The billboard (July 1899)

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THE BHiBOARD EVERYBODY Knowi "$^01 "V. Ho&e FcMtm." They ue f ,000 chics, towns and villages, and arc the EVERYBOBY Kn wnttrt fuftVt^HiAs parti palni tfw^w rt aJwrllMf abofaldirlfiic feat mivIh e*ufwfcM*i EVERYB0BY Ainctica,aad t&at hcgfvc* the «aiitfario& Mbwuling ihooU have fern W.Hoks fntfM* iW Fortc^fey all flMMttbmtMBV.IUcattndteacUlpiMlins. / J EVERYBOBY Has not 7ct Warded that fam W. Hofce also makes PRJNT-PAINTED Oil doth and Muslin Signs. But he does, and they are the same tush sradc as his posters, the best ever. Ther are printed with paint and a^ reall? paiatcd signs in ercry respect but the price. Samples and prices will be sent to anyone on application. AU sizes, from 4x20 inches at Ic each, to 40x60 inches at 30c each, all in gorgeous colon. A VERY POPULAR SIZE is 12x36 inches at 7c each, in lots of not less than SOO. THE MANyPACTURER in no matter what line, who does not use $am W. Hok^c Signs and Posters, is apt to get behind in the procession. The people today who are getting rich are the ones who are using the $am W.Hoke Posters and the $am T. HoIk OddottI^-Paintcd ANY BILLPOSTER will tack these signs for you at reasonable prices, or if you do not wish to be bothered with attending to the tacking, $amW. Hoke will take contract to attend to that part of the work also—- and if he takes the contract to do It, it will be done right, or you wtQ not be expected to pay foe it. VOIR ORDERS ARE SOLICITED. WRITE TODAY. amWHohe LONG.. DISTANCE. BILLPOSTER QUICK TIME POSTEIi MAKER. 255 Fifth Ave. (28* St.)