The billboard (Jan 1898)

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THE BILLBOARD Vol. X., Na i CINCINNATI, JANUARY i, 1898. Ibe BUHCRl-ii bold win Mp, <3*a»<yKi pnbhalwr. mho mil discover lively, can be made to the billboBids, tc bulletuis, and you'll knock ycDow nth a single blov i-J* he totharab- .ject ir he had tried hb level bc^ VTbal a world of wholesome, lolid edvlce is ded into tbome Uucc Mamx. And ul line. "Dnct be coniitcnt, bnt be lytnie." Whatmnelbunftmatgn- t of the nwdera l i fa ipi yM I Think cr. ItisaKXNBga^^gb^taM. ad this tnna ■ neent lane of Mnei- "To our mind, the naao^he Kreat pa- pers gencnlly. and the ^gnat papers ot New York especially, have lost their in- luence. I* that they lie too moch." I Ihe Ut n wt i M B ,cftMlfcntioii about nrli I iti>ninil wUliHiil lliii coovictioii UMtltbtna. -n» |Mat-Minpapeisdo Mt Ml teimdklftr^rda Ib^ raiiily I,'bat they It of matter, that a pven ^ the ^ipefranee of news, which hainalapaitidcoffacttorroundalioii or cxctue. Tbeordento write certain alle- gUioDB a* facta,' and to give them certain perative in the local and editorial rooms gteat newa p a p eia. TTus atatcment is Not speculative, nor infctcntitl—it ia ab- hard, shamefol and -hnDdUatin); ' H>wn peiKuiallj to the writer of hli parignph. All ic^cMeble newapaper »en hope (or ihe day when • cade «l Dew DMwntcBdmdmrlW idinliMlbtaakwof ■a far. It it only t itleals for the i lust project htit nrind fonrard to ttie mil- Tlicre are two chfct reaaona why news- ■'1« rs do not tell the truth U They are 1'^ <-'iv.! Hs money-m^ng nacltiDes, and —. for power.Itada them to he IS adopted. Odd everythii ■ III lo its luatificatjoti. To i l'"l>llshinganew^ii^>erlnala^d^ ' . '"■■ceiMBiyloilN Miljrjiiit 1ml Willi I'-- «»ei^.aMl'<t|K BMH* «N;:aMCMi- ' ^tcd: dwyMnvdniUi iU tU liMa, ":'"u>Mrt^,«i*ltor for "•'iMNptAVteWMNtlb ^ ter moDths. than any otte phnt fld He has the confidence of tha advarti^ era. His references are of UH W^ta^' both toed and tninsieM; in IM*, Ut>ip^.''' utatlou for integrity ia eatttUUvd; ■ Al* ways ready to greet the Inqiector. MittO r fit^ of the UUiUg or at Ibe end a^ 1^^. days. He haa-made the coiDpoandl^^qft'' paste that will stick a attidy, nJnj nolb; inc but the very beat of material*. Be' ' never buys a thing because It la chap, far. ■ it will coDtinne to grow cheaper- Dnring the winter months be nses thne IdiidB of paste, viz, flour, starch and B our and glue--' A combination made from flonr and gioe ' nothing short of a whirlwind can looaen. ■ He OSes the different kinds the location of the boards, whether they storms of the wittier months. The aecret- - ot success, he claims; Is to tMijiiaj good . men, praise tlutei for good work, annd-: censnie if poa^e. keep the boards In good repair, remove at all timea the loose paper, never pass it by; keep them neat.':' and tidy; use good stock and |ilentr of espedally if the boards are mj diyij ^ j the paper well nibbed io, pat the lo It, and Dothinic short of a iiiallBiuF^ rain accompanied by a very strotlC llfaid will loosen it. 1 with the a buantss. 1 retail dealer in foreign and domealle fndtt. at the old stand; the Uuic Hdl 8tac^ - cordial giceting to snicly and in aa gnat nnntbets, and then the tcalca niU fall from the eyes of all, ana the and of the sdly and vicious and lying iieWspaper policy that now prevuls will have come. Until then, we shall be surfeited with untruths. And who is lesponsible for it all ? Who? The advertiser is. Be is the god behind the machine Without bis money the chtep. UDlnfluentiBl, no accoont paper could not lost. Yes: the advertiser is ta bUme. He con get more, better and cheaper advertising on the Ullboaids, and - Mm te lm a fWii; ariMdMrt Mh- A. B. WHITE. The BubjectoF this picture. A. B. White, lietter known as "A. B." to the old tim- ers, was bom in Taunton fifty-two yean ago. the third day (tf bit Uaidi, and hM alwavs residedthere. Heiai the public schools attd Hidn cisl and BnsiiMB OgOega Fora number of }can be oooflid the pcritioBsi bbdfchetpTMidHlFMM far ttaeftrm of A. WUIe-ft Oo.-, H » ik»nmen . In 1S69, A- & entered into partDentalp . wlOi an elder brother.. under the firm JMMK of White Brothers, and bmlt the tlMWlI f known as Music Hall. They con- doMd. together for a iininber ot years. ni^W«|iiaiillji lir bmnht niitlili hmthir- plaints from many sections of tbe coun- try of the slow pay 01 a pnnmnent ss. sociation officer who sent out qoite a lot of work dnring the s au miet «id falL.' What iMknltae natter aUlhaMaNe«s- > a new and convenient fonn, will be touid in tbe two hundred-page pamphlet jnst issued by Tbe Geo. P. Sowell Adverting Co.. Kew York, It contains » complete. list of papers having a drcnlalioa of more than a thowand copies each issue. Aa a book of lefcrence in