Billboard advertising (June 1899)

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THE BILLBOARD PAULDING. O.—Paulding; Count, Aa-n, rai Society. Sept s ion. Df. /.La pres.; W. li. Jacloun. inu; Can E richwood, o —Tri-conntr Fair. Oct RIPLEY. O.—Ripley. Ohio. F«lr Co. A to Sept L a. P. Vounj. pro.; B. T. SPRINGFIELD. 6.—Clarke County Agrl. Agricultural Society. Oct Itit C. D- aM^."**" K ~- trM: " <w H- f- Wiieon, trn*.: J. W. WAPAKONKTA. 0 —Atmlalae Count? Agrt- WE3TERVIU,E. O —'. 'WEST UNION". O —A tur*I society. Sept WOORSFISLD, O—Mound County Agrlcul- tart aJlll l At p Aug.^tq 31. W. C. Moon- WOOSTER. S£xfcm Cotu>r£ Agricultural XEN1A?'o"^Creene Co TOUNGSTOWN. O.—1 OKLAHOMA. I'KsKIYr.VANIA. bdrc'etSStowm. pa.— ;y Aarlcu ValnUae Sona-am. ti Society. Sept. Sfl to 9. AasocUtlon.^ Sept's TEXAS. Driving Pa'rL ItEADl 5 Nli. 'I JSSL June "ill Hoa-aid VICTORIA. TBS.— Sol ral and Mfn. S...-i,.i r _ ' .: SepHmua w. Sean, oeci VBRMOBT. N0RTHFI6LD. VT.—DDK River Vall.y Pole Aiwclallon. Sept 19 10 22. J. B mil. on—S.pI a'«-<St~li:-W S"w™ Pb iS™ ;! MO ™"- '™ 1 W W: t , X 2 a„ouo. ™, w. wmjjjja *yj-g- c--g n A«,, LUl ,u SHELDON JUNCTION. VT.—Frank I Id Conn, ty Fair. An«. JO to Sept. 1. A. S. Rkh. ■rdann. prea.: Oeo. P. Twlgg. at. m,,,.. Jorman, Iroan.; trea...: f. A- Oliver. North Sheldon sen' Antonio Inter MImhI cl>' s7't*»"to ,, ' ta £taMHM Steim. MM.9 W. A. TipllV^aa*.- i. San Antonio. s. Hirrlman, iecy. — *3S THE RIPLEY (OHIO) FAIR. STROUDSBURO. PA.—Han' [] Society. Sept » E 7 J. Ayaro, MORRIsVlLi,E. V WE UMHISH.L ALL W mUTim. Hill Binlnee* Curd* Hnvetopc*. Letter. Bill HJU^rjds. I^Mj^ „ ct.^a ra. noslpslJ. Sept. 1! lo :. E. Van Sept M to n. 1899—CANADA'S GREAT AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL—1899 EXPOSITION AND FAIR TORONTO, AUGUST 28th TO SEPTEMBER 9th. . Mechanl ^hnnlcsburg. Society". Sept. 16 U S _. . . Adajnaburg. P™.: at p. Shi UmatburR, treaa.: W. H. o a eg on. BAKER CTTT. ORB.—Flrat Eastern Oregon District l«>»mi»l Association. Sept 25 ^awturl« s Valley Agri- Rleer Point"™.; F. J. Sa °Ar«l"''Bo P,I H l " ,r ™" ; jBb11 L ' SOUTH CAROLINA iHBon. pres.; J. L. Stoddard. sou piTdakota 2/earj... ...of jfye. In a Wonderful Scientific Rawing Exhibition, especially adapted for Fairs. She carries her own tank, 60 feet by 20 feet. j* j* J* Jt For Term-, &c, address « Capt. ffho*. J. Q. Tffe/er, Cin'ti, 0. tr««t R'v munnHerH. Parkai, Ooa !. Piatt, ciark". treaa.:' Walter Clark D. Eckels, pres.: H. w. CanBotd. treaa.; Albert S. Faher. aery. CARLISLE. PA.-AgricnltqnU Aaaodatlou of Cumberland County. Sept SS to ». 1699. C^j. H. Mu^Illu. pre*.; John Slock, treaa.; CARROIXTON. PA^awUHa Co | Prof. I1.N. Holway's Water Show and Fireworks Co. Hepcrtorv ol V rod ul: lions. comprlslai "Dewey'* Victory." "Blowiag lip of Ike Maine." For ClrcaUn and Terns aUreu CHELSEA. MASS '. — Street Fairs! Pleasure Resorts! Electric Parks!; Expositions! etc. etc. j ■ Bostock and Ferrari | Have returnerl from their extended European trip, and are now open to transact business j Managers and Presidents of the above for The Only Trained Wild Animal Exhibitions! h the : te for ; /.Mo. | BUCJ In America, all strictly European. Larger, better and more interesting than ever, with Ihe I;:;:: Elaborate Front Entrance, Monster Orchestrions, and all and everyuung requisite (or V ations to THE ZOO, Kansas City, Mo. • IT PAYS TO PLEASE THE PUBLIC. : So get THAT that recommends, and thereby avoid FAKES.