The billboard (Jan 1897)

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BILLBOARD ADVEftTISWG. or three years from exhibiting a bull of [hat age and give some other fellow a animals of each age tends to ketp other exhibitors aw<*y. foe they often coTTeclly surmise lliat they have no chance of win- ning even a second or third priie. Other remedies may, perhaps, be suggested that all the different County Fairs in Wiscon- show as to quality. There is this draw- sin will meet in annual session at Madi- back and condemnation forthe plan how- son, the state capitoL ever, that no state fair in the circuit has a representative show. The show of live stock at our different stale fairs is piactically identical. The : shown At a recent met t ng of the Eastern and Western Fair Managers Association, held in Chicago, a new constitution was adopt- ed changing the name of the association so as to read "The American Association of Fairs and Expositions." T. J. Fleming, of Madison, Wis., Secre- tary of the Wisconsin State Fair, was re- elected secretary of this association for '397- The neit meeting will be held in Mil- waukee some time in December, 1897. Dates for State Fairs and Expositions for 1867 were recommended as follows: New York, August 13 18 ; Ohio, August 30 to September 4; Michigan and Minne- sota, September 6-ii^ Indiana and Iowa, September 13 iS; Wisconsin and Nebraska, September 10-15 ; Illinois, September 37 to October J; Sl Lonis, October 4-9; South Dakota, October 11-16. The ed by the different state societies and ex- The holding of Slate Fairs in a drcnit y supercede the present plan. Why are State Fairs held in a circuit? Who recommends that the dates of State Fairs be so arranged as to have the differ- ent State Fairs follow one another in point of time? Whom does such a policy pri- marily benefit? What in jury does snch a policy work? The Protective League of American Emory; Cincinnati, beginning 1 'January st'r, iSoj. Miny members of ilieA,. B. I'. A. are also members of the League, and would prove more practii a crying need for reform i ts of our largt n the ] MESSRS; T. F. CHAFEE & SON. The m itters of the different state fal mint, discussion following will be taken The show of livestocka' our great state down by a stenographer and a full printed fairs is virtually a traveling hippodrome, report of the meeting issued. and the ordinary stock raiser had no more The nest issue of this paper will con^ chance of winning a prize on one of his A large per cent of the premium money in the live stock departments of onr state fairs goes year after year to the same breeders. It is this which is killing com. petition in the classes, building up a class of professional exhibitors who purchase the prize winning animals from ahroad and tour the circuit with them, winning the money, advertising themselves and selling their superfluous stock. Of course the argument that in encour- 1 hippodrome, live stock t fair from abroad, an oppirtnnity is given to home breeders to a* the beat, s a plausible one. But its sophistry is wearying and the home breed- era are beginning to real ire that what they want is not the opportunity of seeing the best and the same herds year after year, but the chance of competing for prizes and winning money wilh which to buy better animals. It is dead easy for a breeder to find someone who has the best lo sell, their ads are in sight everywhere, everyone knows now who has the best stock in all the different breeds, but it is not so easy forthe farmers and small breeders to get hold of the long green that it takes to buy " colts, bull Ms- it by proxy in the show ad its day. Several reforms are needed in the show ring. ist. Hold all slate fairs on the same date, make the competition of each state fair co-extensive with the state line. This will give the home breeders a show and will insure a representative ex hi bit even though it be not quite so good in quality. already pro-: fair is for the building upof the live stoct. ' industry of its own slate the exhibit of stock is not representative, too much of it comes from other states, not a big enough proportion of the exhibit comes from its own state, the state in which it is held. Fairs are too ambitious. The county exposition. Like Alfred Vargrave they "achieve so little because of the much they conceive," and with Macbeth they are troubled with "vaultingambition which o'er leaps it- self." State Fairs with cjmpetilion confined be obtained by addressing the manager of fair department of Billboard A over - Here's a good pair to draw to—two hustlers from Shelbyville, I ml. Mr. T. F. Chaffee has a reputation at home of which he may well be proud. He takes great pride in his calling, watches every detail, and leaves nothing to be desired in Ihe way of good boards, choice locations, and artistic work. Messrs. Chnffee also do distributing and sign tacking, and do it well. They are members of the International Bill Posting Mr. Chaffee is particularly fortunate in poisessing a bright son to assist him in hi; (his it will be noticed that Ihe departments are lettered. Allot the classes are numbered, commencing with number one and running np, through the list. Each article or animal on which a premium is offered is given a prize her. commencing with running up through the The use of a prize number will b to greatly facilitate the taking of ivenaprize num- Tbe A cton Burrows house organ has number one and malle application to the International Hill in a circuit partly to please themselves For well nigh seven years a 'close' asso- tried to crush out opposition. It has not succeeded in a single instance but it has given rise 10 additional opposi- tion and there is more in to- hut it ■■ difficult [o imagine how it could