Billboard advertising (Oct 1896)

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October 1S96. fitLtBOARb ADVERTISING. 5 A number of new alverlise-s not in- cluded in previous list* have en'errd the field recently. Some of lliein will i-se only a few papers, anil others will eni|iluy additional publicity as their business ex- lends. The addresses of ibe entire group referred to are given below: Wilson-Raymond Manufacturing Com- pany, 1 lit Court street, Brooklyn; Gen- eral Manufacturing Company. 101 Fullon street. New York : People's Puule Com- pany. 95 Dearborn street, Chicago; Silver Badge Company, jasper, Fla.; A. C. Cat- tell Company, Cincinnati; Continental Tea Company, Cincinnati; Modern Nov- elty Company, Chicago; S:ar* Jewelry Company, Chicago; Whiteson Manufact- f, Chicago; PeerlessHyjji- st 45th street. Chi- devised by parties who are njss, Il is •'forlhi: good of (lie for all distributors to us; caution- before joining any. One of the best exceptions to the above is the International Association of Distril - utors. By careful work, faithful officers, etc. they have succeeded in putting the Association on a solid bisis. guaranteeing its service, protecting the advertisers. They invite your investigation before joining any other. Do so and it will be to j our interests. Reliable distributors need not 1 to apply for membership in the Inter- national Association of Distributors. A member is wanted in every county of the United States. _ Battle & Co.. wholesale druggists oF proprietary remedy for a relief of pain and a substitute for opiates, deal direct with distributors A New Toilet F The Low* Crram Company, 56 Fifth Nichols liefl'ijsl Company, xjq -ago. managed by Dr. D. :ntly entered the adver- rh Co., of Bo«ton, has ey advertise. Their advertising has been clever, hut. they ought to pat- ronize distributors. It would help thctu wonderfully in introducing their goods. How Can They Afford It. Rowell & Company, 372 North Hamlin avenue, Chicago, is the name given by advertisers who announce that they will pay $7 per hundred for " your neighbors' addresses." They do not have to offer such high figures. Wonder what the the good offices t. ™ ster their own circulations. Where would the story paper be if it was not for the samp'e copies containing initial chapters PersonaJ Mention. '. Vaniyckle. of Indianapaiui ■•l^mttK^ Hauler Artven\*.u K Co.. « I Fl_ Wayne. I.id_ h».the-neither,-0.0,1 Mo, „ desired, iqdum houor to I he a* ~ " id. ba* joined the Co, of Una. O., The Lincoln Tea Co, of FL Wayne, have formally announced their in- 1 of placing all of their distributing through the members of the Inter- They _ The wise advertiser seeks promptness more than any other quality* People re- spond quicker to the billboards than filly other form of advertising. " " ■ Fuller Job Office, of Fuller, Miss., nan bids from distributors in that state, a they intend to cover the entire state. A Big; Concern's New Base. The Dillantine Remedy Company nov has offices at 210 State street, Chicago The concern does medical advertising. Jatne* Bsach & S>o. |So<p») Dubuque, la., are placing busioess direct. For the present they will only cover adjoining Company. Boston, is Ihc 1 cem that will endeavor to establish trade throughout the country during Ibe fait A New Peptonic Remedy. The Thompson Medicine Compan; MODERN TOWN CRIERS. The Quebec & Lake St. Johns' RaiU -■— along tlie setting, good paper, good illustrations, local agent who takes his stand on the all requisite, if the advertiser is really seeking the highest percentage of returns. Yet while all of these qualities are The cc 1 itself in a se I in. He then reads the ai This is getting back to the primeval ineth- r proprietary medicine tial, they are as nothing compared with ods of the day of the town crier. It is the importance of cai^ful, thorough and itious distributing Let this part ark be well done above all else. The only possible way to make distri. butiug matter pay is to distribute it. and the only id quarter of the jear payable October .»L Members of I he I A of D. wJI please note and respond ere is largely wasted. The Postum Cereal Company, Battle Creek. Mich. is placing new advertising 10 Western papers. The advertising done by Ihe company last winter was attract- ive and judicious. TheChar'e H. Fuller Agency places a part of the o.ders, but the present advertising is done direct. Many men now out of work won!.I make T. e Frost Homeopathic Remedy Co Springfield. Mass , U now doing Ibe east. ■h,lribuiing booklet* Get in II " .s too late. everybody would if tfcey lust Knew bow. rolling a dcail work 10 attend to it properly. There is detail to newspaper advtriising also, but lliey get rid of it by placing their ap- propriation whhsome one ofihe hundreds of newspaper 3 jvcrtiiinR agents. There are as yet very lew poster advertising agents to take care of this detail, and as a result hundrets of business people lear to enter this field 1 help the adverti-er by taking care of this detail, and I help the bill potter by securing for trm iiade that other- wise would go to some oihjr medium. If you are an advertiser 1 want 10 fee you and talk over the question of po ; fing. you to write to me and state how rniny boards you have, 107 W. 2SU1 SL, New Yort