The billboard (Jan 1896)

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January, ,^ Bill Posters'QossI !, co trt «llllilg exactly Ihe referred back to the committee. The' come of thb matter will pofsns much tntenst, for it tuu been suppooed that Mr Bills hod B licenae that was absolutely irrta dad. The Spobane.WaihingtOD, Ci^ Cmmdl iaciuiliw ■ btdUbliKOf any The Jadidary Committee irf the Cam< maa Council at Tacoma» WBshlngtOA, ha« ncocnmruded that the bill poatin^ Bryan & Co., of Qeveland, O., have bought the Ahnm billboaidB. The acqui- sition of Aluoa by this enterprising firm will be of moch benefit to advertiiers, becaose Biyan &. Co. irill pot lu a plant vhii^ nill be • cncUt to all concerned. Ml. AL BiTulsat Ac taeadof aHock AbMW. AkrahasbMBilov bralo^ Tk 1 ' to Om Afhoto bnoc witb U. J. DDtkr^ tmbCMldi. ihc Baltimore B^erUmynt "Mr. Dooley kindly azpcea that the ' boya' amj AaMT TiKn la a penal^ of fsjOkOO f« pwtins •ion ftoDOemntt^^FidtoBTll^K^ H. Bunitt, of ArdmoTC, Ind. Ter., has bought the Open BoaM bonrdi in that city, and mm "M-'Jt all boards in Aidnure. He Bandit , hMmvdl equip- ped plant. le Paci£c Coast BQl Poaters' Associa- 7th, at San Franciscp, CaL This ass ind^Midtnt and in view of this Ci^ oppoaitionH has been for the old com- pany to eMend iitw rapport* &om one of thaln ^Kurti. wbidt tlw new con^any bMlbatept tDMNpcxA'iNMd enctly on the Mb wilkHne «ad toinphariy ghnt In the other board. The stale ot affairs which will penoit such work u Ihla, is all wrong, and the Owner of this property certainly a be a gooi business man to give both panies conflicting contracts or lease The Conoeetfctit State Asapdatioii is made up as foUom; H. H. Jennings, Bridgeport;. J. L. Dn- ger, Derby; Gea Johmon, Southford; L E. Roath, Norwich; John H. Gray, Willunantic; CoL Joseph Blakeslee, New Haven; John Buxton, Kotwalk; B.S. Car- penter, Danielson; W.R.Maguire.Thom- These gentleman are 11 1 faming month and a delegation of ministers a members of the W. C. T. U. took a wi through the pTiaci|ial streets teari down the liUiographH of the Black Cm :<>. The Kanaaa City Star ap^ ■ hat " they are too good in MilwaMkM io anything but drink beer. Tbqr hH i>t«ll the vices anyway." The exH^le let bjr IQlimikce «M I lowed Ift Ok" Hobokcn. ni soi«lit to ObUlMate the « They succeeded in tearing down the li but (ailed slgoally to accomplish tl object. As a result of the crusade ■ Ingersoll lectured to a crowded house. New York Ci^ nles go op Jmauj at. A special convcDtion of the A. B, P. A. has been called for Jannary 6lb, at the Grand gard to Gndp, and BilLboar1> 1, and the comae to be pnrEoed by the Col. Joe Blakeslee. of New Haven, i: conducting his business in accordanct with a very strict law, and he lets peoph know it, by incorporating in hifl bnvnes: card the section which relatea to disttibut- Oeortie Leonard's Pet. little t feet long, lofeethigh. located in Ihever center of Grand Rapids. It is built of si: igned-and-grooved Hooiing, and i ' ' .liGtantialty as an . Allth irlini the hill districts pt ated by three electric lights at ni^t. CoL BoTT RobHna aaya that it is the pict- tion ut Ibcboaids oBoM «(tiM —an ciations, who mAe ttt'.flw ■ ■ at tfea boaids and Uns ai Qiey 6nd th Engene VallEns & Co., of Chicago, will : La F3or de Vallena C^fini 'lafNewVisk.