Billboard advertising (Oct 1896)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING. 6ctober, 1896. The Best and Cheapest DESK On the Market. T 'HIS Desk is'solidly constructed of oak, has double row of Drawers, Sliding Tablet, Com- bination Lock, Finished and is a perfect ship, in its c Special Price for Thirty Days, $17*50. MURPHY DESK CO., No. 139 KENYON AVENUE, CINCINNATI, OHIO. No Offia Comphte Witkout It. Business T oy best my of doing thin It treats particularly ACCOUNTING, OFFICE ROU- TINE, BUSINESS MANAGE- MENT and ADVERTISING, s topics ; Office Record, con. reviews of new books; Art uiD Pbac TICS of A11 v sktimis ; g , presenting stud s in detail of tin accounting practiced in leading estah Monthly, 40 pages, illustrated, in- eluding supplement, *2 a year. Sampli copies ( mentioning this advertisement KTITREDGE COMPANY, Publisher 'The BTTt poster* Modern Sign Writer and Orna mentor. No. 3 E. 8th St., CI N~ S=St3.-.V.-I.T ARC el CeiteriM am Sim Palmers manual. NIGHT H DAY. That is just the way we I PASSAIC ADVERTISING CO. RIPAN-S The modem stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Philip B. Oliver. Licensed City BILL POSTER. ■ ts'I'A K? . "'CQIISPRING SHAFT SUPPORT-: AMD ANTI-RATTLE,. ^ Salaried Positions nj^otofao 4c 1^5tamps for written "letter of S M. BOWLES, Woodford City. Vermont through my agency Fairs and Rice Meetings. I prefer to book 011 lonj; time contracts, but during the winter time, why do you not book wine of the most pre-eminent and successful of the Six World's Famous Binds, of which I have the agency, and coin money in your city ! Let me hear from persons of managerial skill, and book them either on a rjercentaee or guarantee basis getting any quantity of window hangers and mnographie work you can use. Write for terms, dates, circulars, and any infor- mation desired. Address. RHRNITT Designer of Deaoriptive,