The billboard (Jan 1896)

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Jandakt, 1896. BIt,tBOARt> ABVEimSING. K popular. The 11 t ^ to make cnomes than frieadA; ftjan imtajire I vill state that I have been advertiEliiK for aemal yean the dgara made by Mr. John Stnith. (John Smith is not his name, but it will answer very well for this matter of coinpaiiaon.) In the regular coone <rf buaness I secund the ad vert iS' big alM of Mr. John Jonet. a competitor of Smith'c, and placed a consderable ■mon&t of hit bisinw. sod incideatally ■moked a good many of Jones' dgars. One d^ Jones and a number- of hia asso- a candid opinion of 1 with Smi,th's. a Mr jndge of a cigar,'' he wd, "yon amoke as many as the average man, DOW UH us candidly what yon think of tke Joues Cigar?" "WeU," I replied, "if yon aie in earnest, and want my candid Ofinion, so far as »i)> lasie is concerned. I must say that yonr dgan are too heavy to suit me; this may be because I have smoked Smith's for several , years, and that I turn become i border is ruthlessly covered up by the man of iiaste, and other people's paper is' jammed right up close to the telteiing in hU h1. I suggest a strip of white paper, ches wide, fdaced betwcca aU atanda, wherever the sin of the board poster* (tmiished have tMrdets. When on advnlberfnraidieE yon paper IT a tonr-iinki' displ^, insist upon 111* supplying fif^ per cent, additional to ith and then do yonr part b>^ cve^when ncce^nry. Some advertisen coDtnct fbr a twdve-months' abowing, and supply paper enough to r than cny two miaths; sianal order that refttses sufficient 11, miiil paper, than he makes on the order. And now comes the question <rf covers ing dead paper; many an advertiser gives BD order for two or three weeks with the Use better lumber; 6-inch tongued-ai grooved flooring will 1 Build your boaida fita'U splashing mud and Have a supplj of dean white ] with which to cover the bottom of boards under the stands^ a foiled table doth will sometimes spoil a ^ood dii and a dirty fringe of old paper, or a p besmeared edge of lumber, undernee bright new p4KteT, detracts very V from the beauty of the stattd. 'eration, for ragged summtidings never did 1 with the results. Tlio any advertiser any good; and it ftequi'ntly is oimuil;iiii'i' ti' n di'^i keeps new people ufT «ho imagine that iuiiutrii-;il iiKri-^i-i- in this ragged paper in alill being paid for, atkd that their paper would be allowed tc look as bad. thing; and the advertiser will not be willing to pay any moreon tber account. iBt the bill poster tiiat the most valuable to the they have S3 and watched the inaeasing business of their competitors who deemed it necessary Thebi the benefit of their ful eOecIsof form and COlDr on Ci and bn>iq(ht into lu TtK volne of properly a uting matter inlelligently pat out is vnjr great when used in -conjunctloa wltli ■ tttoToogh poster dM[^y. The postets tdl the stcary in a m: The circulacs iaag lBn(atd. .ilis ■ md their eftct.aHjh c rniag npthe iMwliaiijMiii of the inbntrr. Here, a| ' Not the least of Ibe oilvantsgeaotpaib- era and dutribnting is that of ml—ipj Used Isvfifaljr or ^arii||^ Ukt mc tfee promptly viding ottier boainess is not ready tor the boards. This also shows the general pub- bill poster believes in his lethod of advertising. If not financially . AdvertlAlng Cor No. a ol The Qreatest Show On Earth. to advertise theik brands of beer. That the buaineas methods of to-daj demand adverting, is. however, so near an axioni that argomentin favor of advcr- tisiug in the olistraat ia well nigh loM. Its wondctfnl value is conceded on e very side The meSiods of adnrtidng ate .blet supply o. poster can cover tlic dead bland; with white paper, and have an ad of hii owaknetcdi^anic. Acagttwialttiiiici ifH that could not affocd to he large number of postera printed, Blit aside from the. odviaaHI^ of ering p^ei that is no longer pqdng, I i^dcis, no matter what his line, the rhe whole population 15 a to telling The tnewer of ^ctorial diqil^ ii Then b BO sriMtmy price beyood the profitable to divert some portion of le sdveilising appropriation, and all^ lOuld be used in proportion to their After an is said and done, and all other _jEdiiiina have been cxjiluited to tbdr cqacitj the bet ieiaaiES,~aiid is patent to fhoK wfea wia ate ll. that to iMCll all