Billboard advertising (Aug 1896)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING. August 1896 Classified Advertisements. BILL POSTERS' DIBECTOHY. Waukou, lows. W111. S. Hart & Co. Pop- 3,000. Contml all apace. Open Hooh and Palrjurotti Anaconda, Hon. Fop. 12.OO0. men^mptoyedet ftfSUEST* 11 '"I" in guaranteed—try n 11 Boarda and good wa AaheviUe, IT. C.^"Ttae^ndiDf population. 7,0CH) Aabeville Ad i CoL Pop. 7.0O0. Fort Wayne City BUI Foaling Co. jjSj gntparties" In Denver. Pnebw^iod Lima, Oblo. Pop. 20,000, f.M.B. Frank P. Col by, Newport, Ky. G. H. Ottlng & Son, Palmy™, W. T. Prod, P. Kelly, Tucson, Arizona, 2,000 ft of boards . Onio. H. H. Tyner Victoria, British Col. Pop. 20.000. Binghamton, W- "Y. Pop. 40.000. Laoonia, H- H. Pop. II Classified Advertisements BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. Chilliootho,IIL Meridian, Hiss. Classified Advertisements DISTRIBUTORS' DIRECTORY. Williamsport. Pa. Ma* NtoW DlatribnUn* Aeeocyar. Kerraville, Tex., Geo. A. Harrison, Waukou, Iowa. Pop. 3,000. Wnu B. Hart at Co. control all api eluding own fl™-™ ■"«' „ r " ,r u ' PorUjInd. Chan W. Jacksonville, HI., 807.S. Vain St., . Spaalding & Gordon, SKSSHS'S SMS ;;s-ss Chicago, Ills. J. A. Cloazb. e adv. Bin. Bureau, Dicksonburg, Pa. I. C. McLean, Mattapan, Mass. D. L- Cashing, Henomonie. Wis. Flint & Thompson, circnJar Dlairllalr-- HocbOBter. N. Y. The J, E. Mroyer Co., Ill Wild St., hi Bond, of Boston, .la Central Street. Currsn, R- L.. in we* Jllb It. Sew Tor*. K. V. Day, Chan. ZL, Wh i tceyville, Conn. POSTER PRINTERS. yea*-- Di&lttjr ajiviiumnt CiiimpocdtmStajI "rrin?!pg ! c" ri^, oilS "° Courier Println.Co. Brant/oKl, OlUlio Th^Do^naldsnr. V Cc. cln'i:, Francis ft Valentine, 51 Pre« Press Show Print., D f™. Richard K. Franklin and Doc G^n Sho'i^Printwafeit nib. New York Com' Litbo Co. 140 Monroe, Chicago 01. Amtoi ft Prim Co. 57 Seek man. New York Eieii^ypw'-— Henaegan ft Co , tew. llbble Show Print. Bos'on, class. UekSbowJ'rint. Fort Smith. Ark MauberTet"s Printing House". NnOrinik La Morgan. «\ J. & Co., St. (Lair, t [ncUml Morrison Show Print, Detroit, Mich. National Printing ft eng. to , 1 bfcago i't^-lL', j.:!ho. Co. Chicago Pioneer printing Co. 114 Teffernon. Seattle.«'ssh Planet Show Print. Chatham. One.. Canada. Richantmn ft Fom i„ 4 lh Ave, New York J Bi^kljt, ad,, sign Cw. The John Chaprnn Son* c Dill's^ Advertising Service Bryan ft Co.. High and H tl Telegraph Bnild-g. New York City. Mulford, Hammond Building. Detroit Mich ter^AdV Cn.. j,6 Onion Trust Building. Braaelway. New York City '(Co., 13 Murray it.. Send 24 ots. in stamps to He line- gan b Co-, 127 East Eighth Street, Cincinnati,o , and receive in return a handsome leather bound Date rjS'ci".-^^!^ -Heeeri'il' Bra. " The O. j. Gude Co. wi »tb si f: S E H .^our!^^- 8 H £™Kra'y P,M ™ Hoke, tw" " ■ .... ,