The billboard (Feb 1898)

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26' NEW YORK. TRACY STILL AT THE HEAD. Very Few Chang" h < Officers. be fair will beheld this year dur- ing the week. beginning August 19. This was decided at the annual me of the New York Slate Agricultural ety, held at Albany, January 19. The THE BILLBOARD Wisconsin State Fair. Temporary organization was effected on January 6, at Madison, Wis., by ihe new Agricultural Board created by the last Legislature, and it was decided to hold a State Fair this year, even though the old Agricultural Society also holds one. It is hoped to secure the grounds in Milwaukee HERE AND THERE. . George Folk, Hie bill poster, fell Satur- day evening at Ihe corner of Fourth and State streets and suffered a compound fracture of the left leg. He was attended A BOY AND "EOB-ls HAPPY. The Editor of "The BUI Poster" ted wOh . brwd Son and Heir. new buildings will be erected. The officers of the society elected for the ensuing year are: President—Gen. Benjamin F. Tracy, of Brooklyn. Vice-presidents—First judicial district, Hamilton Busby, of New York; second. R- Weed, Potsdam: fifth. CoL A. C. Chase, " "1, Dr. C. B. Barney, of New Milford; seventh, S. D. Willard, of Geneva; eighth, Hiram P. Hopkins, of ling secretary — James B. Docbarty, of Albany. Recording secretary—Fred C. Shraub, of Lowville. Treasurer—W. Judson Smith, of Syra- Cblerruui, of HorneUsville. HON. R. W. FURNAS. The State Board of Agriculture held its annual meeting in Augusta January 19 and To. B. Walker McKeen was re- Trie State Board of Agriculture closed its annual meeting at Springfield on Jan- uary 6, after fixing the date and revising Pair!" The fair will be held September 36 to October i, inclusive, and £45,000 in cash premiums will be paid to exhibitors, (10,000 of which is to be awarded in the speed ring. The Board adopted a resolution to pay 66J3 per cent, of the indebtedness and premiums oE the recent horse show in Chicago, and hold the balance pending the result of the litigation between the Board and the local management. A res- olution was also adopted barring Graham Successful Advertising. Is the one tliat pays the advertiser best (ban his. Governor Furuns was born on a farm near Troy, Miami county, Ohio. May 5, 1S14- His parents were both Quakers from England. At the age Of sixteen he learned the printer's trade at Covington, Ky. He was married in Cin- cinnati, O., in 1S45, to M and of tl at Troy. O. In iHj6 be went to Bi ville, Neb., . Fie was a member of the Coun- ritorial Legislature :86t he was commissioned by Presi- Lincoln colonel in the regular army, and organized and commanded a brigade of tliree regiments of Indiana. He served in the war of the borders in Southern Missouri, Kansas and Indian Territory. Resigning from the regular service, he Nebraska with a on billboards, s who plans and directs distributing that pays best. The man who simply walks around here and there scattering advertis- ing matter is not a distributor, although bring the best possible results. If you miss once, don't get faint hearted, but ask some one who has had more expe- Fro be on help each other, so far as I have found appointed agent of t and Winnebago Indians. In 1871 he was elected governor of Nebraska. He liss been president and also secretary of the State Board of Agriculture since its first organization. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows' orders. His home is in Brown ville, where he is en- gaged extensively in raising fruit and forest trees. Mr. Furnas is an enthusiast on every- thing appertaining to fain, and is recog- nized as an authority throughout the en- tire country. inscribed cup, to be known as. the "Illi- nois Board of Agriculture 'Challenge Cup," to be presented to the "legal win- ner of the Chicago horse show of 1897." has some definite idea of results he is liable to get from any section that he cov- ers with his advertising matter. It is rumored that n prominent firm of advertisers will shortly file charges against the L A. of D. member at Jackson, Mich. This is a surprise. The distributor at that point has always been considered