdoor poster advertis- ing yon get big space for litile money. On the dead yon better take both.— Prof itatte Advertising. 1 he August Number of Billboard Advertising Will be the Midsummer Number, A Special Issue, It will be handsomely Illustrated with Illuminated Cover, It will contain: A Complete Account of the Proceedings of the Detroit Convention, •Read all over the world- Edition 20.000 guaranteed- Send in your advertisements Send them in now. It will contain a flash light photograph of the members in Convention assembled. Subscribe at once. No sample copies to anyone. and runningit that way for the remainder of the year, unless it Is deemed best to keep it at eight pages and issue it fort- nightly; but, for alt this, we cannot lose sight of the fact that tbe revenue, to say nothing of the added interest snch ad vertising would give us, »ould enable us to prodnce snch an improvement in tbis periodical as would render it easily the handsomest, the best, the most interest- ing class publication in the world. We After you have thought tbe ter carefully, just bear in mi August issue will be a Special. It will be styled There Bay be a very few lines of trade which cannot mitbe the billboards to ad. vantage a very lew, mind you, but there Our Experience Which dates from 1863, nearly a third of a century, renders us competent to give advice, Good Advice, upon how to advertise a Fair. Trade papers and class publications are = IT'S Free tr Uidsummt issued in honor of the con A. B. P. A. In addition You can have it for the asking, together with a full and complete line of samples, comprising Posters, Circulars, Folders, Hangers, Programmes, Tickets, Streamers, etc. Write now, and It's Yours Address, The Donaldson Lit ho. Co., Cincinnati, O.