The billboard (Nov 1896)

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4 BILLBOARD ADVERTISING. Billboard Advertising of treating them unfairly, speaking slight- Oslo? his goods to pay for this help; he ingly of their efforts and offering then, possibly might get al n affronts should be promptly and any of this help, and find that some few people would coTe along and ii sist on ally called down helping thetnselvrs. but llie vast majority Masv complaints have reached'us of — ■ - of the people would cease to knew that JAMES H. HENNEOAN. Manager. late from bill postersin thesmaller towns What k fa Middleman's Excuse ■*• on the Pacific Coast. It seems thai here* i^ J O rcrie.r. in advance. ■;■ for Existence; man acts as the clerk tofore the Beeman Gum Co. has dealt ..^.^ the difference that he doesn't gel any pay direct with the bill posters in this region. Why does a middleman ask and receive till he sells a bill of goods, while the but this year decided to place their paper commissions, and why should the bill clerk or salesman gets his pay whethei through the agency oF the California Ad- Signs Co., who he est la, and in lime some competitor would have his business. The middle- he sells anything or not. ™«p™L." "onrte rmsarecmn. I!!IZ"IL " E ' „"'"""" ™" the advertiser who posts direct? Why Now, the middleman isespected to pay •™ isn't the; advertisers money just as good all bills he contracts, and to take all the as the middleman's? chances with the unknown je p'e, and of the questions that if from no oth r leason than lliat of are worrying the fraternity just now, and justice alone, he should he protected they are questions that have worried when the gil - dge article comes along, other classes of business in the past, and and his customers should be sure that no worry "posterity " in the future. one is getting a better rate by dealing contended with direct. this question since long before I can Another reason : The advertise :r the coast, but remember, and the strong oms have set- receives a cut-rale is almost sure to brag are posting the major portion e own boards. We know nothing of the tied it very decidedly to their satisfaction. about it, or if not to actually brag, 1. There are newspapers that never cut their the matter leak out and become public suing a very short-sighted c< dical's birthday for the publishers to _. and thess papers make very careful talk. II is then a very liltle whilelillthe re dispute bnt if the accusations an< i searching inquiries regarding the general advertiser becomes accustomed lo re well founded, we have no hesitation middlemen before they allow even him saying to himself on seeing that man sad. Wrm this issue Buxboard Advertis- in that [he Ad signs Co m pur . commissions. And the newspapers that o ■ poster, ■■Aha, that publication (or that allow ■■commissions" to the advertiser bill postsr) culs rate;; Til gel about fifty who deals direct is the weak sister that P" ™nt off there, when I get ready to . i cuts the rate to anyone ; and the expert use the same medium " * agent or middleman usually knows bot- Which is best? To protect advertising 8 If there is one thing thai bill posters iu tom n re snd is able to not only get agents by refusing commission* lo adver- In the large towns need more than another ordinary agents' commission but a large Users who deal direct, or t > place the connection we wish to observe, that we . ' excess as well, which he can turn over to latter upon the same footing as the former, can review the first two years of the * ""^ >» *e«-n town* the advertiser. This is a topic upon which B paper's life with considerable saiisfaction. ° n ~ * Bnt wh >" bi » P<*«- pay middle- »ould like to hear from bill ^sters. "V. " made "t *nf " ™° town3 villages, advertisers men a commission? In the first place. _ We fee tha we ve i orming woull j a( j opt u, e boards almost to the because it is cheaper for them to do this and we believe helpful. We are fi -mly MdMion eve ^ h „ a „ Que rf pub _ thantohavcarepresenbriivecalluponthe WRITE NOW. convinced that it has been newsy, a ,d we Where there U one on the boards a f ^ " B-c that Eve D -bill poster who has a good line know that while we have ever been fear- „ . . Particular bill poster a few sheets of paper. of boards and can give a really first-class it-*-. n™*^™W then be a hundred, for And, becausethe middleman has probably service should advise the following firms they could then co™ the enfre country been the first, the second, ih= sole cause „f U, e f act . They are putting out paper without recourse to other niediums. of inducing the advertiser to do bill post- constantly, and a letter to them will often At present though, the bill poster in lng- or to cven renM,| e'y consider the bring a contract the small town does not find his boards . An ' 3, because " le middleman is ^ q. J. Gude Co., 1,3 \ no hackneyed platitndes to offer. We will , „ / ™ » position to know of the advertisers' J " overl v remunerative. Vptv f™ nf «i«m _. those only state that something totally 1 peeled and unlooked for will have to develope, before we will alter or depart from the methods and editorial policy we Very few of them responsibility, and to steer clear of those Edward A. Stahlbrodt, Cable Buildine ■ven when devoting considerable time who are not responsible. And, because New York .0 distributing can make a living in this ne guarantees (or should if he don't) the Jam w. Hoke, 107 W.lSlh St., NewYoik. C. S. Houghtaling, 3 Park Place, Harry Munson. 44 Duane Street, " Van Buren it Co.. 1104th Ave., Reagan & Clark, 13 Ann Street, " American Bill Posting Co., Jito Madison debts in a year than he pays in conimis- Street, Chicago Ills. There is probably n the fact thai he gels " oni <° a " "« middlemen combined 1: y Scbaefer. 39s W, pnee (or his service, and also ""'ddlemen can't afford to - chan Chicago, Ills. i the increased «-t <J «h™-* ™' 0 ' "V-by-night that comes W M Fulfonl. 1-irsl along and offers a liltle paper to him ■ he |_, chin.,™ Ilk biuM :r n.~ l. 11 : ?. . Tliis at knows that if the bill isn't paid it means Arthur M. Plato, San Francisco, Cal. n work- solid cash out of his pocket lo the bill Re,he & 1 ... . ... ;th and Market Streets. for Ibe expense to Ibe poster, while the bill poster reasons when San Prancis™, Cal. advertiser is materially increased in spite Xhe ™* m "° comes to lbat " 011 P »"<■ Stoui. OiarL Bldg . St Umfa, Mo. of the lower rate charged. Increased cost ml *li»E D. R. Talbert. P. O. Box , Chicago, Ills. haaevere-perienced.isfim.l.yover.and of transportation also operates against time ; and if hTdoes Im^muc^ahead'." S"m^ Medici' £ St is issue, the curr ency them. But there are adverti question, is laid to rest for at least four But nevertheless thereare many of them records that are well known and bey b has indeed dealt that they should succeed that it has„ lu gently with theirs, and they are Conse- been suggested that subsidies be made °fJT^ k ' 0d - t " s OUe * °' <wo ' quently now in vigorious condition finan- tbem. ThU of course .s no. practical, bnt ' aaUy to take up the battle Cor business those fool craflmen « Kenton Baiting TowrterCo., Cincinnati, 0 Doualdson Lith _ Ihe Snider Preserve ad Gillain & Shaughnessy, 13 Astor Place, New York. Sterling Remedy Co.. 45 Randolph Street. salesmen have to be paid, and the store- Come now and let us reason keeper must add acertain per cent, to the saith the Lord.- Isiab, I. IS.