Billboard advertising (Sept 1899)

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'fHkBiii66AR5; THE DONALDSON LITHOGRAPHING CO. ■AIN OFFICE AND FACTORIES: BRANCH OFFICE: HBWPORT. KENTUCKY. ^WZ-"^ CINCINNATI. OHIO* pg3j£||3 j||£ mmiQi^, i^^sw^ |-..Siuu*S-*MSfrnTf r4MritnS,rmniMS,NWlCTS.Cn.MIWnilll^ liiiiimwliwiw STOCK OR SYNDICATED SP8CUL ramtS. p«lmtt«dK Asrl>c^i-A«rai^ NEW FALL SHOW POSTERS. CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW. I- ch.—T.f.Halakld-WlntaaliM.tcolBn. sffiS'.asasJS"" BENCH SHOW. POULTRY SHOW. Kg.ltU.—T.C WtMh MM lMI *WI.4«plBB PURE FOOD SHOW. Ko. HS^T C Kmtm^imi Wksic iihccl. uf iro¥oiirdiiro¥o¥oi Our Christmas Posters this year will lie the handsomest in the market. We will have the largest assortment and the catchiest designs. The samples will be ready tor delivery September 15. =s WRITE NOW.=== > > ncjr are Hir s«M to ne flrai It a towa. * * □ t0ll[0ll[0lO[0lir0ll^ NOTE.- Oar muuBotfa fartnflci. and main s&a an located ia Newport, Ky.r wbkh 1* a lubuib A CfaidaiMtfe O., jott twelve mlaala Inm Kfootaia Sfun by IralUy. Take IIm Foft Thoouu cats- TKiT|Milk.*>or. lULaMMtd toMrCtod^OBka fa fa wwiliJ to fW fert. TwcM MMMar W aUMriic^ali' wiMiwInHiM l> Jl Jljl ^ 41 « ji Jl dl Jl ^l.^'Jl iiirDonaldsentitiCp^ NEWPORT. KY. ' FALL POSTERS IRETAILBB. STOVES. COAL DEALER. ^forflSBl utart^^l lDolMJll«a Bfor jjB ijufoc 7S0 -~— —— : FALL OLOTHINO. Bill Posters' Paste Crashes. Tbt Mtl piadkal Bmk MM. C iif i r rt rrt iriii rtrf tmrmm. , hvnn'd LigM WilcM BiMk. ' VERY STRONfl. WITH SAFETY SCREWS Quaker City. 9-inch, $H.oo per dram, fi-So Eicelsior. 9-iiidi. foaoo per dtsen, (3.00 each. No. I. Royal. 9-mch, tii.oo per dozen, cachl No. 1, Royal, 9-inch, 11700 per doieu,'each. No. i, Royal, 9-iiich, ijo.00 per dozen,'f3.oo each. - 3-foot Curved Handlea, go ceDts each. ELDER & JEINKS, III iHiii nt Si, nynMpiiai'h.. u. s. >. Publicity laOi*tuuB*or Hie popidirBaiF- ' -liah-Uoatbly HagaiiiH . wUdi sncdnctty places before its read- ers rull and latest paitinilara.of what cute-advertisers are doing ' in «11 parts of the world.' AltE clcson advertiranK ni Is, dU- diaplaya and all ■' , Britain. America, Canada. India, Anstralia and New Zesland. 50 CEMTa YKABLY. MOMSON-S ADVERTISING AGENCY ; BDbL, KtSUWD.' a lla LCUHHIIII W aaai'.vmamairi.MBOaTOn.iiuaa. SSSXvMmtmjm.SXl^S'iMtt.