Billboard advertising (Jan 1898)

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OWENS & VARNEVS AS90- ASbs Hie Padfie OmM BOI PorteaT siEBS ft <»cBerrs AssooAr- iCONTJ«aBD.\ ■ - - After the Tcttss, tbe&nt Older of tmd- the adoption of the Bcale of t wu the unammons vote of the 3 to adopt the letary mre (wdered paid. Tbe lecntaijr was inatrdcttd to hne printed 150 co[Hes of the by-Inn, i,aoa copies of the list of membetship, ta f tt h cr with the name ot the dty, piqinlilkMl dt the mme, and the ' ~ rebate* of aaj kfaid ttpan pam-of An offer of Sicbr &. G all stationery, pfintiag, postage and ad- ' vertismg necessaij' to advance the organi- - zatioii and further tts auna, was accepted, and a vote of thanks tendered therefor. Upon motioD of 8.1.OTcncli,~aid aec- ~ Iqr}. Chas. Green, the iiwiliim ad- Stn PtioMteot' Dec.' 'Sr-Ttae ndflc Coast Bltl PMcoT AMOciaUMi, pnmut OMin ft VM>^, THrtb. aaa. Kwkct s the beat' attended moxi'enthodailic held to years. De- 9 the many members from Central vague) there were (onda Bin ibled, at the Eleventh and Horket atracH, Ob, California (rag present 11. G. WiMiire, ot Los Angeles, and J. T. Williams, of Portland, Oregon. The roll call showed all the officers prtseiit except W. G. Humphrey, of Stockton, nce^reaideut. The minulesof the meetings of Januarj' 15 and July 14 ven read and approved. Application for membership was re- ceived frotn M. H. Garnet, of Visalta; Fred Wats™, of Kem City; Geo. Ganger, of CaliMoHa: D. A. Hnrphy, of Salinas; A. P. }e»up, Gonloii CuK-er, of Walla Walla. Wash.; Walter Newell, of Bakcr Ci^-, Ore.; Chas. J. Culver, of ^kiyou Cwnrty; Geafse WU, of Red TITood ninte oonMa^ cf ^kmn. ittOA. oT ViUeio; MortiawT, of MarysriHe. and DsuBt, oF Modesto, ■who reported favor- ably on all of them except that of Cordon Cnl\-er. of Walla Walla. As Mr. Jessiip large and enthn^astic. and were present pen The election of officers resulted in the Choice ot W. H. l«, Santa Kosa, prta- dent, re-elected; J. T. Williams. Portland, Ore., vice.pccsident: H. O. Wilaliire, Los er; J. H. Sinqison, Sin sonally or by proxy. J, Chas, Green, Ssn The tdSsxrs were installed by W. A. Canrdl, the senior past pre^dent A vote of thanks was tendered the sec- retary foe his services dnring the year Sm Mateo 1 Cl= lb Si Gordon, baip Waiter J. Stafford, Santa Spencer & Co.. Lii-ermore; Julius M. WUtamun, Haenem:; D. A. Murphy, Salinas; Pnok Allen, Grass Valley; Geo. O, Tndc, Aicaia; Sin Kego B. P. Co., Sui ^me* B. Faiis & Sm, Ssn ~' " - tar&8da,Bed- noBOi IC. H. Garnet. Visalia: M. D. Ndtd. VoUejo, Port Costa, Benicia. Martinez, Cordelia and Stlb)-: Ventura B. P. Co., Ventura; F. I.. Grace, Madera; J. E. Lewis, San I.ilts Obispo; Ni^r John. Crescent City: Chas. Clenford, Monleity; S. R. Jenkins, Km- Suttk Bmb; MiBner & Crmn, Bakcn- ■«K flald; R. lIGBirim, Watssnille; A. d to Mathews, Enrdw S L. Hooaoti, Hay- daft iOrlialtaip^nmit of OienwBtber- Mffitt la tbaAHodatadaU Tiatt iw !>■ s Jci a liu tt awd.^-gfactih gnn i.ort mil to order by President-^ filed. The secreta^ 1 make Botable reply. : . ^ The next im portant matter takaK^Mp^ was the apphcaUoii for a charter fcrOnT-- CaHfomia Bill E - . - - the Associated Bill Pi took' plac the honor was bestowed ■ Sebe, the piesidenl. owing were vtaUora who are taking ' dHiddeistioa the advisaUIi^ o^ D. W. Coylc, of Faaadena, nude oppli- The election oi cation to have his certificate changed ami the following u> aiade out in the name of the Pasadena lion : Mil Posting Company, as he had incor- Geor;^e H. Si porated such company. The application yaa, n^cci^-cd. ported b}'the GeorjT; H, Siebe. president: M. D. Neild, vice-president; John W. ^^^0, The Board of Arbitration—a ot four—was then taken up, and the fei- |*Wat'^^»t ' The secretary was also instneted cammunicate with ~ ~ Ore., and inform had a member in that place, viz., B. L. The secretaiy redacted that Messrs. Owens & Vamey e atett i M an invitation . to the associuicm to attend a banquet to be served at the adjonnunent ot the asso- datioB. A vote ot thanks was tendered to these, gentlemen for the same, as we'l as for the me of their <Accs tor the meet- ing of the aMoriWion. The cmmmMoa M be ptid to Owens & Vamey, Ok. antlwriMd Pacific Coast agents of ttw'aModatka, on the part of nnattacbed bi I pi join the asaooat After other n adjour cheers for-thaiflMMirar dw.C Bill Postern' 'AModalkn. to Hay isthj'^ 1893. In nodgrt nkin g to keep Messrs .Siebe and Green oat of the A. B. P. Mr. Stehl^': btodt has laid out a whole lot of wmk fo^' They-- t.and> obtaining the Sao - not, will keep him at have already, got in fa COB- have set their hearts on . J. H. Sattvon, Secretary, L« Angdea; tkii^ (Ir HndNtoy ud Heix. of WoodlaDd., nM^abbwcd a ante on hand, after ail bilk bad be^ Pirfd. of (33.60. Till- ({uestion of affiliating with tlie As- so.i Rill Posters' ot the United States "lid C.iti^ida, which had been laid over from lilt meeting 0( January and again lai'l •■icr from the - meeting ot July, was tlttu iinaiented lij the pnaident tor con- ^^iliiiii. The matter was discussed at •wj!'!', ana a gnat nMt^.qoestioiis asked .m IW secretaiy, who had visited the Eoat « 'jniiig 111 the interests of the associa. .As Ihe discussion proceeded, the . lentuMni jrf affiliation liecame stronger ,..«nd K.iuiiger, and when the question was J~".- I>iil, it was voted unanimously to ta*n--i. .ih» aeeretaiy to forward the ap- pliCTi.rn to npsddett O'Meilla, of the A»<>- '.:.tnl BQl PMIen-Alndatfani, and tD"> ■'™t<^cgi^:tlwactiM»'«(aarBB- Joba Tunwr, G. IL Brash, A. Gordoo, After the race hnrincsB was taken op. After cnsaion, it was dedded to make the inida- tion tee $i and the The chair appcnnted the toltowins c mitlee on constitution and by-laws, ordered them to report at the ing, via : J. Chas. Green, C. A- Edler, D. A. Murphy, JuUaa " The matter U prices lip. and the (tdhnrinff Population from 1 ,otj to iO.ocD, 5c per sheet; 20.oo> to 40,000, 6c per sheet; 40,G0> to 63-000, 7c per sheet; 60,000 to 100,000. gc per sheet; 100,000 and np. '■■^p'a^tete Btiont the ^^r. Ind beat act'^U^' with Sobe and Gieen. Thn cotfIA MBr'. < er together the remnante <a awK^. ''! Schaefer orgamalion and have a taM^ ■ Stahlhrodt's holiday supplement [itacc : Stahlbrodt right in the lop central panel, and puts the piesldcot, Mr, O'Mealia, in an obscure lower position—thns showing Ur. Stablhrodt's idea of the lelative im- ponanca of the two men. .,, .jA^.,: The G. G. Green Co. mvariaUj.-^ to Steinbretiner regarding anjF Jii untried distributors, the Intematmnal A